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Implement overlap_typ for anti-unification
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f52985 committed Apr 8, 2024
1 parent 5d34c4a commit 3b318ea
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83 changes: 50 additions & 33 deletions spectec/src/il2al/
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Expand Up @@ -107,66 +107,72 @@ let _unified_idx = ref 0
let init_unified_idx () = _unified_idx := 0
let get_unified_idx () = let i = !_unified_idx in _unified_idx := (i+1); i
let gen_new_unified ty = (type_to_id ty) ^ "_" ^ unified_prefix ^ (string_of_int (get_unified_idx())) $ no_region
let to_iter e iterexp = IterE (e, iterexp)
let is_unified_id id = String.split_on_char '_' id |> Util.Lib.List.last |> String.starts_with ~prefix:unified_prefix

let rec overlap e1 e2 = if eq_exp e1 e2 then e1 else
let it =
match, with
| VarE id, _
| IterE ({ it = VarE id; _}, _) , _
when is_unified_id ->
let replace_it it = { e1 with it = it } in
match, with
(* Already unified *)
| VarE id, _ when is_unified_id ->
| IterE ({ it = VarE id; _} as e, (iter, _)), _ when is_unified_id ->
let t = overlap_typ e1.note e2.note in
let i = (iter, [(id, t)]) in
{ e1 with it = IterE (e, i); note = t }
(* Not unified *)
| UnE (unop1, e1), UnE (unop2, e2) when unop1 = unop2 ->
UnE (unop1, overlap e1 e2)
UnE (unop1, overlap e1 e2) |> replace_it
| BinE (binop1, e1, e1'), BinE (binop2, e2, e2') when binop1 = binop2 ->
BinE (binop1, overlap e1 e2, overlap e1' e2')
BinE (binop1, overlap e1 e2, overlap e1' e2') |> replace_it
| CmpE (cmpop1, e1, e1'), CmpE (cmpop2, e2, e2') when cmpop1 = cmpop2 ->
CmpE (cmpop1, overlap e1 e2, overlap e1' e2')
CmpE (cmpop1, overlap e1 e2, overlap e1' e2') |> replace_it
| IdxE (e1, e1'), IdxE (e2, e2') ->
IdxE (overlap e1 e2, overlap e1' e2')
IdxE (overlap e1 e2, overlap e1' e2') |> replace_it
| SliceE (e1, e1', e1''), SliceE (e2, e2', e2'') ->
SliceE (overlap e1 e2, overlap e1' e2', overlap e1'' e2'')
SliceE (overlap e1 e2, overlap e1' e2', overlap e1'' e2'') |> replace_it
| UpdE (e1, path1, e1'), UpdE (e2, path2, e2') when eq_path path1 path2 ->
UpdE (overlap e1 e2, path1, overlap e1' e2')
UpdE (overlap e1 e2, path1, overlap e1' e2') |> replace_it
| ExtE (e1, path1, e1'), ExtE (e2, path2, e2') when eq_path path1 path2 ->
ExtE (overlap e1 e2, path1, overlap e1' e2')
ExtE (overlap e1 e2, path1, overlap e1' e2') |> replace_it
| StrE efs1, StrE efs2 when fst efs1 = fst efs2 ->
StrE (List.map2 (fun (a1, e1) (_, e2) -> (a1, overlap e1 e2)) efs1 efs2)
StrE (List.map2 (fun (a1, e1) (_, e2) -> (a1, overlap e1 e2)) efs1 efs2) |> replace_it
| DotE (e1, atom1), DotE (e2, atom2) when eq_atom atom1 atom2 ->
DotE (overlap e1 e2, atom1)
DotE (overlap e1 e2, atom1) |> replace_it
| CompE (e1, e1'), CompE (e2, e2') ->
CompE (overlap e1 e2, overlap e1' e2')
CompE (overlap e1 e2, overlap e1' e2') |> replace_it
| LenE e1, LenE e2 ->
LenE (overlap e1 e2)
LenE (overlap e1 e2) |> replace_it
| TupE es1, TupE es2 when List.length es1 = List.length es2 ->
TupE (List.map2 overlap es1 es2)
TupE (List.map2 overlap es1 es2) |> replace_it
| CallE (id1, as1), CallE (id2, as2) when eq_id id1 id2 ->
CallE (id1, List.map2 overlap_arg as1 as2)
CallE (id1, List.map2 overlap_arg as1 as2) |> replace_it
| IterE (e1, itere1), IterE (e2, itere2) when eq_iterexp itere1 itere2 ->
IterE (overlap e1 e2, itere1)
IterE (overlap e1 e2, itere1) |> replace_it
| ProjE (e1, i1), ProjE (e2, i2) when i1 = i2 ->
ProjE (overlap e1 e2, i1)
ProjE (overlap e1 e2, i1) |> replace_it
| UncaseE (e1, op1), UncaseE (e2, op2) when eq_mixop op1 op2 ->
UncaseE (overlap e1 e2, op1)
UncaseE (overlap e1 e2, op1) |> replace_it
| OptE (Some e1), OptE (Some e2) ->
OptE (Some (overlap e1 e2))
OptE (Some (overlap e1 e2)) |> replace_it
| TheE e1, TheE e2 ->
TheE (overlap e1 e2)
TheE (overlap e1 e2) |> replace_it
| ListE es1, ListE es2 when List.length es1 = List.length es2 ->
ListE (List.map2 overlap es1 es2)
ListE (List.map2 overlap es1 es2) |> replace_it
| CatE (e1, e1'), CatE (e2, e2') ->
CatE (overlap e1 e2, overlap e1' e2')
CatE (overlap e1 e2, overlap e1' e2') |> replace_it
| CaseE (mixop1, e1), CaseE (mixop2, e2) when eq_mixop mixop1 mixop2 ->
CaseE (mixop1, overlap e1 e2)
CaseE (mixop1, overlap e1 e2) |> replace_it
| SubE (e1, typ1, typ1'), SubE (e2, typ2, typ2') when eq_typ typ1 typ2 && eq_typ typ1' typ2' ->
SubE (overlap e1 e2, typ1, typ1')
SubE (overlap e1 e2, typ1, typ1') |> replace_it
| _ ->
let ty = e1.note in
let ty = overlap_typ e1.note e2.note in
let id = gen_new_unified ty in
match with
| IterT (ty, iter) -> to_iter (VarE id $$ no_region % ty) (iter, [(id, ty)])
| _ -> VarE id
in { e1 with it }
let it =
match with
| IterT (ty, iter) -> IterE (VarE id $$ no_region % ty, (iter, [(id, ty)]))
| _ -> VarE id
{ e1 with it = it; note = ty }

and overlap_arg a1 a2 = if eq_arg a1 a2 then a1 else
(match, with
Expand All @@ -175,6 +181,17 @@ and overlap_arg a1 a2 = if eq_arg a1 a2 then a1 else
| _, _ -> assert false
) $

and overlap_typ t1 t2 = if eq_typ t1 t2 then t1 else
(match, with
| VarT (id1, args1), VarT (id2, args2) when id1 = id2 ->
VarT (id1, List.map2 overlap_arg args1 args2)
| TupT ets1, TupT ets2 when List.for_all2 (fun (e1, _) (e2, _) -> eq_exp e1 e2) ets1 ets2 ->
TupT (List.map2 (fun (e1, t1) (_, t2) -> (e1, overlap_typ t1 t2)) ets1 ets2)
| IterT (t1, iter1), IterT (t2, iter2) when eq_iter iter1 iter2 ->
IterT (overlap_typ t1 t2, iter1)
| _ -> assert false (* Unreachable due to IL validation *)
) $

let pairwise_concat (a,b) (c,d) = (a@c, b@d)

let rec collect_unified template e = if eq_exp template e then [], [] else
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