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Added UP3 scheme to Coradv
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Wendazhang33 committed Nov 8, 2024
1 parent 656326e commit 6acea9f
Showing 1 changed file with 191 additions and 1 deletion.
192 changes: 191 additions & 1 deletion src/core/MOM_CoriolisAdv.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ module MOM_CoriolisAdv
integer :: KE_Scheme !< KE_SCHEME selects the discretization for
!! the kinetic energy. Valid values are:
integer :: UP3_limiter !! UP3 scheme selects the flux limiter. Valid values are: NONE, KOREN, SUPERBEE
integer :: PV_Adv_Scheme !< PV_ADV_SCHEME selects the discretization for PV advection
!! Valid values are:
!! - PV_ADV_CENTERED - centered (aka Sadourny, 75)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,20 +106,32 @@ module MOM_CoriolisAdv
integer, parameter :: SADOURNY75_ENSTRO = 4
integer, parameter :: ARAKAWA_LAMB81 = 5
integer, parameter :: AL_BLEND = 6
integer, parameter :: UP3_PV_ENSTRO = 18
character*(20), parameter :: SADOURNY75_ENERGY_STRING = "SADOURNY75_ENERGY"
character*(20), parameter :: ARAKAWA_HSU_STRING = "ARAKAWA_HSU90"
character*(20), parameter :: ROBUST_ENSTRO_STRING = "ROBUST_ENSTRO"
character*(20), parameter :: SADOURNY75_ENSTRO_STRING = "SADOURNY75_ENSTRO"
character*(20), parameter :: ARAKAWA_LAMB_STRING = "ARAKAWA_LAMB81"
character*(20), parameter :: AL_BLEND_STRING = "ARAKAWA_LAMB_BLEND"
character*(20), parameter :: UP3_PV_ENSTRO_STRING = "UP3_PV_ENSTRO"
!>@{ Enumeration values for KE_Scheme
integer, parameter :: KE_ARAKAWA = 10
integer, parameter :: KE_SIMPLE_GUDONOV = 11
integer, parameter :: KE_GUDONOV = 12
integer, parameter :: KE_UP3 = 13
character*(20), parameter :: KE_ARAKAWA_STRING = "KE_ARAKAWA"
character*(20), parameter :: KE_SIMPLE_GUDONOV_STRING = "KE_SIMPLE_GUDONOV"
character*(20), parameter :: KE_GUDONOV_STRING = "KE_GUDONOV"
character*(20), parameter :: KE_UP3_STRING = "KE_UP3"
!>@{ Enumeration values for UP3_limiter
integer, parameter :: UP3_NONE = 23
integer, parameter :: UP3_KOREN = 24
integer, parameter :: UP3_SUPERBEE = 25
character*(20), parameter :: UP3_NONE_STRING = "UP3_NONE"
character*(20), parameter :: UP3_KOREN_STRING = "UP3_KOREN"
character*(20), parameter :: UP3_SUPERBEE_STRING = "UP3_SUPERBEE"
!>@{ Enumeration values for PV_Adv_Scheme
integer, parameter :: PV_ADV_CENTERED = 21
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,6 +254,7 @@ subroutine CorAdCalc(u, v, h, uh, vh, CAu, CAv, OBC, AD, G, GV, US, CS, pbv, Wav
real :: QUHeff,QVHeff ! More temporary variables [H L2 T-2 ~> m3 s-2 or kg s-2].
integer :: i, j, k, n, is, ie, js, je, Isq, Ieq, Jsq, Jeq, nz
logical :: Stokes_VF
real :: u_v, v_u, q_v, q_u ! u_v is the u velocity at v point, v_u is the v velocity at u point

! To work, the following fields must be set outside of the usual
! is to ie range before this subroutine is called:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -830,6 +844,29 @@ subroutine CorAdCalc(u, v, h, uh, vh, CAu, CAv, OBC, AD, G, GV, US, CS, pbv, Wav
CAu(I,j,k) = (QVHeff / ( h_tiny + ((Heff1+Heff4) + (Heff2+Heff3)) ) ) * G%IdxCu(I,j)
enddo ; enddo
elseif (CS%Coriolis_Scheme == UP3_PV_ENSTRO) then
if (CS%UP3_limiter == UP3_NONE) then
do j=js,je ; do I=Isq,Ieq
v_u = 0.25*G%IdxCu(I,j)*((vh(i+1,J,k) + vh(i,J,k)) + (vh(i,J-1,k) + vh(i+1,J-1,k)))
call UP3_reconstruction(q(I,J-2), q(I,J-1),&
q(I,J), q(I,J+1), v_u, q_u)
CAu(I,j,k) = (q_u) * v_u
enddo ; enddo
elseif (CS%UP3_limiter == UP3_KOREN) then
do j=js,je ; do I=Isq,Ieq
v_u = 0.25*G%IdxCu(I,j)*((vh(i+1,J,k) + vh(i,J,k)) + (vh(i,J-1,k) + vh(i+1,J-1,k)))
call UP3_Koren_limiter_reconstruction(q(I,J-2), q(I,J-1),&
q(I,J), q(I,J+1), v_u, q_u)
CAu(I,j,k) = (q_u) * v_u
enddo ; enddo
elseif (CS%UP3_limiter == UP3_SUPERBEE) then
do j=js,je ; do I=Isq,Ieq
v_u = 0.25*G%IdxCu(I,j)*((vh(i+1,J,k) + vh(i,J,k)) + (vh(i,J-1,k) + vh(i+1,J-1,k)))
call UP3_Superbee_limiter_reconstruction(q(I,J-2), q(I,J-1),&
q(I,J), q(I,J+1), v_u, q_u)
CAu(I,j,k) = (q_u) * v_u
enddo ; enddo
! Add in the additional terms with Arakawa & Lamb.
if ((CS%Coriolis_Scheme == ARAKAWA_LAMB81) .or. &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -954,6 +991,29 @@ subroutine CorAdCalc(u, v, h, uh, vh, CAu, CAv, OBC, AD, G, GV, US, CS, pbv, Wav
(h_tiny + ((Heff1+Heff4) +(Heff2+Heff3)) ) * G%IdyCv(i,J)
enddo ; enddo
elseif (CS%Coriolis_Scheme == UP3_PV_ENSTRO) then
if (CS%UP3_limiter == UP3_NONE) then
do J=Jsq,Jeq ; do i=is,ie
u_v = 0.25*G%IdyCv(i,J)*((uh(I-1,j,k) + uh(I-1,j+1,k)) + (uh(I,j,k) + uh(I,j+1,k)))
call UP3_reconstruction(q(I-2,J), q(I-1,J),&
q(I,J), q(I+1,J), u_v, q_v)
CAv(i,J,k) = - (q_v) * u_v
enddo ; enddo
elseif (CS%UP3_limiter == UP3_KOREN) then
do J=Jsq,Jeq ; do i=is,ie
u_v = 0.25*G%IdyCv(i,J)*((uh(I-1,j,k) + uh(I-1,j+1,k)) + (uh(I,j,k) + uh(I,j+1,k)))
call UP3_Koren_limiter_reconstruction(q(I-2,J), q(I-1,J),&
q(I,J), q(I+1,J), u_v, q_v)
CAv(i,J,k) = - (q_v) * u_v
enddo ; enddo
elseif (CS%UP3_limiter == UP3_SUPERBEE) then
do J=Jsq,Jeq ; do i=is,ie
u_v = 0.25*G%IdyCv(i,J)*((uh(I-1,j,k) + uh(I-1,j+1,k)) + (uh(I,j,k) + uh(I,j+1,k)))
call UP3_Superbee_limiter_reconstruction(q(I-2,J), q(I-1,J),&
q(I,J), q(I+1,J), u_v, q_v)
CAv(i,J,k) = - (q_v) * u_v
enddo ; enddo
! Add in the additonal terms with Arakawa & Lamb.
if ((CS%Coriolis_Scheme == ARAKAWA_LAMB81) .or. &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1103,6 +1163,7 @@ subroutine gradKE(u, v, h, KE, KEx, KEy, k, OBC, G, GV, US, CS)
real :: um, up, vm, vp ! Temporary variables [L T-1 ~> m s-1].
real :: um2, up2, vm2, vp2 ! Temporary variables [L2 T-2 ~> m2 s-2].
real :: um2a, up2a, vm2a, vp2a ! Temporary variables [L4 T-2 ~> m4 s-2].
real :: third_order_u, third_order_v ! Product of mask values to determine the boundary
integer :: i, j, is, ie, js, je, Isq, Ieq, Jsq, Jeq, nz, n

is = G%isc ; ie = G%iec ; js = G%jsc ; je = G%jec ; nz = GV%ke
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1140,6 +1201,64 @@ subroutine gradKE(u, v, h, KE, KEx, KEy, k, OBC, G, GV, US, CS)
vm = 0.5*( v(i, J ,k) - ABS( v(i, J ,k) ) ) ; vm2a = vm*vm*G%areaCv(i, J )
KE(i,j) = ( max(um2a,up2a) + max(vm2a,vp2a) )*0.5*G%IareaT(i,j)
enddo ; enddo
elseif (CS%KE_Scheme == KE_UP3) then
! The following discretization of KE is based on the one-dimensional third-order
! upwind scheme which does not take horizontal grid factors into account
do j=Jsq,Jeq+1 ; do i=Isq,Ieq+1
! compute the masking to make sure that inland values are not used
third_order_u = (G%mask2dCu(I-2,j) * G%mask2dCu(I-1,j)* &
G%mask2dCu(I,j) * G%mask2dCu(I+1,j))

if (third_order_u == 1) then
up = (-u(I-2,j,k) + 7*u(I-1,j,k) + 7*u(I,j,k) - u(I+1,j,k))/12.
if (CS%UP3_limiter == UP3_NONE) then
call UP3_reconstruction(u(I-2,j,k), u(I-1,j,k),&
u(I,j,k), u(I+1,j,k), up, um)
elseif (CS%UP3_limiter == UP3_KOREN) then
call UP3_Koren_limiter_reconstruction(u(I-2,j,k), u(I-1,j,k),&
u(I,j,k), u(I+1,j,k), up, um)
elseif (CS%UP3_limiter == UP3_SUPERBEE) then
call UP3_Superbee_limiter_reconstruction(u(I-2,j,k), u(I-1,j,k),&
u(I,j,k), u(I+1,j,k), up, um)
up = (u(I-1,j,k) + u(I,j,k))*0.5
if (up>0.) then
um = u(I-1,j,k)
elseif (up<0.) then
um = u(I,j,k)
um = up

third_order_v = (G%mask2dCv(i,J-2) * G%mask2dCv(i,J-1)* &
G%mask2dCv(i,J) * G%mask2dCv(i,J+1))
if (third_order_v ==1) then
vp = (-v(i,J-2,k) + 7*v(i,J-1,k) + 7*v(i,J,k) - v(i,J+1,k))/12.
if (CS%UP3_limiter == UP3_NONE) then
call UP3_reconstruction(v(i,J-2,k), v(i,J-1,k),&
v(i,J,k), v(i,J+1,k), vp, vm)
elseif (CS%UP3_limiter == UP3_KOREN) then
call UP3_Koren_limiter_reconstruction(v(i,J-2,k), v(i,J-1,k),&
v(i,J,k), v(i,J+1,k), vp, vm)
elseif (CS%UP3_limiter == UP3_SUPERBEE) then
call UP3_Superbee_limiter_reconstruction(v(i,J-2,k), v(i,J-1,k),&
v(i,J,k), v(i,J+1,k), vp, vm)
vp = (v(i,J-1,k) + v(i,J,k))*0.5
if (vp>0.) then
vm = v(i,J-1,k)
elseif (vp<0.) then
vm = v(i,J,k)
vm = vp

KE(i,j) = ( um*um + vm*vm )*0.5
enddo ; enddo

! Term - d(KE)/dx.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1168,6 +1287,55 @@ subroutine gradKE(u, v, h, KE, KEx, KEy, k, OBC, G, GV, US, CS)

end subroutine gradKE

subroutine UP3_reconstruction(q1,q2,q3,q4,u,qr)
real, intent(in) :: q1, q2, q3, q4
real, intent(in) :: u
real, intent(inout) :: qr

if (u>0.) then
qr = (-q1 + 5.*q2 + 2.*q3)/6.
qr = (2*q2 + 5*q3 - q4)/6.

end subroutine UP3_reconstruction

subroutine UP3_Koren_limiter_reconstruction(q1,q2,q3,q4,u,qr)
real, intent(in) :: q1, q2, q3, q4
real, intent(in) :: u
real, intent(inout) :: qr
real :: theta, psi

if (u>0.) then
theta = (q2 - q1)/(q3 - q2 + 1e-20)
psi = max(0., min(1., 1/3. + 1/6.*theta, theta)) ! limiter introduced by Koren (1993)
qr = q2 + psi*(q3 - q2)
theta = (q4 - q3)/(q3 - q2 + 1e-20)
psi = max(0., min(1., 1/3. + 1/6.*theta, theta))
qr = q3 + psi*(q2 - q3)

end subroutine UP3_Koren_limiter_reconstruction

subroutine UP3_Superbee_limiter_reconstruction(q1,q2,q3,q4,u,qr)
real, intent(in) :: q1, q2, q3, q4
real, intent(in) :: u
real, intent(inout) :: qr
real :: theta, psi

if (u>0.) then
theta = (q2 - q1)/(q3 - q2 + 1e-20)
psi = max(0., min(1., 2.*theta), min(2., theta)) ! Superbee limiter
qr = q2 + 0.5*psi*(q3 - q2)
theta = (q4 - q3)/(q3 - q2 + 1e-20)
psi = max(0., min(1., 2.*theta), min(2., theta))
qr = q3 + 0.5*psi*(q2 - q3)

end subroutine UP3_Superbee_limiter_reconstruction

!> Initializes the control structure for MOM_CoriolisAdv
subroutine CoriolisAdv_init(Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, AD, CS)
type(time_type), target, intent(in) :: Time !< Current model time
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1228,7 +1396,8 @@ subroutine CoriolisAdv_init(Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, AD, CS)
"\t SADOURNY75_ENSTRO - Sadourny, 1975; enstrophy cons. \n"//&
"\t ARAKAWA_LAMB81 - Arakawa & Lamb, 1981; En. + Enst.\n"//&
"\t ARAKAWA_LAMB_BLEND - A blend of Arakawa & Lamb with \n"//&
"\t Arakawa & Hsu and Sadourny energy", &
"\t Arakawa & Hsu and Sadourny energy \n"//&
"\t UP3_PV_ENSTRO - 3rd-order PV enstrophy \n", &
tmpstr = uppercase(tmpstr)
select case (tmpstr)
Expand All @@ -1244,6 +1413,8 @@ subroutine CoriolisAdv_init(Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, AD, CS)
CS%Coriolis_Scheme = AL_BLEND
CS%Coriolis_Scheme = ROBUST_ENSTRO
CS%Coriolis_Scheme = UP3_PV_ENSTRO
case default
call MOM_mesg('CoriolisAdv_init: Coriolis_Scheme ="'//trim(tmpstr)//'"', 0)
call MOM_error(FATAL, "CoriolisAdv_init: Unrecognized setting "// &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1296,12 +1467,31 @@ subroutine CoriolisAdv_init(Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, AD, CS)
case (KE_UP3_STRING); CS%KE_Scheme = KE_UP3
case default
call MOM_mesg('CoriolisAdv_init: KE_Scheme ="'//trim(tmpstr)//'"', 0)
call MOM_error(FATAL, "CoriolisAdv_init: "// &
"#define KE_SCHEME "//trim(tmpstr)//" in input file is invalid.")
end select

if ( CS%Coriolis_Scheme == UP3_PV_ENSTRO .or. &
CS%KE_Scheme == KE_UP3) then
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "UP3_LIMITER", tmpstr, &
"The flux limiter for UP3 scheme. Valid scheme are: \n"//&
tmpstr = uppercase(tmpstr)
select case (tmpstr)
case (UP3_NONE_STRING); CS%UP3_limiter = UP3_NONE
case (UP3_KOREN_STRING); CS%UP3_limiter = UP3_KOREN
case default
call MOM_mesg('CoriolisAdv_init: UP3_limiter ="'//trim(tmpstr)//'"', 0)
call MOM_error(FATAL, "CoriolisAdv_init: "// &
"#define UP3_limiter "//trim(tmpstr)//" in input file is invalid.")
end select

! Set PV_Adv_Scheme (selects discretization of PV advection)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "PV_ADV_SCHEME", tmpstr, &
"PV_ADV_SCHEME selects the discretization for PV "//&
Expand Down

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