Check for more information. Please note that this website is in Dutch.
Useful links for developers:
Download and install the Docker Toolbox.
Note that the docker projects have to be somewhere under your home directory in order to work (limitation for Mac and Windows).
Start a docker machine (docker quickstart icon).
Clone this repository to the directory of your choice (within your home directory). Mind that it should be cloned into the profiles/wim folder in order to work well.
git clone git:// profiles/wim
Go inside the folder in which you cloned this repository (where the docker-compose.yml file is).
Build and start the docker containers.
docker-compose up -d
This will build multiple containers (see the Dockerfile in docker_build/) and all the dependencies.
Add and to your /etc/hosts file based on the ip of the docker machine.
If necessary you can find the IP with this command on your host machine:
docker-machine ls
Run the install script on the docker web container.
Add include as second parameter to include local development settings to the settings.php file. Skip it if you don't want this.
docker exec -it wim_web bash /root/dev-scripts/install/ install include
Add develop as third parameter to install development modules from drupal-org-dev.make file.
docker exec -it wim_web bash /root/dev-scripts/install/ reinstall include develop
Add demo content. In order to remove demo content add remove parameter.
docker exec -it wim_web bash /root/dev-scripts/
Running into trouble?
wim_db port in use Edit the docker-compose.yml file in the root of the repo and change the database port mapping
to for example3309:3306
or another unused port.
If you want to see which containers are running:
docker ps
SSH into the container:
docker exec -it wim_web bash
Here you can use drush and drupal list.
If you want to re-install, use the install script with the reinstall parameter:
Add include as second parameter to include local development settings to the settings.php file. Skip it if you don't want this.
docker exec -it wim_web bash /root/dev-scripts/install/ reinstall include
If you want to check coding standards:
Add full as parameter if you want to see a detailed list of errors, skip it to see just a summary of files with issues.
docker exec -it wim_web bash /root/dev-scripts/ full
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