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[NeurIPS 2019] Mobile-cloud split deep learning model inference


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License: MIT

Android app screenshot


  • Android Studio
  • Android SDK
  • Python 3.7+ (additional libraries: janus)
  • Tensorflow 2.0
  • Gradle
  • NodeJS + npm

Build/Run Instructions


To generate the models, run:


Then, create the folder sdcard/collaborative-intelligence on the device, and copy models.json and the generated *.tflite models and into the folder:

adb shell mkdir "sdcard/collaborative-intelligence/"
adb push models.json "/sdcard/collaborative-intelligence/"
adb push models/**/*.tflite "/sdcard/collaborative-intelligence/"


Please ensure that the ports 5678 and 5680 are open on the server.

To start up the server, run:


Android Application

In NetworkAdapter.kt, set HOSTNAME to the desired server host. (For LAN connections, this should look something similar to "". You can determine this by running ip addr on your server.)

To build and install on your android device, simply open the android directory in Android Studio and click "Run".

NOTE: Please ensure that you enable the listed app permissions on your Android device. (To do this, find the app in your home screen, then long-press the app icon, choose "App info", choose "Permissions", then enable the sliders.)

Alternatively, you may run the gradle build script instead:

cd android
./gradlew build
./gradlew installDebug

To install a release build instead, you need to create a temporary certificate to sign the APK with:

cd android
./gradlew build
./gradlew assembleRelease

keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore "app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release-unsigned.apk" alias_name
adb install ./app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release-unsigned.apk

Server Monitor

The server monitor allows monitoring of the server via a GUI client.

By default, the server monitor connects to a server running on "localhost", but you may change the following line in main.ts:

const HOSTNAME: string = "localhost";

To install the required packages and run:

npm install
npm run start