Simple and Elegant Astro Blog Template
🖥️ Live Demo (Vercel) | 🖥️ WhitePaper233's Blog (possibly not the latest version)
Go to the Node.js official website to download and install the latest version of Node.js.
corepack enable
corepack enable pnpm
pnpm install
pnpm build
pnpm dev
pnpm build
pnpm preview
✅ - Completed | 🧪 - In Testing | 🚧 - In Progress | ⏳ - Planned
Status | Project |
🧪 | Basic feature implementation |
🧪 | Refactoring some code, optimizing overall structure |
🧪 | Optimizing animation effects |
🧪 | Mobile adaptation |
🚧 | Optimizing website performance |
🧪 | Adjustable colors |
🧪 | Adding RSS, SiteMap, and other features |
🧪 | More build options (e.g., SLUG generation methods) |
⏳ | Adding Live2D character |
🧪 | Search functionality |
🧪 | i18n |
Status | Project |
⏳ | Developing an easy-to-manage CLI and small CMS |
⏳ | Slidev components |
⏳ | More Markdown components |
Hexo Shoka Theme for providing design ideas
Astro Fuwari Template for providing the main design ideas and some code implementations