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Hydriz Scholz edited this page Jul 27, 2015 · 1 revision

WikiTeam is actively working with various wiki farms to archive their wikis and making them available on the Internet Archive on a regular basis. Hydriz is mainly in-charge of this aspect.

If you are interested in partnering with us, please contact us at [email protected] or create a new issue.


Imagine a day where the server hosting your wiki farm goes down, and the data on it is lost. You are now left with an offline wiki farm, many disappointed customers/communities and a situation that you wished you did not have to be in.

Before that day happens, WikiTeam is able to provide the help that you need in ensuring that the public data on your wiki farm is safe. We provide the tools to archive your wikis and uploading them to the Internet Archive on a regular basis, while you handle your own backups of sensitive information. On our end, we will be setting up the relevant collection on the Internet Archive and uploading the dumps that you provide on a regular basis. If necessary, we will also be helping to restore your wiki farm from the backups available.

Please contact us for more details.

Current partners

Welcome to the WikiTeam documentation wiki! We are a group dedicated to archiving wikis around the Internet, and you are invited to be part of it! Find out more.

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