The application implements simple car's filter selection flow:
- Select manufacturer
- Select car model
- Select build year
- Show summary
- Regardless of the task's simplicity, the app is separated into different modules to show how to develop each type of a filter independently and navigate between them.
- Notifications and auto reloading implemented to help users when connection is lost. Backend provides filters (remote source of truth).
- Pure color's theming supported. Direct links to the colors only as theme's properties.
- Kotlin coroutines & Flow
- Hilt
- Paging 3
- Android Navigation
- OkHTTP & Retrofit 2 & Moshi
- Material design
This client application can work with a custom backend. For this purpose it has build properties, you need to add into
file or as the CI properties.
# The path to a base URL
# The name of an api key property. This key will be attached to each request with API_VALUE
# A secret api key
# The name of the container properties which contains a key-value (id, name) pairs of list items
This sample of a page model your backend should send.
data class ManufacturersPage(
val page: Int,
val totalPageCount: Int,
@field:Json(name = BuildConfig.JSON_CONTENT_FIELD)
val manufacturers: Map<String, String>
- Implement caching of filters lists into local database
- Provide unit test with a coverage