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WilloughbySeago edited this page Jan 25, 2023 · 6 revisions

The textbooks that I have used, and where they have been useful.

A Concise Introduction To Pure Mathematics [1]

This was the course textbook for proofs and problem solving. I have also referenced it explicitly in the statistics part of the Fourier analysis and statistics course, since it contains some proofs of counting procedures (such as the binomial coefficients).

Introduction to Electrodynamics [2]

This was the course textbook for electromagnetism.

Numerical Recipes [3]

This was the course textbook for numerical recipes.

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering [4]

This was the recommended textbook for the second year maths courses:

Principles of Physics [5]

This was the recommended textbook for first and second year physics courses:

Finn's Thermal Physics [6]

This was the course textbook for the thermal physics course.

Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals [7]

This was one of the course textbooks for the quantum theory course. It was also a source of several exercises in the tutorials.

Introduction to Solid state Physics [8]

This was the course textbook for the introduction to condensed matter physics course.

Modern Particle Physics [9]

This was one of the recommended textbooks for the particle physics part of the relativity, nuclear, and particle physics course.

Symmetries, Particles, and Fields [10]

This was the recommended textbook for the symmetries of particles and fields course.

An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory [11]

This was one of the recommended textbooks for the quantum field theory and gauge theories in particle physics courses.

Categories for Quantum Theory [12]

This was the course textbook for the categories and quantum informatics course and was written by the lecturer.


  1. Liebeck, M. A Concise Introduction To Pure Mathematics, fourth edition (CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2016)
  2. Griffiths, D. J. Introduction to Electrodynamics, fourth edition (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017)
  3. Press, W. H. et al. Numerical Recipes, third edition (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007)
  4. Riley, K. F. et al. Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering, third edition (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2006)
  5. Halliday, D. Principles of Physics, tenth edition (Wiley, Hoboken, 2014)
  6. Rex, A. Finn's Thermal Physics, third edition (CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2017)
  7. Feynman, R. P. et al. Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals, emended edition(Dover Publications, Mineloa, 2010)
  8. Kitel, C. Introduction to Solid State Physics, Global edition (Wiley, Hoboken, 2018)
  9. Tomson, M. Modern Particle Physics, First edition (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2013)
  10. Allanach, B. Symmetries, Particles, and Fields, (Museum of Wrong, Cambridge, 2022)
  11. Peskin, M. et al. An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, (CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1995)
  12. Heunen, C. et al. Categories for Quantum Theory, (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2019)