My gulp workflow, ready to go
Just use npm install to install dependencies, gulp watch to start the build and reload process
gulp and dependencies
- Uglify - UglifyJS is a JavaScript parser, minifier, compressor and beautifier toolkit.
- Autoprefixer - Gulp autoprefixer task
- Concat - Gulp task that concat css files into one file
- Livereload - A lightweight gulp plugin for livereload best used with the livereload chrome extension.
- Sass - Sass gulp plugin, has integrated minify and uglify method.
- Babel - Babel preset and all its dependencies(might be deprecated)...
- Image - Min - Gulp task that minify images. Has lossless method, or more radical ones. Best used with imageminPngquant & imageminJpegRecompress.
- Plumber - Gulp task that returns Stream, that fixes pipe methods on streams that are next in pipeline. Doesn't break gulp task, and reports error.
- Del - Gulp task that deletes unwanted files or directories. Best used in default task for enabling fresh start.
- Zip - Gulp task that zips wanted directory.
I use GIT for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Veljko Blagojevic - Initial work - Veljko
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Hat tip to Andrew Mead