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Merge branch 'al-eval'
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ShinWonho committed Sep 10, 2024
2 parents 2649dd3 + 1d04562 commit bf29760
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Showing 10 changed files with 469 additions and 76 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions spectec/src/al/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ type mixop = Il.Ast.mixop

(* Types *)

(* TODO: define AL type *)
type typ = Il.Ast.typ

(* Identifiers *)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion spectec/src/al/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
(name al)
(libraries util zarith il)
(modules ast al_util print walk free eq valid)
(modules ast al_util print walk free eq valid eval lang)
381 changes: 381 additions & 0 deletions spectec/src/al/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
open Ast
open Print
open Walk
open Util
open Source

module Subst = struct
include Map.Make(String)

let subst_exp s e =
let subst_exp' walker e =
match with
| VarE id when mem id s -> find id s
| _ -> base_walker.walk_expr walker e
let walker = {base_walker with walk_expr = subst_exp'} in
walker.walk_expr walker e

let rec get_subst lhs rhs s =
match, with
| VarE id, _ -> Subst.add id rhs s
| UnE (op1, e1), UnE (op2, e2) when op1 = op2 -> get_subst e1 e2 s
| OptE (Some e1), OptE (Some e2) | FrameE (None, e1), FrameE (None, e2) ->
get_subst e1 e2 s
| BinE (op1, e11, e12), BinE (op2, e21, e22) when op1 = op2 ->
s |> get_subst e11 e21 |> get_subst e12 e22
| CompE (e11, e12), CompE (e21, e22) | CatE (e11, e12), CatE (e21, e22)
| LabelE (e11, e12), LabelE (e21, e22) | FrameE (Some e11, e12), FrameE (Some e21, e22) ->
s |> get_subst e11 e21 |> get_subst e12 e22
| TupE el1, TupE el2 | ListE el1, ListE el2 ->
List.fold_right2 get_subst el1 el2 s
| CaseE (name1, el1), CaseE (name2, el2) when name1 = name2 ->
List.fold_right2 get_subst el1 el2 s
| StrE r1, StrE r2 ->
List.fold_left (fun acc (k, e) -> get_subst !e (Record.find k r2) acc) s r1
| IterE _, _ -> (* TODO *) s
| _, _ when Eq.eq_expr lhs rhs -> s
| _ -> assert (false)

let get_subst_arg param arg s =
match, with
| ExpA e1, ExpA e2 -> get_subst e1 e2 s
| _ -> s

let ($>) it e = {e with it}

let as_opt_exp e =
match with
| OptE eo -> eo
| _ -> failwith "as_opt_exp"

let as_list_exp e =
match with
| ListE es -> es
| _ -> failwith "as_list_exp"

let is_head_normal_exp e =
match with
| BoolE _ | NumE _ | UnE (MinusOp, {it = NumE _; _}) | SubE _
| OptE _ | ListE _ | TupE _ | CaseE _ | StrE _-> true
| _ -> false

let rec is_normal_exp e =
match with
| BoolE _ | NumE _ | UnE (MinusOp, {it = NumE _; _}) | SubE _ -> true
| ListE es | TupE es | CaseE (_, es) -> List.for_all is_normal_exp es
| OptE None -> true
| OptE (Some e) -> is_normal_exp e
| StrE efs -> List.for_all (fun (_, e) -> is_normal_exp !e) efs
| _ -> false

let rec reduce_exp s e : expr =
Debug_log.(log "al.reduce_exp"
(fun _ -> fmt "%s" (string_of_expr e))
(fun e' -> fmt "%s" (string_of_expr e'))
) @@ fun _ ->
match with
| VarE _ | BoolE _ | NumE _ -> e
| UnE (op, e1) ->
let e1' = reduce_exp s e1 in
(match op, e1'.it with
| NotOp, BoolE b -> BoolE (not b) $> e
| NotOp, UnE (NotOp, e11) -> e11
| MinusOp, UnE (MinusOp, e11) -> e11
| _ -> UnE (op, e1') $> e
| BinE (op, e1, e2) ->
let e1' = reduce_exp s e1 in
let e2' = reduce_exp s e2 in
(match op, e1'.it, e2'.it with
| AndOp, BoolE true, _ -> e2'
| AndOp, BoolE false, _ -> e1'
| AndOp, _, BoolE true -> e1'
| AndOp, _, BoolE false -> e2'
| OrOp, BoolE true, _ -> e1'
| OrOp, BoolE false, _ -> e2'
| OrOp, _, BoolE true -> e2'
| OrOp, _, BoolE false -> e1'
| ImplOp, BoolE b1, BoolE b2 -> BoolE (not b1 || b2) $> e
| ImplOp, BoolE true, _ -> e2'
| ImplOp, BoolE false, _ -> BoolE true $> e
| ImplOp, _, BoolE true -> e2'
| ImplOp, _, BoolE false -> UnE (NotOp, e1') $> e
| EquivOp, BoolE b1, BoolE b2 -> BoolE (b1 = b2) $> e
| EquivOp, BoolE true, _ -> e2'
| EquivOp, BoolE false, _ -> UnE (NotOp, e2') $> e
| EquivOp, _, BoolE true -> e1'
| EquivOp, _, BoolE false -> UnE (NotOp, e1') $> e
| AddOp, NumE n1, NumE n2 -> NumE Z.(n1 + n2) $> e
| AddOp, NumE z0, _ when z0 = -> e2'
| AddOp, _, NumE z0 when z0 = -> e1'
| SubOp, NumE n1, NumE n2 when n1 >= n2 -> NumE Z.(n1 - n2) $> e
| SubOp, NumE z0, _ when z0 = -> UnE (MinusOp, e2') $> e
| SubOp, _, NumE z0 when z0 = -> e1'
| MulOp, NumE n1, NumE n2 -> NumE Z.(n1 * n2) $> e
| MulOp, NumE z1, _ when z1 = -> e2'
| MulOp, _, NumE z1 when z1 = -> e1'
| DivOp, NumE n1, NumE n2 when Z.(n2 <> zero && rem n1 n2 = zero) -> NumE Z.(n1 / n2) $> e
| DivOp, NumE z0, _ when z0 = -> e1'
| DivOp, _, NumE z1 when z1 = -> e1'
| ModOp, NumE n1, NumE n2 -> NumE Z.(rem n1 n2) $> e
| ModOp, NumE z0, _ when z0 = -> e1'
| ModOp, _, NumE z1 when z1 = -> NumE $> e
| ExpOp, NumE n1, NumE n2 when n2 >= -> NumE Z.(n1 ** to_int n2) $> e
| ExpOp, NumE z01, _ when z01 = || z01 = -> e1'
| ExpOp, _, NumE z0 when z0 = -> NumE $> e
| ExpOp, _, NumE z1 when z1 = -> e1'
| EqOp, _, _ when Eq.eq_expr e1' e2' -> BoolE true $> e
| EqOp, _, _ when is_normal_exp e1' && is_normal_exp e2' -> BoolE false $> e
| NeOp, _, _ when Eq.eq_expr e1' e2' -> BoolE false $> e
| NeOp, _, _ when is_normal_exp e1' && is_normal_exp e2' -> BoolE true $> e
| LtOp, NumE n1, NumE n2 -> BoolE (n1 < n2) $> e
| LtOp, UnE (MinusOp, {it = NumE n1; _}), UnE (MinusOp, {it = NumE n2; _}) -> BoolE (n2 < n1) $> e
| LtOp, UnE (MinusOp, {it = NumE _; _}), NumE _ -> BoolE true $> e
| LtOp, NumE _, UnE (MinusOp, {it = NumE _; _}) -> BoolE false $> e
| GtOp, NumE n1, NumE n2 -> BoolE (n1 > n2) $> e
| GtOp, UnE (MinusOp, {it = NumE n1; _}), UnE (MinusOp, {it = NumE n2; _}) -> BoolE (n2 > n1) $> e
| GtOp, UnE (MinusOp, {it = NumE _; _}), NumE _ -> BoolE false $> e
| GtOp, NumE _, UnE (MinusOp, {it = NumE _; _}) -> BoolE true $> e
| LeOp, NumE n1, NumE n2 -> BoolE (n1 <= n2) $> e
| LeOp, UnE (MinusOp, {it = NumE n1; _}), UnE (MinusOp, {it = NumE n2; _}) -> BoolE (n2 <= n1) $> e
| LeOp, UnE (MinusOp, {it = NumE _; _}), NumE _ -> BoolE true $> e
| LeOp, NumE _, UnE (MinusOp, {it = NumE _; _}) -> BoolE false $> e
| GeOp, NumE n1, NumE n2 -> BoolE (n1 >= n2) $> e
| GeOp, UnE (MinusOp, {it = NumE n1; _}), UnE (MinusOp, {it = NumE n2; _}) -> BoolE (n2 >= n1) $> e
| GeOp, UnE (MinusOp, {it = NumE _; _}), NumE _ -> BoolE false $> e
| GeOp, NumE _, UnE (MinusOp, {it = NumE _; _}) -> BoolE true $> e
| _ -> BinE (op, e1', e2') $> e
| AccE (e1, p) ->
(match with
| IdxP e2 ->
let e1' = reduce_exp s e1 in
let e2' = reduce_exp s e2 in
(match e1'.it, e2'.it with
| ListE es, NumE i when i < Z.of_int (List.length es) -> List.nth es (Z.to_int i)
| _ -> AccE (e1', IdxP e2' $ $> e
| SliceP (e2, e3) ->
let e1' = reduce_exp s e1 in
let e2' = reduce_exp s e2 in
let e3' = reduce_exp s e3 in
(match e1'.it, e2'.it, e3'.it with
| ListE es, NumE i, NumE n when Z.(i + n) < Z.of_int (List.length es) ->
ListE (Lib.List.take (Z.to_int n) (Lib.List.drop (Z.to_int i) es))
| _ -> AccE (e1', SliceP (e2', e3') $
) $> e
| DotP atom ->
let e1' = reduce_exp s e1 in
(match e1'.it with
| StrE efs -> !(snd (List.find (fun (atomN, _) -> El.Atom.eq atomN atom) efs))
| _ -> AccE (e1', DotP atom $ $> e
| UpdE (e1, p, e2) ->
let e1' = reduce_exp s e1 in
let e2' = reduce_exp s e2 in
reduce_path s e1' p
(fun e' ps -> if ps = [] then e2' else UpdE (e', ps, e2') $> e')
| ExtE (_e1, _p, _e2, _dir) -> e
let e1' = reduce_exp s e1 in
let e2' = reduce_exp s e2 in
reduce_path s e1' p
(fun e' p' ->
if p'.it = RootP
then reduce_exp s (CatE (e', e2') $> e')
else ExtE (e', p', e2') $> e'
| StrE efs -> StrE ( (reduce_expfield s) efs) $> e
| CompE (e1, e2) ->
(* TODO(4, rossberg): avoid overlap with CatE? *)
let e1' = reduce_exp s e1 in
let e2' = reduce_exp s e2 in
(match e1'.it, e2'.it with
| ListE es1, ListE es2 -> ListE (es1 @ es2)
| OptE None, OptE _ -> e2'.it
| OptE _, OptE None -> e1'.it
| StrE efs1, StrE efs2 ->
let merge (atom1, e1) (atom2, e2) =
assert (El.Atom.eq atom1 atom2);
(atom1, ref (reduce_exp s (CompE (!e1, !e2) $> !e1)))
in StrE (List.map2 merge efs1 efs2)
| _ -> CompE (e1', e2')
) $> e
| MemE (e1, e2) ->
let e1' = reduce_exp s e1 in
let e2' = reduce_exp s e2 in
(match e2'.it with
| OptE None -> BoolE false
| OptE (Some e2') when Eq.eq_expr e1' e2' -> BoolE true
| OptE (Some e2') when is_normal_exp e1' && is_normal_exp e2' -> BoolE false
| ListE [] -> BoolE false
| ListE es2' when List.exists (Eq.eq_expr e1') es2' -> BoolE true
| ListE es2' when is_normal_exp e1' && List.for_all is_normal_exp es2' -> BoolE false
| _ -> MemE (e1', e2')
) $> e
| LenE e1 ->
let e1' = reduce_exp s e1 in
(match e1'.it with
| ListE es -> NumE (Z.of_int (List.length es))
| _ -> LenE e1'
) $> e
| TupE es -> TupE ( (reduce_exp s) es) $> e
| CallE (id, args) ->
let args' = (reduce_arg s) args in
(match reduce_call id args' with
| None -> CallE (id, args') $> e
| Some e -> e
| IterE (e1, iterexp) ->
let e1' = reduce_exp s e1 in
let (iter', xes') as iterexp' = reduce_iterexp s iterexp in
let ids, es' = List.split xes' in
if not (List.for_all is_head_normal_exp es') || iter' <= List1 && es' = [] then
IterE (e1', iterexp') $> e
(match iter' with
| Opt ->
let eos' = as_opt_exp es' in
if List.for_all Option.is_none eos' then
OptE None $> e
else if List.for_all Option.is_some eos' then
let es1' = Option.get eos' in
let s = List.fold_right2 Subst.add ids es1' Subst.empty in
reduce_exp s (Subst.subst_exp s e1')
IterE (e1', iterexp') $> e
| List | List1 ->
let n = List.length (as_list_exp (List.hd es')) in
if iter' = List || n >= 1 then
let en = NumE (Z.of_int n) $$ % (Il.Ast.NumT NatT $ in
reduce_exp s (IterE (e1', (ListN (en, None), xes')) $> e)
IterE (e1', iterexp') $> e
| ListN ({it = NumE n'; _}, ido) ->
let ess' = as_list_exp es' in
let ns = List.length ess' in
let n = Z.to_int n' in
if List.for_all ((=) n) ns then
(TupE (List.init n (fun i ->
let esI' = (fun es -> List.nth es i) ess' in
let s = List.fold_right2 Subst.add ids esI' Subst.empty in
let s' =
Option.fold ido ~none:s ~some:(fun id ->
let en = NumE (Z.of_int i) $$ no_region % (Il.Ast.NumT NatT $ no_region) in
Subst.add id en s
in Subst.subst_exp s' e1'
)) $> e) |> reduce_exp s
IterE (e1', iterexp') $> e
| ListN _ ->
IterE (e1', iterexp') $> e
| OptE eo -> OptE ( (reduce_exp s) eo) $> e
| ListE es -> ListE ( (reduce_exp s) es) $> e
| CatE (e1, e2) ->
let e1' = reduce_exp s e1 in
let e2' = reduce_exp s e2 in
(match e1'.it, e2'.it with
| ListE es1, ListE es2 -> ListE (es1 @ es2)
| OptE None, OptE _ -> e2'.it
| OptE _, OptE None -> e1'.it
| _ -> CatE (e1', e2')
) $> e
| CaseE (op, es) -> CaseE (op, (reduce_exp s) es) $> e
| SubE _ -> e
| _ -> e

and reduce_iter s = function
| ListN (e, ido) -> ListN (reduce_exp s e, ido)
| iter -> iter

and reduce_iterexp s (iter, xes) =
(reduce_iter s iter, (fun (id, e) -> id, reduce_exp s e) xes)

and reduce_expfield s (atom, e) : (atom * expr ref) = (atom, ref (reduce_exp s !e))

and reduce_path s e p f =
match Lib.List.split_last_opt p with
| None -> f e []
| Some (ps, p') -> match p'.it with
| IdxP e1 ->
let e1' = reduce_exp s e1 in
let f' e' p1' =
match e'.it, e1'.it with
| ListE es, NumE i when i < Z.of_int (List.length es) ->
ListE (List.mapi (fun j eJ -> if Z.of_int j = i then f eJ p1' else eJ) es) $> e'
| _ ->
f e' (ps @ [IdxP (e1') $> p'])
reduce_path s e ps f'
| SliceP (e1, e2) ->
let e1' = reduce_exp s e1 in
let e2' = reduce_exp s e2 in
let f' e' p1' =
match e'.it, e1'.it, e2'.it with
| ListE es, NumE i, NumE n when Z.(i + n) < Z.of_int (List.length es) ->
let e1' = ListE Lib.List.(take (Z.to_int i) es) $> e' in
let e2' = ListE Lib.List.(take (Z.to_int n) (drop (Z.to_int i) es)) $> e' in
let e3' = ListE Lib.List.(drop Z.(to_int (i + n)) es) $> e' in
reduce_exp s (CatE (e1', CatE (f e2' p1', e3') $> e') $> e')
| _ ->
f e' (ps @ [SliceP (e1', e2') $> p'])
reduce_path s e ps f'
| DotP atom ->
let f' e' p1' =
match e'.it with
| StrE efs ->
StrE ( (fun (atomI, eI) ->
if El.Atom.eq atomI atom then (atomI, ref (f !eI p1')) else (atomI, eI)) efs) $> e'
| _ ->
f e' (ps @ [DotP (atom) $> p'])
reduce_path s e ps f'

and reduce_arg s a : arg =
Debug_log.(log "al.reduce_arg"
(fun _ -> fmt "%s" (string_of_arg a))
(fun a' -> fmt "%s" (string_of_arg a'))
) @@ fun _ ->
match with
| ExpA e -> ExpA (reduce_exp s e) $
| TypA _t -> a (* types are reduced on demand *)
| DefA _id -> a
(* | GramA _g -> a *)

and reduce_call id args : expr option =
let func_finder = fun al -> match with | FuncA (fname, _, _) -> fname = id | RuleA _ -> false in
match (List.find func_finder ! with
| FuncA (_, params, il) ->
let s = List.fold_right2 get_subst_arg params args Subst.empty in
reduce_instrs s il
| _ -> assert (false)

and reduce_instrs s : instr list -> expr option = function
| [] -> None
| instr :: t ->
match with
| ReturnI expr_opt -> (reduce_exp s) expr_opt
| LetI (expr1, expr2) ->
let new_s = get_subst expr1 expr2 s in
reduce_instrs new_s t
| IfI (expr, il1, il2) ->
(* TODO: consider iter *)
(match (reduce_exp s expr).it with
| BoolE true -> reduce_instrs s (il1@t)
| BoolE false -> reduce_instrs s (il2@t)
| _ -> None
(* Can have side effect *)
| EitherI _ | PerformI _ | ReplaceI _ | AppendI _ | FieldWiseAppendI _ -> None
(* Invalid instruction in FuncA *)
| EnterI _ | PushI _ | PopI _ | PopAllI _ | TrapI | ThrowI _
| ExecuteI _ | ExecuteSeqI _ | ExitI _ | OtherwiseI _ | YetI _ -> assert (false)
(* Nop *)
| (AssertI _ | NopI) -> reduce_instrs s t

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