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Releases: WishMakers0/Danmakufu-Woo-Edition


31 Aug 13:59
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Hello! This unfortunately is not the major update you necessarily may think it is, but a formal final announcement for Woo.
Both the newfeatures branch and master branch of this will not be updated further unless compatibility issues arise.
If you are looking for a standard of Danmakufu based on the same codebase with new features, I recommend Natashi's ph3sx for new developments. It uses Woo's stabilization as a base and makes DNH capable of far more than I could imagine.
Woo still has a purpose by being "ph3 but runs better" so I haven't fully archived the repo and chose to leave it up (in addition, if you want to build from source, I've notably had trouble building sx, so this may be easier for modification.)

(The only ph3 project I know with incompatibility as of September 2021 is Youkai Kori Kassen, which appears to be a locale issue and difficult to reasonably fix. If I can, I'll update The Woo Pack properly to fix it. If you have any further incompatibility with other base ph3 projects, you are free to submit an issue and I'll get to it as soon as I can.)

I don't attach a binary to this simply because I've had an upload of any kind of version of Woo as a binary you'd need all in one place on Bulletforge, which I'll link to here:

This includes modifications I've made for fun such as the RNG and (generalized) Ultra patches and I may add further modifications to the pack if I choose to make any. Frankly, I don't want to touch mkm's old code ever again.

Thank you all for your support during this project's hay day and I hope to continue supporting the community in the future with a standard to put DNH finally out of its misery. <3

(Not guaranteed backwards compatible) DNH_Woo nf4

27 Jan 00:31
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Starting from the nf4 branch onwards, the newfeatures branch will NOT be guaranteed to be backwards compatible with everything from normal ph3. This includes fangames, especially ones that use archives. Use the master branch release (or nf3) to play anything from normal ph3.

Version name of [.1 pre6a open nf4]

(PH3 compatible) DNH_Woo 1.4

26 Jan 20:31
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Changes from previous master branch version:

-All archive files tested confirmed to work - this includes plain text files within archives like shaders, mqo, and dds that didn't work previously.

-Config was changed to match the standard set by Ephemeral Unnatural Balance's config menu:

  • Chinese is now supported in the config.
  • Menus were made bigger so it is now easier to see options in the key and options menu.
  • Window title was finally changed.
  • Font was adjusted to look natural with all three languages displayed (this is easily changeable if you compile yourself, just ask me in FnC/Bullet Hell Engines on Discord.
  • Confirmed controller support with the config menu and adjustable controls - tested with XInput controllers, the Wired Faceoff Nintendo Switch controller, and DualShock 4.

-Fixed the zlib build path for the source. Should compile regardless of vcpkg now.

Thanks for continued support with Woo and your patience with these releases!

Even better binary (updated)

10 Oct 12:41
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*Please redownload if you downloaded 1.3 already! This version fixes a major issue.
Didn't think I'd be seeing a new release for the stable branch again, but hopefully this is the last one.

v1.3 changes:
-Plain text files in archive files should now load without a hitch, as the archive now checks for the correct size when decompressing. Major DNH games fixed by this issue are FFF (game would not go past the title screen due to a shader error) and HSoB (all models now load properly in-game)
-𝖨̶̶̶𝗇̶̶̶𝖼̶̶̶𝗈̶̶̶𝗋̶̶̶𝗉̶̶̶𝗈̶̶̶𝗋̶̶̶𝖺̶̶̶𝗍̶̶̶𝗂̶̶̶𝗇̶̶̶𝗀̶̶̶ ̶̶̶𝖢̶̶̶𝗋̶̶̶𝖾̶̶̶𝖾̶̶̶𝗉̶̶̶𝗒̶̶̶𝖭̶̶̶𝗂̶̶̶𝗇̶̶̶𝗃̶̶̶𝖺̶̶̶_̶̶̶'̶̶̶𝗌̶̶̶ ̶̶̶𝗉̶̶̶𝗎̶̶̶𝗅̶̶̶𝗅̶̶̶ ̶̶̶𝗋̶̶̶𝖾̶̶̶𝗊̶̶̶𝗎̶̶̶𝖾̶̶̶𝗌̶̶̶𝗍̶̶̶,̶̶̶ ̶̶̶𝗐̶̶̶𝗁̶̶̶𝗂̶̶̶𝖼̶̶̶𝗁̶̶̶ ̶̶̶𝖼̶̶̶𝗈̶̶̶𝗎̶̶̶𝗅̶̶̶𝖽̶̶̶ ̶̶̶𝗁̶̶̶𝖺̶̶̶𝗏̶̶̶𝖾̶̶̶ ̶̶̶𝖺̶̶̶ ̶̶̶𝗉̶̶̶𝗈̶̶̶𝗍̶̶̶𝖾̶̶̶𝗇̶̶̶𝗍̶̶̶𝗂̶̶̶𝖺̶̶̶𝗅̶̶̶ ̶̶̶𝗌̶̶̶𝗆̶̶̶𝖺̶̶̶𝗅̶̶̶𝗅̶̶̶ ̶̶̶𝗉̶̶̶𝖾̶̶̶𝗋̶̶̶𝖿̶̶̶𝗈̶̶̶𝗋̶̶̶𝗆̶̶̶𝖺̶̶̶𝗇̶̶̶𝖼̶̶̶𝖾̶̶̶ ̶̶̶𝖻̶̶̶𝗈̶̶̶𝗈̶̶̶𝗌̶̶̶𝗍̶̶̶ (REVERTED, as this broke INFO_ACTIVE_STEP_LIFE_RATE and several log window functions, causing the game to crash with the Log Window open)

That's really all that needed to be done!
There is also a newfeatures branch release today, so please check that out if you're interested in some new QoL changes.

th_dnh_woo .1 pre6a open nf3

10 Oct 12:43
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(Thank you gtbot for the changelog)
Version name of [.1 pre6a open nf3]
New exe icon to differentiate from other versions
Archive file fixes from stable branch v1.3 (WishMakers)
Alpha values in Render Targets now render properly (WishMakers)
Added SetShotGrazeInvalidFrame (gtbot)
Added SetShotInvalidIntersectionDistance (gtbot)
Added ObjShot_SetGrazeInvalidFrame (gtbot)
Added ObjShot_GetGrazeStatus (gtbot)
Added ObjShot_SetDamageReductionRate (gtbot)
Added ObjShot_GetDamageReductionRate (gtbot)

  • Added SetShotGrazeInvalidFrame
    • Argument 1: Defaulted graze invalid frame
    • Sets the default amount of frames that must pass before a bullet can be grazed again
    • Applies to all bullets fired after this was set
    • Use GRAZE_INVALID_NONE to reset this value to normal (meaning it can only be grazed once).
    • Default value is GRAZE_INVALID_NONE
  • Added SetShotInvalidIntersectionDistance
    • Argument 1: Distance in pixels
    • Sets the distance in pixels to automatically disable and enable regular bullet hitboxes
    • When outside the distance, hitboxes are entirely disabled for the bullet. When inside the distance, they behave as usual.
    • This does not apply to laser type bullets
    • This is calculated by using GetPlayerX/Y and ObjMove_GetX/Y only! This means that radii are NOT accounted for.
    • Also note that this will also disable collisions with spell objects that are out of range as well.
    • It's best to use this only in your own distributed packaged scripts/players, as this function may easily cause problems.
    • Set this value to 0 to disable this function.
    • Default value is 0
  • Added ObjShot_SetGrazeInvalidFrame
    • Argument 1: ObjShot ID
    • Argument 2: Graze invalid frame
    • Sets the amount of frames that must pass before the specified bullet can be grazed again
    • Use GRAZE_INVALID_NONE to reset this value to normal.
    • Default value is GRAZE_INVALID_NONE
  • Added ObjShot_GetGrazeStatus
    • Argument 1: ObjShot ID
    • Returns true if the player is colliding with the specified bullet's graze hitbox
  • ObjShot_SetDamageReductionRate
    • Argument 1: ObjShot ID
    • Argument 2: Damage reduction rate
    • Sets the rate at which the specified bullet's damage will be reduced by based on the total number of bullets colliding with a single enemy on a single frame.
      • Example: 3 bullets hit the same enemy in the same frame, with 10 damage each and 1 damage reduction rate:
      • Bullet 1 will deal 10 damage, bullet 2 will deal 5 damage, and bullet 3 will deal 3.33 damage
    • Default value is 0
  • ObjShot_GetDamageReductionRate
    • Argument 1: ObjShot ID
    • Returns the damage reduction rate specified in ObjShot_SetDamageReductionRate

Very good binary

19 Jul 02:13
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Major release this time!
-Added dat decompression, which makes all games that require it finally usable!
-Log window crash bug fixed
-All black/grey bars in windowed mode fixed, black bars replace grey bars in fullscreen.

Slightly updated binary

25 Jun 04:42
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-learned that dat extraction code is completely omitted and proprietary, making dat extraction currently impossible
-opening the log window upon startup prevents the game from crashing when the game is closed, for now
-changed the window color to black instead of hex #646464

Better binary

25 Jun 03:21
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-Grey bars on both windowed and "pseudo full screen" gone.

Bugs discovered:
-Dat extraction doesn't work properly, needs investigation

Compiled binary

24 Jun 23:24
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Garbage file

Signed-off-by: WishMakers <[email protected]>