git clone
cd NoSE_Index/nose-cli-master
bundle install --without=development mysql
You can use docker container to try nose_index by using below command.
docker run -it --rm yusukew/nose_index /bin/bash
> bundle exec nose search rubis
> bundle exec nose search rubis_secondary
'rubis' is the workload that is used NoSE. 'rubis_secondary' is expanded for secondary index evaluation.
- put conceptual data model under nose-cli-master/nose/models
- put query and frequency under nose-cli-master/nose/workloads
Group 'BrowseCategories', browsing: 4.44,
write_heavy: 7.65 do
Q 'SELECT users.nickname, users.password FROM users WHERE = ? -- 1'
You can specify the frequency for each group. Space constraint can be given as commandline option.
bundle exec nose search rubis_secondary --max_space 119120000
i2906147889 [] [] → [users.firstname, users.lastname, users.nickname, users.password,, users.rating, users.balance, users.creation_date] size: $206000 Graph(nodes: users, edges: {})
Total size: 55888445
Query plans
GROUP BrowseCategories
SELECT users.nickname, users.password FROM users WHERE = ? -- 1 users * 4.44 = 0.0409392529394436
Index lookup i2906147889 [] [] → [users.firstname, users.lastname, users.nickname, users.password,, users.rating, users.balance, users.creation_date] size: $206000 Graph(nodes: users, edges: {}) * 1.0/1
Total cost: 1.0060013622163766
'Indexes' section contains column families or secondary indexes. Column family format is below.
[partition key][clustering key] -> [value]
'Query Plans' section is consist of query plan for each query. Each query plan has several Index lookup steps for query..