Releases: WhirligigGirl/Whirligig-World
Whirligig World 0.13.0 "Dermun Returns" for KSP v0.12.x
Major Changes
- Revamp Gannovar, planet of Gememma. It now has a more unique surface, including new biomes and science definitions.
- Pragnik Revamp by Exo of MPE fame. New biomes are also included.
- New body: Dermun, a major subsatellite of Derbin. It is superficially similar to Graymun, but has a few interesting geological properties of its own. It is completely implemented with biomes, science definitions and the same mod compatibility the rest of Whirligig World has.
Physical Changes
- Moved Derminmus inwards to accomodate Dermun's new orbit.
- Change composition of Lowel's atmosphere. It had previously used an atomic gas when it should have used a diatomic gas, resulting in an unrealistic scale height and an atmosphere which should have immediately burst into flames.
Minor Changes
- More science definitions for DMagic Orbital Science and Bluedog Design Bureau.
- SpaceDust compatibility improved (though still unfinished): Deuterium, Helium-3, incomplete Hydrogen definitions.
- New biome on 1 Wers.
- Add a Kronometer setting patch made by Levana with named months.
- Change displayname of two of Lito's biomes.
Bug Fixes
- Fix Rutherford's Sphere of Influence.
- Fix for Troymin's inverseRotThresholdAltitude, fixing the SOI-egress bug.
- Remove stock system science definitions for Kerbin and Sun.
- Fix two biome colors on Graymun.
Visual Changes
- Jancy terrain pass.
- Graymun texture pass.
- Scatterer SecondarySun compatibility for Gememma.
- New Scatterer lens flares for all stars.
- Remade all scatterer atmospheres for the recent-ish scatterer update. Planet atmospheres now have (mostly) realistic scale heights. These actually tend to look a little too tall, but that's what we get for using Kerbal Space Program's unrealistic stock scale.
- New scatterer atmosphere for Derbin.
- Fix Derbin's clouds being partially transparent from low orbit.
- Replace all loading screen artworks with new, original artwork.
Whirligig World 0.12.4 "Holes" for KSP 1.11.x
Major Changes
- Scatterer support is now mostly finished for all worlds in Whirligig World (except for Derbin and the gas giants).
- Shadows are now cast between planets and moons using Scatterer and EVE-Redux
- New terrain materials for almost every celestial body.
KSP & Kopernicus Updates
- Update Scaledspace and PQS materials settings for KSP 1.11.x.
- Fix Scaledspace/PQS fades for all objects.
- Fix atmosphere gradients on some worlds.
- Replace lightColor with waveLength for atmospheric worlds.
Minor Tweaks & Bugfixes
- Add MysteryGoo definitions to Mesbin.
- Adjust MysteryGoo science definitions to avoid incorrect results in some situations.
- Unfinished support for SpaceDust, includes antimatter and nothing else yet.
- Add ambient lighting to Lito & Totooa.
- Add texture to terrain scatters on Lowel.
- [REDACTED] now easier to detect around [REDACTED].
- Tweak EVE/Scatterer mutual compatibility. (Totooa has no haze when scatterer is installed)
- Add EVE and Scatterer compatibility in the Kerbmun Homeworld Patch.
There is also a bonus download: a work-in-progress skybox with an "accurate" star map. Full version with milky way and deep sky objects to come.
0.12.4 PRERELEASE 2 Update 3-Tannor.cfg
This release is not ready for distribution. It includes updates for KSP 1.11.1, scatterer configuration, and some random fixes.
0.12.3 Mandrake & Rutherford Moon Revamp
Note: This is a patch for 0.12. Go read 0.12's changelog and 0.12.1's changelog and 0.12.2's changelog
The major feature, as the update name suggests, is the revamp of Mandrake & Rutherford's four little moons, Lozon, Beagrid, Jancy, and Tatian. Where they had previously been boring lumpy balls that I couldn't even spare a science definition for, now they're all really quite interesting and unique worlds. But there are some other changes, notably that the Kaputnik Probe Core now behaves as originally intended: it can no longer be piloted with the pitch/roll/yaw keys nor the fine throttle keys, but must be controlled only through the "limited control" controlset.
- Revamped terrain and rebalanced surface gravity for Lozon, Beagrid, Jancy, and Tatian.
- Removed the secret atmosphere from Etrograd.
- Added a tenuous atmosphere to Tannor.
- Tweaked spaceAltitudeThreshold for Tannor and Tyepolbynar.
- Make Shol's backside glow again when EVE is installed.
- Slightly changed Mesbin's texture.
- Add homeworld swap patch to the EVE volcano lights on Mesbin.
- Remove Lito's EVE clouds.
- Make Kerbmun's terrain actually look good again.
- Update Kerbmun Homeworld mode planet descriptions.
- Add new plugin: ModuleCommandLimitedControl, and apply the new module to Kaputnik probe core.
- Fix broken Mesbin Homeworld mode planet description config.
- Make it impossible to rescale the terrain on Mesbin and other nonspherical bodies using Sigma Dimensions, so that terrain rescale can be used without breaking Mesbin.
- Change barometer experiment's biome mask from 3 to 7.
- Add new science definitions:
- Bluedog Design Bureau IR Spectrometer
- BDB Geiger Counter
- BDB Camera
- DMagic Orbital Science SIGINT
- New definitions for Lozon, Beagrid, Jancy, and Tatian.
- Change science definitions on Etrograd and Tannor.
- Make the barometer work better on Mesbin's north polar basin.
- Biome changes:
- Fix biome ambiguity on Kerbmun's biome map
- New biome map for Statmun. Polar region is larger, and the biome map includes large craters.
- New biome maps for Lozon, Beagrid, Jancy, and Tatian.
- Three new [REDACTED] can be found around [REDACTED].
0.12.2 Science Values Bugfix Patch
Note: This is a patch for 0.12. Go read 0.12's changelog and 0.12.1's changelog
- Remove ability to rescale terrain on minor moons using Sigma Dimensions.
- Attempt to fix scienceValues configuration for homeworld-swap-specific settings.
0.12.1 Valyr Value
Note: This is a patch for 0.12. Go read 0.12's changelog!
Main changes:
Valyr has been neglected for too long. I mean who would want to visit it, right? Flat islands on a massive planet? No thank you. BUT NO MORE. Valyr's terrain has been significantly revamped, and now has more interesting and varied biomes for you to visit, each based upon one of the regions of Chris Wayan's planet Lyr. Now Valyr is a cool and interesting place to visit! And I dare you to return from it!
Asteroids now have their ore reserves cut one hundredfold. They've still got an enormous amount of ore because they're so huge, but now their ore mass is no longer such a huge part of their total mass.
Also you know how in 0.11 I changed all the science multipliers? Turns out they never got applied in-game. Also a bunch of other weird and unpredictable behavior was happening with the homeworld swap configs, but NO MORE! Also no more module manager warnings.
With that out of the way, here's the full changelog:
- Add much more interesting and rewarding terrain noise and some hand-drawn features to Valyr.
- Add brand new biome map and 17 biomes to Valyr.
- New terrain material shader for Valyr
- Cut ore mass one hundredfold on asteroids.
- Metallic asteroids can now reach 10x rather than 5x the stock sizes.
- Adjusted CRP Asteroid resources.
Fix low altitude terrain materials being very very dark on Kerbmun. - Remove Kaywell_A Science defs as they were overwriting other science definitions, presumably due to the absence of Kaywell A by default.
- Fix Dakkon's name in a few science definitions that were causing overwriting problems.
- Rewrite many MysteryGoo definitions.
- Actually apply ScienceValues modifiers in-game.
- Fix biome map ambiguity for Kerbmun, Derbin, Mesbin, Gannovar, Yeerbor, Jifgif, Aerious, Yalthe, Mally, Lowel, Rutherford, and Jancy.
- Change displayName of Shol's nearside clouds to say near and not far.
- Change ModuleManager configs to fix some warnings and make science definitions work properly.
0.12 "What's On The Limb of Kaywell?"
What's on the Limb of Kaywell?
It's Limnel! Kaywell was too big for its brightness so it needed some help from an early-M Red Dwarf to keep its planets in line as we lowered its mass.
New Features:
- Update to be compatible with Kopernicus 1.8.1-1. Remove support for Kopernicus Expansions.
- Limnel, new star in close binary orbit with Kaywell.
- Kaywell-A is less massive, but the combined mass and luminosity of Kaywell-A and Limnel equals that of the old Kaywell.
- Setting patch in settings.cfg to turn Limnel and Kaywell into a binary. By default, Kaywell-A remains at the barycenter.
- New terrain for Mesbin, including tectonic rifts and different noise mods.
- Entirely new terrain for Yalthe and Yokane, supporting HazardousBody features.
- Entirely new terrain for Mally by SnailsAttack (I couldn't be bothered)
- Raise surface gravity of Mandrake & Rutherford's little moons.
- Three new flags: KaywellLimnelFlag, Amerikerbmun and Trans Kerbmun.
- Support for some of Bluedog Design Bureau's science definitions.
- Better cloud maps in EVE for many planets.
- Fix broken SOI transitions on tiny/close-in minor worlds throughout the system, including Statmun.
- Rewritten Mystery Goo science reports to be a biological sample exposure experiment.
- Fix the vacuum engines patch.
- New biome map for Yeerbor.
- Raise Mesbin's KSC and its foundation up by 400 meters.
- Remove biome mask modification from BG deployable experiments.
- Fix dependency on Kopernicus Expansions
- Fix broken and/or weird terrain material settings on many planets using the new 1.8.1 shaders.
- Fix weird KSC foundations color with 1.8.1 shaders.
- Replace Kopernicus Expansions EmissiveFX with EVE CityLights. Unfortunately for Yalthe and Yokane you must tab over to those moons in the tracking station, open up the EVE menu, select the CityLights config manager, and hit "apply," for the lights to show up in scaledspace.
0.11 "Beta"
Welcome to 0.11 "Beta," the last Work-In-Progress version of WW.
- Tech Tree Changes:
- Revert Stayputnik Probe Core back to stock tech tree location.
- Move MH Size 1.5 Tall Tank to Advanced Rocketry and Size 1.5 Half Tank and Soyuz Tank to Fuel Systems.
- Fix position of Advanced Motors Tech node so that it is no longer colliding with Scanning Tech node.
- Split Aviation and Aerodynamics back into separate Tech Nodes.
- Move all the Aerospace subtree nodes one space to the right, increasing their science value and pushing them to later in the game compared to stock.
- Retitle "Survivability" to "Safety Equipment."
- New descriptions for some Tech Nodes.
- Community Tech Tree compatibility is preserved and improved.
- Move surface mount basic antenna to survivability.
- Remove Part Test contracts when Mesbin is the homeworld since they would often ask you to go to nearly inaccessible parts of Mesbin's atmosphere.
- Planets:
- Lowel has been made 1.3 times wider and about twice as heavy.
- Ollym has been moved back into orbit around Lowel.
- Lowel's inclination was reduced from 67.3 degrees to 1.92 degrees to make it nearly coplanar with Ammenon and Gannovar, thus removing its axial tilt. Its orbital Semimajoraxis was reduced from 0.047 kAU to 0.040 kAU.
- Completely redesigned Lowel's Heightmap, terrain, textures, and biomes.
- Lowel's atmosphere is now reduced to be a significantly lower pressure and new composition.
- Fixed Rik's SOI (which had been limited to just a few km as a holdover from when it was a moon of Valyr)
- Completely revamp Rik. New heightmap, colormap, and biome map. It's also about twice the size.
- Tweaked terrain noise on Totooa.
- Tweak Ollym's terrain colors and PQS noise.
- New heightmap, terrain, biomes, and textures for Oshan.
- New heightmap, terrain, biomes, and textures for Egad.
- New terrain details on Dakkon.
- Changes to Gannovar's PQS Material.
- Change the orbit of Gannovar to put it into a 3:1 resonance with Lowel.
- Increase Mandrake's eccentricity, keeping its periapsis constant.
- Troymin and Kerbmun now have the exact same Semimajoraxis (to fix Troymin wandering when playing with Kerbmun homeworld enabled)
- Increase the mass of Reander from about 100 Kerbin masses to 300 Kerbin masses.
- Move all of Reander's moons outward by a factor of 1.31.
- Science:
- Science definitions (and planet descriptions, among other "lore" texts) have been changed to mirror the changes made to planets in this update, along with other miscellaneous changes.
- Science multipliers for all of the planets have been rebalanced completely. There's more science in WW overall compared to the stock system, but each individual planet is worth about half as much science as its stock counterparts. Thus, more of the system will have to be explored in order to unlock the full tech tree.
- Ban ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads' MetalOre from certain icy worlds, as well as Thresomin and Troymin, increase MetalOre on Statmun.
- Enabled loading screens made by Pythania that had previously not been working. Deleted all non-pythania loading screen images.
- Modify colors used on the Lowel Flag.
- Tweaks to A.R.M. Asteroid Spawning:
- Move all Gememma asteroid belts to actually orbit Gememma instead of erroneously spawning around Kaywell/"Sun."
- Redefine orbits of asteroids spawning around objects that have been moved.
- Replace Trans-Lowel Objects with "Gannovoids"
- Enable a secret around Lowel...
This is a patch for 0.10.0. Please consult the following changelogs as well:
(0.10.2 is a simple hotfix)
- DMagic Biodrill Scans definitions.
- Turn back on OnDemand loading in Kopernicus.
- Convert planet Scaledspace textures to .dds and enable OnDemand loading for planets.
- Convert all flags to .dds format.
- Fix Forbidden Ore Contracts, since the contract's name was spelled with a capital N and I assume MM couldn't handle that.
- Three RSS-scale Kronometer clock configs: RSSMesbin, RSSMesbin-90, and RSSKerbmun.
- Three new loading screens.
- Fix incorrect reference to Mesbin in Kerbmun-homeworld descriptions.
- Remove Rational Resources support.
- Update extra launch site killer.
- Scatterer configs now target stock scatterer assets rather than cloning the stock ones and shipping multiple duplicates with WW.
- Remove scatterer configuration for Lowel.
- Please do not use Scatterer with WW.
- Add cacheFile entries to all objects that were missing them.
- Fix the Oblate Gas Giants settings patch.
- Change PQS detail settings on Derbin to improve FPS.
- All transmitter parts now have 2 times the range.
- Moved all Science Multipliers to a single config to make it easier for mass balancing.
- Minor rebalancing to reduce science from some of the planetary moons beyond Mesbin. Full rebalance incoming.