SMT_unwrapping contains the Matlab scripts for single-molecule tracking in bacteria cells considering the curvature of the cell envelope.
- TrackingMainscript links single particals/molecules/spots from 2D or 3D result with correct format using nearest neighbour algorithm.
- it also filters bad spots or trajectories by user defined intensity threshold and ROI based on bright field or fluorescence image
- UnwrappingMainscript helps rotate individual cells and unwrap the cell envelope (it only applys to the rod shape cells now).
- State_Segementation helps segment indivudual reajectoies to different states (it only distinguishs directional movement from confined diffusion ones now).
- FtsW2dPostprocess does simple statistics of the results with some plotting functions.
- Require Matlab 2020a or newer for some functions in the GUI.
- Molecules are identified and localized using imageJ plugin ThunderSTROM:.
- Bright field (or PhaseContrast) images of bacteria cells are required for estimation of the cell diameter.
- To process data from 2d single-molecule tracking, please find the step-by-step manual in HowToUse2dTracking.
- To process data from 2d single-molecule tracking in nanopilars, please find the the step-by-step manual in Alink.
- To process data from 3d single-molecule tracking, please find the the step-by-step manual in Alink.
Please cite this paper Yang, Xinxing, et al. "A two-track model for the spatiotemporal coordination of bacterial septal cell wall synthesis revealed by single-molecule imaging of FtsW." Nature Microbiology (2021): 1-10.