Atmosphere addresses the growing needs for highly configurable and customized computational resources to support research efforts in plant sciences. Atmosphere is an integrative, private, self-service cloud computing platform designed to provide easy access to preconfigured, frequently used analysis routines, relevant algorithms, and data sets in an available-on-demand environment designed to accommodate computationally and data-intensive bioinformatics tasks.
- A powerful web client for management and administration of virtual machines
- A fully RESTful API service for integrating with existing infrastructure components
- Virtual machine images preconfigured for computational science and iPlant's infrastructure
There are several utility scripts in ./scripts
. To run these:
cd <path to atmosphere>
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='atmosphere.settings'
python scripts/<name of script>
- Use 4 space indentation
- Limit lines to 79 characters
- Remove unused imports
- Remove trailing whitespace
- See PEP8 - Style Guide for Python Code
It is recommended that you use the git pre-commit
hook to ensure your code
is compliant with our style guide.
ln -s $(pwd)/contrib/pre-commit.hook $(pwd)/.git/hooks/pre-commit
To automate running tests before a push use the git pre-push
hook to ensure
your code passes all the tests.
ln -s $(pwd)/contrib/pre-push.hook $(pwd).git/hooks/pre-push
When master is pulled, it's helpful to know if a pip install
or a migrate
is necessary. To get other helpful warnings:
ln -s $(pwd)/contrib/post-merge.hook $(pwd)/.git/hooks/post-merge
Imports should be grouped into the sections below and in sorted order.
- Standard libraries
- Third-party libraries
- External project libraries
- Local libraries
See LICENSE.txt for license information
- Edwin Skidmore [email protected]
The following individuals who have help/helped make ☁️ great appear in alphabetic order, by surname.
- Evan Briones [email protected]
- Tharon Carlson [email protected]
- Joseph Garcia [email protected]
- Steven Gregory [email protected]
- Jason Hansen [email protected]
- Christopher James LaRose [email protected]
- Andrew Lenards [email protected]
- Monica Lent [email protected]
- Andre Mercer [email protected]
- J. Matt Peterson [email protected]
- Julian Pistorius [email protected]
Where the cloud lives!