An advanced PocketMine-MP clan plugin with many creative features.
The .phar can be found on poggit.
JetBrains supports me in the development of BedrockClans.
I can highly recommend their products.
- Highly customizable
- Multiple clan ranks
- Clan bank (using EconomyAPI)
- ScoreHud integration
- Clan creation costs (using EconomyAPI)
- Clan chat
- Clan homes
- Clan name restrictions
- ...
Main command: /clan
Subcommand | Usage | Description |
help | help | Displays a list of available commands |
create | create | Creates a clan |
demote | demote | Demotes a player |
deposit | deposit | Deposits money to the clan bank |
info | info [clanname] | Gives you information about your/a clan |
invite | invite | Invites a player to your clan |
accept | accept | Accepts a clan invitation |
join | join | Joins a clan (only for staff) |
leave | leave | Leaves your clan clan |
leader | leader | Promotes a player to the new clan leader |
chat | chat | Sends a message to all online members of your clan |
kick | kick | Kicks the given player from your clan |
delete | delete | Deletes your clan |
promote | promote | Promotes a player |
home | home | Teleports you to your clan's home |
sethome | sethome | Updates your clan's home |
setminimuminviterank | setminimuminviterank | Specifies the minimum rank required to invite people into the clan |
withdraw | withdraw | Withdraws money from the clan bank |
about | about | Shows credits and the version of BedrockClans |
Permission | Description | Default |
bedrockclans.command.clan | Allows you to use /clan |
true |
bedrockclans.command.join | Allows you to use /clan join |
op |
bedrockclans.command.create | Allows you to use /clan create |
op |
bedrockclans.create.cost.bypass | Allows you to bypass the clan creation costs | false |
If you want to switch from another clan/factions plugin to BedrockClans, you can use these scripts to convert your old database to a BedrockClans compatible one:
Check out if you want to use BedrockClans with PureChat.
BedrockClans has built-in support for ScoreHud.
Available tags are:
Tag | Description |
---|---| | The display name of the player's clan (colored) |
bedrockclans.player.rank | The rank of the player in their clan (colored) |
bedrockclans.clan.members | The number of members in the player's clan |
You can contact me in my discord server or create an issue/start a discussion.
BedrockClans is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
For more information:
© 2019 - 2024 Wertzui123
BedrockClans was written by Wertzui123.
Thanks to Wertzui12345 for lots of testing and to everyone else who has contributed to BedrockClans.
You can help me too by reporting bugs and making suggestions!