Driver for DAVIS Console 6313
0.1 initial release
0.2 added dewpoint1, heatindex1, wetbulb1 for second Vantage/VUE
0.3 added DAvis Airlink sensor, the Airlink health data are not stored in the database!
if Signal Strenght of the Airlink should be stored in the database, you can extend the database:
V4: 'sudo echo "y" | wee_database --config=/etc/weewx/weewx.conf --add-column=rssiA --type=REAL'
V5: 'sudo weectl database add-column rssiA --type=REAL -y'
0.42 added windGustSpeed10 and windGustSpeed10_2 to database schema
or manually add to database: V5: 'sudo weectl database add-column windGustSpeed10 --type=REAL -y'
changed default_unit_format_dict["microgram_per_meter_cubed"] to "%.1f" (default was "%.0f")
The "polling_interval" can now be changed in the weewx.conf. Default value = 300 seconds, minimum value = 60 seconds,
but a corresponding subscription to DAVIS is required
0.43 added sleep(10) in main packet loop -> rienkdejong
Collect and display station information from the new Davis Weatherlink Console 6313 API
Weewx driver that pulls sensor information from Davis Instruments Weatherlink Console 6313. I made this extension for users like me who have the new DAVIS Weatherlink Console 6313.
The code makes one API calls each 300 sec (5 min) = archive period = default or what set in weewx.conf (Minimum 60 seconds): to the "current" v2 API.
The data are stored in their own database, since most of the fields don't exist within the default weewx database.
Please note: This driver don't pull from the "Historic Data" API2, which requires a paid monthly subscription from Davis to use (starting at about $4/month = Pro, Pro+ = about $9/month).
See here: and
- only from a Vantage VUE you can get data for 'TX Battery Volt, Supercap Volt and Solar Panel Volt'
If the current console data are not more updated (values flatlined), you need to do this ( is from [email protected] )
- REBOOT the unit (= Console): Unplug the USB cable, and then insert a paper clip in to the hole labeled P (indicated as Power Off Access) for 10 seconds pressing the button inside. -> is 'Power off' the Console -> Screen is than black!
If you would like to use the data from davisconsolehealthapi: This driver includes the function (Health Data) of the davisconsolehealthapi extension. Copy the database file from the davisconsolehealthapi driver: 'davisconsolehealthapi.sdb' to the here used database: 'davisconsole.sdb'
With the file '' you can extend the database to the here used database schema
Maybe you need to modify in this files this settings: '--config=/etc/weewx/weewx.conf' to your prefered setting
Right now, the driver records all the information from the Davis Console API2, whereas the
current data are each 300 sec (5 min) or what set in weewx.conf updated
and the health data in current packet health data are each 900 sec (15 min) updated so 2 times or more repeated
Example bar data:
Example inside data:
Example ISS data:
Example health data
"battery_temp":33 it's not known if this is °C or what else (seems to be °C)
In this installation there are also skin files (based on the Season skin) for
with englisch and german language support files
Install the extension:
sudo wee_extension #V4
sudo weectl extension install #V5
sudo wee_extension --config=/etc/weewx1/weewx.conf #V4
sudo weectl extension install --config=/etc/weewx/weewx.conf #V5
After the installation, the weewx.conf file must be adapted:
- [Station] station_type = DavisConsoleAPI
- [DataBindings] [[wx_binding]] database = davisconsoleapi_sqlite
- [DataBindings] [[wx_binding]] schema = schemas.wview_davisconsoleapi.schema
- [StdReport] [[SeasonsReport]] enable = false
- [DavisConsoleAPI] station_id = %your station_id%
- [DavisConsoleAPI] api_key = %your api2_key%
- [DavisConsoleAPI] api_secret = %your api2_secret%
- [DavisConsoleAPI] txid_iss = 1 and the other stations, if available
- [DavisConsoleAPI] airlink = 0 set to 1 if also a Airlink Senosr is available
By default, the installer installs davisconsoleapi
as a driver.
It runs during every archive interval and inserts data into the default SQL database.
Example/Settings in the weewx.conf
#data_services = user.davisconsolehealthapi.DavisConsoleHealthAPI,
this driver includes the console health data, so a extra data service isn't anymore necessary
HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx
lang = en
enable = true
skin = console
HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx/healthc
lang = en
enable = true
skin = healthc
database = davisconsoleapi_sqlite
table_name = archive
manager = weewx.manager.DaySummaryManager
schema = schemas.wview_davisconsoleapi.schema
database_type = SQLite
database_name = davisconsole.sdb
driver = user.davisconsoleapi
station_id = 1?????
polling_interval = 300 # minimum 60 sec
api_key = ????????????????????????????????
api_secret = ????????????????????????????????
txid_iss = 1
txid_iss2 = None
txid_leaf = None
txid_soil = None
txid_leaf_soil = None
txid_extra1 = None # yet not supported by Davis Console
txid_extra2 = None # yet not supported by Davis Console
txid_extra3 = None # yet not supported by Davis Console
txid_extra4 = None # yet not supported by Davis Console
txid_rain = None # seems that yet not supported by Davis Console
txid_wind = None # supported ?
airlink = 0 # is Airlink sensor available? # new in v0.3
packet_log = 0
#packet_log = -1 -> only current rain data
#packet_log = 0 -> none logging
#packet_log = 1 -> check new Archive and Rain
#packet_log = 2 -> current console (bar/temp/hum) packets
#packet_log = 3 -> current ISS/VuE packets
#packet_log = 4 -> current leaf soil packets
#packet_log = 5 -> current extra_data1..4 packets
#packet_log = 6 -> current rain and/or wind packets
#packet_log = 7 -> current iss2 or vue2 packets
#packet_log = 8 -> current health packets
#packet_log = 9 -> all current packets
## settings for 'user.sunrainduration.SunshineDuration' calculates sunshine duratation and rain duration
#more information about this extension can you find in ''
#the installer installs this extensions too, but not enabeld, to enable it:
process_services = ...,user.sunrainduration.SunshineDuration,
[RadiationDays] #this are the default settings
min_sunshine = 120
sunshine_coeff = 0.95
sunshine_min = 18
sunshine_loop = 1
rainDur_loop = 0
sunshine_log = 0
rainDur_log = 0
rain2 = 1 # second Vantage/VUE available, so calculate rain duration
sunshine2 = 0 # second Vantage available, so calculate sunshine duration
sunshine2_loop = 1
rainDur2_loop = 0
sunshine2_log = 0
rainDur2_log = 0
accumulator = firstlast
extractor = last
accumulator = firstlast
extractor = last
accumulator = firstlast
extractor = last
Once installed, you need to add your Davis WeatherLink Cloud API key, station ID, and secret. To obtain an API key and secret, go to your WeatherLink Cloud account page and look for a button marked "Generate v2 Token." Once you complete the process, enter your key and secret where indicated in weewx.conf.
Davis doesn't make it easy to make API calls, and you have to make an API call to get your station ID.
To help the process along, I adapted one of Davis' example Python scripts to make an API call that shows your station ID.
To use it, look for the file
in the zip file you downloaded.
Open it in a text editor and type in your API key/secret where indicated.
Save the file and run it like so:
It should return 3 URLs. Open that in a browser (don't delay, the timestamp is encoded in that URL and the Davis API will reject the call if you wait too long to make the call) and you'll get back a string of text. Your station ID will be near the beginning. Enter that number into weewx.conf and you should be good to go. v2 API URL: Stations v2 API URL: Current v2 API URL: Historic (only availabe with paid subscription from Davis) so here not supported!
This driver uses it's own database schema
Once you enable the driver and get it running, you won't notice anything different.
The files for this new skin (additional to the Seasons skin) are found under
The necessary file are there stored during the installation. Also the stanza in the weewx.conf
Settings for Davis Console skins:
#HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx/console
lang = en # or lang = de
enable = true
skin = console
HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx/healthc
enable = true
lang = en # or lang = de
skin = healthc
In skin.conf (example):
title = Signal Strength
yscale = -100.0, -30.0, 10
This should give you a result like this:
Take a look at the example files to see how that's been done so you can adapt it for your own purposes.