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Tutorial for Brats 2024 BraSyn (Missing Modality Synthesis) Challenge


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BraSyn tutorial

This is the tutorial built for beginner to quickly get hands on the BraSyn Challenge. The goal of this challenge is to generate one missing modality for a given MRI sequence. As for the goal of this tutorial is to help you get started and get comfortable with the challenge. Our primary tool is a simple 3D Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) known as pix2pix, but you are encouraged to experiment with more advanced models like Diffusion Models in your research.

Dataset format

Once you've downloaded and extracted the dataset from Synapse, take some time to understand its structure. Your folders for training and validation should look like this after extraction:

├── BraTS-GLI-00000-000
├── BraTS-GLI-00002-000
├── BraTS-GLI-00003-000
├── BraTS-GLI-00005-000

For each folder, there are 4 modalities available and one segmentation map (ending with *seg.nii.gz):

├── BraTS-GLI-01666-000-seg.nii.gz
├── BraTS-GLI-01666-000-t1c.nii.gz
├── BraTS-GLI-01666-000-t1n.nii.gz
├── BraTS-GLI-01666-000-t2f.nii.gz
└── BraTS-GLI-01666-000-t2w.nii.gz

Tools like itk-snap are useful to view each modality and segmentation map provided. After you view the input images, you can find the dimension of the images are all $256 \times 256 \times 256$, which contains too much empty space and is too big to train on memory limited GPUs. Therefore, we need to crop the images in latter process.

The simple 3D baseline

The baseline model simulates a scenario where a random modality is missing during training, enhancing the model's ability to handle missing modalities during inference.

To get started, please clone this repo by:

git clone

Environment setup

It is recommended to use Mamba for faster environment and package management compared to Anaconda. Install Mamba following the insctruction here and create a virtual environment as follows:

mamba create -n brasyn python=3.10
mamba activate brasyn

Alternatively, you can use Conda:

conda create -n brasyn python=3.10
conda activate brasyn

To install Pytorch on your machine with Cuda compatibility, you can just use the following command:

mamba install pytorch==2.1.2 torchvision==0.16.2 torchaudio==2.1.2 pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia

or using conda:

conda install pytorch==2.1.2 torchvision==0.16.2 torchaudio==2.1.2 pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia

The minimum Pytorch version requirement is 1.9.0. If you want to install other version (your CUDA version is much lower than 11.8), please refer to Pytorch installing docs.

Then please install other dependencies by the following command:

cd project
pip install -r requirements.txt


The inference pipeline can be summarized as following:

According the submission requirements, images are stored in a folder and model reads the processed images with cropped dimension ($144 \times 192 \times 192$) and generate the missing modality for the given input images. After the missing modality is generated, post-processed algorithm pads the images back to original dimension ($256 \times 256 \times 256 $).

To infer on your own machine, you have to do the following things:

  • Run python on your own machine to generate random missing modality MRI input sequence and please remember to change the val_set_folder to where you store your training dataset.
  • Change the data_path in project/ to the same as the val_set_missing in
  • If you don't want to save the generated modality back to the data_path, change save_back in infer() function to False
  • Change the output_path in project/, if you did the last step.
  • Run python project/ to generate the missing modality. Note: a pre-trained 3D GAN is given in mlcube/workspace/additional_files/weights/your_weight_name and parameter file is also included, mlcube/workspace/parameters.yaml

After the inference, you need to obtain a Dice coefficient in order to evaluate your model further.

The most simple way to do so is by using a nnUnet docker provided by us:

docker pull winstonhutiger/brasyn_nnunet:latest

Then you can just run the docker to obtain the Dice coefficient by using:


Alternatively, you can run the ensemble version to get more robust results:

docker pull winstonhutiger/brasyn_nnunet:ensemble

Note: To run this docker, you have to install Docker on your own machine. Please pay attention to $PWD/pseudo_val_set in both bash scripts, which is the path where you store your generated modality and other three true modalities. Moreover, if you want to use post-processing in nnUnet ensemble docker, please add the --post flag after, changing the last line into /bin/bash -c "bash --post"

Alternatively, you can also manually obtain the Dice score without docker. We provide a pretrained nnUnet for you to do so. There are several steps you should follow:
  • Install nnUnetV2 on your machine, you can just use pip install nnunetv2 to do so.
  • Set the environment variable according to the instruction here.
  • Download the pre-trained weight and put the unzipped folder to where you set nnUNet_results variable.
  • Please use to convert the generated missing modality and existing modality to nnunet's format (You have to change the path, brats_data_dir, to where you store your MRI sequences).
  • Run nnunetv2 by nnUNetv2_predict -i "./Dataset137_BraTS2021_test/imagesTr" -o "./outputs" -d 137 -c 3d_fullres -f 5 to obtain the predicted segmentation maps.
  • Finally, you can use python to calculate the average Dice score, in order to evaluate your model on training dataset.

Building MLCube

The detailed document for building model MLCube can be found here.

Please follow the document here to install Medperf.

The files needed to build model MLCube are all included in this repo already.

All you need to do:

  • Change the image name and author name in mlcube/mlcube.yaml
  • Change the name in mlcube/workspace/parameters.yaml to match the weight folder' name
  • Move your trained weight folder to the mlcube/workspace/additional_files folder
  • Move the checkpoint folder out of the project folder.

After these steps, you can use:

mlcube configure -Pdocker.build_strategy=always

to build your MLCube on your machine.

Note: the logic for testing MLCube using MedPref and testing your model using nnunet provided in this repo is different. In this repo, we copy the other three modalities and the generated modality to a subfolder (with patient name), within the main folder pseudo_val_set for the nnunet to segment. However, while using MedPref for MLCube submission, you only save the generated modality to a folder without subfolders.

Submitting MLCube

Please follow the detailed description available here to submit your MLCube.

Note: Do not forget to test the compatibility using MedPref before submission.

Training the baseline

The whole framework is built on 2D_VAE_UDA_for_3D_sythesis with a few tweaks from last year's BraSyn challenge. Compared with the original implementation, a new dataloader named is added to data folder. Input 3D volumes are manually cropped into sub-volumes with size $144 \times 192 \times 192$. For inference purpose, is added to option folder and some utility functions in are included to pad the output volumes for MLCube production.

If you are interested in training your own simple baseline model, you first have to start the visdom server on your machine by visdom and then you can modify the following command:

cd project/
python \
     --dataroot your_dataset_root_path \
     --name your_checkpoint_name \
     --model pix2pix --direction AtoB --dataset_mode brain_3D_random_mod \
     --B_modality random \
     --n_epochs 50 --n_epochs_decay 70 \
     --lr 0.0001 --input_nc 3 --output_nc 1 \
     --paired --netG sit --netD n_layers --n_layers_D 1 \
     --batch_size 1 --gpu_ids 0 

Note: the minimum GPU memory requirement is 24GB and the training time is about 28 hours on a single 4090 RTX GPU. After the training, you are able to view Structural Similarity (SSIM) Index and Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) metric in the output. SSIM indicates the structural similarity, such as tissue similarity in our case here. As for the segmentation (Dice) score, we have discussed it in inference. You are also welcome to include other metrics in your own research.


Please cite our work, if you find this tutorial is somehow useful.

      title={The Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge 2023: Brain MR Image Synthesis for Tumor Segmentation (BraSyn)}, 
      author={Hongwei Bran Li and Gian Marco Conte and Syed Muhammad Anwar and Florian Kofler and Ivan Ezhov and Koen van Leemput and Marie Piraud and Maria Diaz and Byrone Cole and Evan Calabrese and Jeff Rudie and Felix Meissen and Maruf Adewole and Anastasia Janas and Anahita Fathi Kazerooni and Dominic LaBella and Ahmed W. Moawad and Keyvan Farahani and James Eddy and Timothy Bergquist and Verena Chung and Russell Takeshi Shinohara and Farouk Dako and Walter Wiggins and Zachary Reitman and Chunhao Wang and Xinyang Liu and Zhifan Jiang and Ariana Familiar and Elaine Johanson and Zeke Meier and Christos Davatzikos and John Freymann and Justin Kirby and Michel Bilello and Hassan M. Fathallah-Shaykh and Roland Wiest and Jan Kirschke and Rivka R. Colen and Aikaterini Kotrotsou and Pamela Lamontagne and Daniel Marcus and Mikhail Milchenko and Arash Nazeri and Marc André Weber and Abhishek Mahajan and Suyash Mohan and John Mongan and Christopher Hess and Soonmee Cha and Javier Villanueva and Meyer Errol Colak and Priscila Crivellaro and Andras Jakab and Jake Albrecht and Udunna Anazodo and Mariam Aboian and Thomas Yu and Verena Chung and Timothy Bergquist and James Eddy and Jake Albrecht and Ujjwal Baid and Spyridon Bakas and Marius George Linguraru and Bjoern Menze and Juan Eugenio Iglesias and Benedikt Wiestler},
  author = {Hu, Qingqiao and Li, Hongwei and Zhang, Jianguo},  
  title = {Domain-Adaptive 3D Medical Image Synthesis: An Efficient Unsupervised Approach},
  publisher = {arXiv},
  year = {2022},


The 3D synthesis baseline is from 2D_VAE_UDA_for_3D_sythesis.

The 3D backbone is from 3D-MRI-style-transfer.

The training framework is from pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix.

Some utility functions are from Bran's BraSyn.

Thanks for their wonderful opensource works!!!


Tutorial for Brats 2024 BraSyn (Missing Modality Synthesis) Challenge







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