full resume | linkedin | video resume
- Languages: Ruby, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, GIT, C#, Java
- Frameworks/Tools: Ruby on Rails (Full-stack and API), PostgreSQL, Redis, React, React Hooks, ASP.Net Core
Planet Argon, Remote
- Designed, developed and maintained multiple applications using Ruby on Rails best practices
- Integrated Microsoft SQL Server using containerization and the TinyTDS gem within a Rails web app
- Reconfigured a Linux server to handle the swapping of a complex code repository
- Implemented user-triggered email delays and conducted A/B testing for live feature testing
- Integrated and managed Stripe and PayPal payment systems, ensuring secure and seamless transactions
- Developed custom Salesforce functionality in Java, streamlining workflows and automating key processes
- Managed relationships with a wide range of clients and their unique applications
- Documented processes and encouraged regular ReadMe updates for knowledge transfer and consistency
- Started AWS and DevOps self-learning for enhanced self-sufficiency and holistic software insight