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This is an open source version of the Campsite app. This codebase is available as-is and is not actively maintained by the Campsite team. We will only consider pull requests and issues regarding self-hosting or critical fixes. The codebase is provided as a reference for those interested in learning how Campsite works. We welcome forks of this repository for use in non-commercial projects.

Local dev setup

To get started, run this command from the workspace root:


Campsite requires setting up several services before you can run the basic version locally.

S3 (critical)

S3 is needed to upload avatars and attachments. We recommend separate buckets for dev and production. For example, we use campsite-media and campsite-media-dev buckets.

You should setup a IAM user with these suggested policies (make sure to use your buckets in the policy).

Set your credentials for the API:

cd api
script/credentials development

Configure these under the aws key.

We also recommend uploading the contents of the default_avatars directory under static/avatars in each S3 bucket. Read more here.

Pusher (critical)

Pusher is used to send realtime updates and events. After creating your account, configure this under the pusher key in your credentials.

Imgix (critical)

Imgix is the CDN powering Campsite. On AWS IAM, you will need to create an imgix user + policy (see recommended policy).

Then, add S3 as an Imgix source. If you setup dev and prod S3 buckets, you will need a separate Imgix source for each.

Lastly, create an API Key for Imgix in your account dropdown.

Fill in all of these values in the credentials files:

  • imgix.url - The S3 sourced image domain. Should look like
  • imgix.source_id - The Imgix source ID (top of the source page or in the URL)
  • imgix.api_key - The API key you created
  • imgix_video.url - Same URL as imgix.url but with .video as the TLD (e.g.


While here you can also setup Imgix Web Folders and put the URL in imgix_folder.url. This is used to cache doc thumbnails, but isn't necessary on local dev. The web folder is needed to host doc thumbnails in prod.


100ms powers Campsite's video conferencing features. After creating an account, set these values under the hms credentials key.


Video calls with webhooks will only work when using a secure tunnel such as ngrok.


We use the OpenAI API to generate summaries for calls and posts. You need both an API key and your organization ID (not the name, found in OpenAI platform settings). Add these under the openai credentials key.


There are many other services we use to power Campsite features. Create accounts and set up credentials as needed:

  • aws_ecs - run data exports on AWS Elastic Container Service
  • cal_dot_com - the Campsite app
  • figma - render frames via the Figma REST API
  • linear - the Campsite Linear app (see API docs)
  • omniauth_google - Google OAuth
  • plain - customer feedback (likely not needed)
  • postmark - sending emails via the Postmark API
  • sentry - bug reports, just need the DSN
  • slack - Campsite Slack app
  • vercel.revalidate_static_cache - generate your own key to safely revalidate cached docs (ISR)
  • webpush_vapid - VAPID keys necessary to send web push notifications (docs)
  • zapier - The Campsite Zapier app
  • tenor - GIF search (docs)

Running Campsite in development

We use Overmind to run all of the services needed to develop Campsite locally. To get started, run script/setup to install tmux and Overmind. Then run:


Our Procfile defines the services Overmind runs. Use overmind connect to view the logs of a specific service (e.g. overmind connect sync-server).

Running the web app

  1. Install npm packages
pnpm install
  1. Connect Vercel
pnpm i -g vercel
  1. Sign in to your Vercel account
npx vercel login
  1. Link the apps to Vercel
npx vercel link --repo
? Set up and develop “~/<your_path_to_campsite>? [Y/n] y
? Which scope should contain your project? Campsite
? Found project “campsite/campsite”. Link to it? [Y/n] y
🔗  Linked to campsite/campsite (created .vercel)
  1. Pull environment variables from Vercel
cd apps/web && npx vercel env pull
  1. Run the app
npx vercel dev
  1. Open the app at http://app.campsite.test:3000 — you will be redirected to the auth page with user credentials pre-filled.

Running the marketing site

  1. Follow the steps above to connect the apps/site repo to the campsite-site project on Vercel.

  2. Pull environment variables from Vercel

cd apps/site && npx vercel env pull
  1. Run the site
pnpm -F @campsite/site dev
  1. Open the app at http://localhost:3003

Running Storybook

pnpm -F @campsite/web storybook

Installing new packages

To add new packages, you always install at the root of the repository and pass a filter flag to pnpm. For example, to install Tailwind to the marketing site, you would run:

pnpm -F @campsite/site i tailwindcss

Or to install lodash to the web app, you would run:

pnpm -F @campsite/web i lodash

To find an app or package name, navigate to the package.json for each app/ or package/ directory.

Running the Desktop App locally

  1. Download the ToDesktop build macOS App.
  2. Look for the app switcher in the ToDesktop title bar. If you do not see our org apps here, you may need to create a dummy application.
  3. Switch to "Campsite Dev" and click "Run" in the bottom left corner of the app.
View screenshot Screen Shot 2023-01-11 at 15 20 46@2x

Running the API locally

Are you looking to setup and run the API locally? Checkout the API README

API secrets

Running script/setup will generate Rails custom credential files for development and production environments. From the API directory, run VISUAL="code --wait" bin/rails credentials:edit --environment development to edit development credentials, or run VISUAL="code --wait" bin/rails credentials:edit --environment development to edit production credentials.

When you deploy Campsite, config/credentials/production.yml.enc must be present on your production server, and you must set the RAILS_MASTER_KEY environment variable equal to the contents of config/credentials/production.key. If you deploy from a git repository, you can remove config/credentials/production.yml.enc from .gitignore and commit the file. Do not remove config/credentials/production.key from .gitignore, instead share this with your team in a safe place outside of the repository, such as in a password vault.

Calls in development

To use calls in development, you'll need to treat the http://app.campsite.test:3000 origin as secure. In a Chromium-based browser, you can do that at chrome://flags/#unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure.

For any call features that require webhooks (like getting chat bubbles in message threads when calls start), you should use ngrok. You can enable webhooks in the developer tab of the 100ms dashboard. The webhook URL should be set to, and there should be a webhook header with the name X-Passcode and a value that comes from running Rails.application.credentials.hms.webhook_passcode in a development Rails console. Be sure that you configure webhooks in the "Development" workspace and disable them when you're done working in ngrok (webhooks in the "Production" workspace should always be enabled and the configuration shouldn't change).


The Campsite monorepo







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  • TypeScript 51.0%
  • Ruby 44.8%
  • HTML 1.0%
  • CSS 1.0%
  • MDX 0.8%
  • JavaScript 0.8%
  • Other 0.6%