Welcome to the Mac-CSE-Info-Hub! This is an open-source, informal guide crafted especially for McMaster University's CSE students. Dive into a pool of shared experiences, tips, and invaluable insights that go beyond the official handbook.
While the official handbooks offer a structured and formal approach to academic procedures, there's a wealth of student knowledge that remains untapped. This guide aims to bridge that gap, providing a platform where students can share, learn, and help their peers.
Navigate through the various sections of the guide to explore topics ranging from course experiences to research opportunities, funding details, and more. Each section provides a blend of official information and student-contributed insights.
Your experiences are gold. If you've got insights, tips, or experiences that can help future students, we urge you to contribute. Check out the CONTRIBUTING.md file for guidelines on how to make your valuable additions.
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.
A big shoutout to everyone who has contributed to this guide. Your shared experiences will pave the way for many successful CSE journeys at McMaster.