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Add categorize_biannual function 🌟
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truenomad committed Oct 11, 2024
1 parent f55d352 commit 11721b8
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Showing 2 changed files with 111 additions and 0 deletions.
81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions R/categorize_biannual.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
#' Categorize Dates into Biannual Intervals
#' This function categorizes dates in a given dataset into non-overlapping
#' six-month intervals, working backward from the maximum date in the dataset.
#' Each date is assigned to a category based on the interval it falls into.
#' @param data A data frame containing the date column.
#' @param date_column A string specifying the name of the date column in the
#' data frame.
#' @return A data frame with an additional factor column `date_categ`
#' that contains the interval labels.
#' @examples
#' data <- data.frame(
#' virus_date = as.Date(c("2021-05-01", "2021-11-30", "2022-01-15"))
#' )
#' categorized_data <- categorize_biannual(data, "virus_date")
#' @export
categorize_biannual <- function(data, date_column) {

data[[date_column]] <- as.Date(data[[date_column]], format = "%Y-%m-%d")
max_date <- max(data[[date_column]], na.rm = TRUE)
min_date <- min(data[[date_column]], na.rm = TRUE)

# Simplify adjusted start date calculation
adjusted_start_date <- lubridate::ceiling_date(
min_date, "6 months") - months(6)
adjusted_end_date <- lubridate::ceiling_date(
max_date, "6 months")

# Sequence generation
start_dates <- seq(from = adjusted_start_date,
to = adjusted_end_date, by = "6 months")
end_dates <- start_dates + months(6) - lubridate::days(1)

intervals <- data.frame(
start = start_dates,
end = end_dates,
start_month = stringr::str_sub(
lubridate::month(start_dates, label = TRUE), start = 1, end = 3),
end_month = stringr::str_sub(
lubridate::month(end_dates, label = TRUE), start = 1, end = 3),
start_year = lubridate::year(start_dates) %% 100,
end_year = lubridate::year(end_dates) %% 100

# Expanding intervals for join
expanded_intervals <- tidyr::expand_grid(
!!date_column := seq(min_date, max_date, by = "day"),
) |>
dplyr::filter(!!rlang::sym(date_column) >= start &
!!rlang::sym(date_column) <= end) |>
label = glue::glue("{start_month} {start_year} / {end_month} {end_year}")
) |>
dplyr::select(!!rlang::sym(date_column) , label)

# Joining and coalescing the labels
data <- data |>
by = date_column,
relationship = "many-to-many"
) |>
dplyr::mutate(date_categ = dplyr::coalesce(label, "Other")) |>

# Order the labels chronologically and set the levels
labels <- data |>
dplyr::select(date_categ, !!rlang::sym(date_column)) |>
dplyr::arrange(!!rlang::sym(date_column)) |>

data <- data |>
dplyr::mutate(date_categ = factor(date_categ, levels = unique(labels)))

30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions man/categorize_biannual.Rd

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