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A simple app for collecting suggestions for datasets release

Writen using Python/Django

Demo Instance:

This is a typical Django app and since there are a lot of Python/Django resources online therefore you can always find more information on how Django works and how develop and to deploy projects by using it.

Note: The default database for this project is PostgresSQL.

The source code also include sample helper script for starting Gunicorn (bin/start_gunicorn) and sample cofiguration files for Gunicorn, Nginx and Supervisor in conf/ folder.


  • Dataset suggestion form

  • Datasets suggestions list with status filter

  • Upvoting/Like dataset suggestions

  • Comment thread for dataset suggestion

  • Admin/Management interface, accessible via /admin

  • General feedback form

  • Email notifications for senders and staff on new feedback and dataset suggestions

  • Newsletters

  • Multilingual support (default: English and Swahili)

  • Bulk data export

    Note: For users to receive staff notification they have to assigned the respective permissions using the admin interface.

Sample installation on Ubuntu or other debian based systems

Install the database engine

To install PostgreSQL and its client API run :-

sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev

Make sure the Postgresql server is running

sudo service postgresql start

Configuring the database

Login as postgres (Postgresql admin user)

sudo su - postgres

While logged in as postgres create the database

createdb suggestdataset

Connect to the database shell

psql suggestdataset

While you are in the database shell create the database user and grant appropriate privillages to the user.

CREATE USER suggestdataset WITH PASSWORD '<your_dbuser_password>';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE suggestdataset TO suggestdataset;

Logout as postgres user


Remember the database details especially the database user password used in this stage because they are going to be used in configuring your project later

You can also use other database engines including SQLite, MySql and Oracle. However the default project dependancies includes the python database driver for PostgresSQL (psycopg2) only, therefore if you want to use another database engine apart from PostgreSQL and SQLite you will have to install its respective python client library. ( probably replace psycopg2 with the required database driver in requirements.txt ).

SQLite is the altenative database which is the easiest to use, suitable for development but not for production use.

To install SQLite you can run

sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev

With SQLite you don't need to create a database or a database user in advance.

Setting the python environment

Install pip, virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper into your system

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip

You may also need to install imaging libraries which are useful for various operations including CAPTCHA generation.

sudo apt-get install libz-dev libjpeg-dev libfreetype6-dev

If you already had an old version of pip installed you may need to upgrade to a newer version.

sudo pip install -U pip

Then using pip

sudo pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

Virtualenvwrapper is an optional but very convenient when working with python virtual enviroments especially during development. To use virtualenvwrapper you may need to make some few configurations to your system according to its documentation .

For example on ubuntu you may need to create or edit ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile and add the following lines

export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/

You may need to start a new terminal session for the above changes to take effect.

Create virtualenv for your project

Assuming you have virtualenvwrapper properly installed and you want to call your virtual enviroment suggestdataset you can run

mkvirtualenv suggestdatset

Getting the source code

Download the source code archive and extract its content to your working directory


Move to the directory where you want to your source code to live then clone the github repository

git clone

Go to project root

cd suggestdataset

use pip to install project requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Preparing the Project

Add file named .env within the project root for configuring your local settings

touch .env

Traditionally in Django project settings are configured in file within the project module but for convenience "suggestdataset" allows passing settings through enviroment variables or by configuring enviroment variables in a file named .env in your project root directory. Project .env file is not tracked by Git.

Add local environment settigs to .env , example






You can also add other configuratiuons, example











SITE_NAME = 'My Site'











DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL='[email protected]'

SERVER_EMAIL='[email protected]'

ADMINS='Admin:[email protected], Other Admin:[email protected]'

Check if things are ok

python check

Create database tables

python migrate

Create project admin/superuser

python createsuperuser

Starting the development server

Django comes with an inbuilt server which can be user during testing or development. You shouldn't be using this server on production sites. To start the deveopment server you can run

python runserver 8000

Now you will be able to access local site via

Deployment (Gunicorn, Nginx, Supervisor and PostgreSQL)

Since this is a typical Django application any standard Django deployment stack can be used

One of the most common Django deployment stacks is

Web/Proxy server:Nginx
Application server:Gunicorn or uWSGI
Process manager:supervisor (Especially when using Gunicorn)
Database engine:Postgresql

The basic steps for deploymnent could be

  • Installing system wide packages
  • Configuring the database
  • Creating python virtualenv
  • Getting the source code
  • Configure project settings
  • Install project Python requirements within virtualenv
  • Create database tables
  • Collect static files
  • Configure application server
  • Configure web server
  • Configure process manager
  • Restart services

Some of the steps for deployment as similar as in development setup but some are a bit different.

To install system wide packages you can run

sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev python-dev python-pip python-virtualenv python-virtualenvwrapper supervisor  nginx

You can put your source code and virtualenv wherever you feels better for you and in this case we will put our virtualenv and our suggest dataset within a directory called /opt/.

Create an /opt/ directory if it doesn't exist

mkdir /opt/
cd /opt/

Create Virtualenv

mkdir virtualenv
cd /opt/virtualenv
mkvirtualenv suggestdataset

Clone the sorce code

cd /opt/
git clone

Create deployment configurations in /opt/suggestdataset/.env file

Within the virtual enviroment

cd /opt/suggestdataset
pip install requirements-gunicorn.txt
python migrate
python collectstatic --no-input

Use the included helper script to test the application server


If things are ok you will see Gunicorn running without an error and you can stop it by pressing Ctr-C

Configure Nginx as a proxy server, copy conf/nginx/suggestdataset.conf to /etc/nginx/sites-available/ and modify it as necessary to reflect your current setup.

cp /opt/suggestdataset/conf/nginx/suggestdataset.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/

Enable the site on Nginx

ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/suggestdataset.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/suggestdataset.conf

Copy supervisor configurations to /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ folder and update it as necessary to reflect your actual deployment setup

cp /opt/suggestdataset/conf/supervisor/suggestdataset_gunicorn.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d

Restart services

sudo service supervisor restart
sudo service nginx restart

When there are changes in application source code you may need to restart your process manager for the changes to become fully effective. Example using supervisor

sudo supervisorctl restart all


sudo supervisorctl restart <your-supervisor-process-name>

Sending newsletter e-mails

In order to send newsletter emails you will have to execute python manage runjob submit command. To process message queue periodically you may use crontab, example

@daily cd /path/to/my/suggestdataset && /path/to/my/virtualenv/bin/python runjob submit


@daily cd /path/to/my/suggestdataset && /path/to/my/virtualenv/bin/python runjobs hourly

For more information check out django-newsletter documentation,


To Update an existing deployment usually you will have to

  • Get the new source code (usually by pulling from Github)
  • Activate virtual environment
  • Ensure all requirements are installed
  • Apply database migrations
  • Collect static files
  • Restart the application server


cd suggestdataset
git pull origin master
pip install -r requirements.txt
python migrate
python collectstatic
sudo supervisorctl restart all


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