We present to you our project carried out at the Wild Code School in Lyon by Jawad, Lilian, Vivian and Aurélie. We developed a dynamic application with front and back end for our latest project during our training at the Wild Code School,Lyon in July 2023.
This app aims to support patients prior to their surgery using protocols and checklists that they can consult on a dedicated interface. This allows the patient to see the date of his intervention, the various protocols attached to him, and to send a pm notification to the secretariat if he wishes to be contacted. A second interface allows the secretariat to see, add, modify, delete patients, surgeons, interventions, operations, and protocols.
- Clone this repo, enter it
- If you are using
, adapt theconfig/cli
- Run command
npm install
- Run command
npm run migrate
- NB: To launch the backend server, you'll need an environment file with database credentials. You'll find a template one in
Create .env
files in /frontend and /backend following .env.sample
Run frontend and backend server together :
npm run dev
Express and Socket back servers will be accessible at the address set in the .env of the frontend
React frontend will be accessible at the address set in the .env of the backend
👉 To try Admin Role, you can log with : [email protected] || serenity 👈
👉 To try Patient Role, you can log with : [email protected] || serenity 👈
: Run the database migration scriptdev
: Starts both servers (frontend + backend) in one terminaldev-front
: Starts the React frontend serverdev-back
: Starts the Express backend serverlint
: Runs validation tools, and refuses unclean code (will be executed on every commit)fix
: Fixes linter errors (run it iflint
growls on your code !)
- Concurrently : Allows for several commands to run concurrently in the same CLI
- Husky : Allows to execute specific commands that trigger on git events
- Vite : Alternative to Create-React-App, packaging less tools for a more fluid experience
- ESLint : "Quality of code" tool, ensures chosen rules will be enforced
- Prettier : "Quality of code" tool as well, focuses on the styleguide
- _ Airbnb Standard_ : One of the most known "standards", even though it's not officially linked to ES/JS
- Nodemon : Allows to restart the server everytime a .js file is udated
For deployment, you have to go to secrets
→ app actions
on the github repo to insert via New repository secret
- CAPROVER_BACK_APPNAME : name app on caprover
- CAPROVER_FRONT_APPNAME : name app on caprover
- CAPROVER_PASSWORD : password caprover
- CAPROVER_SERVER : link of domain