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light yet powerful vim config for general usage, tested under multi platforms

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portable, powerful yet lightweight vimrc config for vim/neovim

main feature:

  • cross platform, and keep similar user experience for these platforms
  • low dependency, no anoying lag or errors for old versions and envs
  • can be installed completely portable, best for servers
  • powerful for general usage


  • vim 7.3 or above
  • neovim 0.3 or above
  • Windows's gVim
  • cygwin's vim
  • Mac OS's vim and macvim (console or GUI)
  • Ubuntu's vim
  • Android's DroidVim

may work: (search and see g:zf_fakevim)

  • IntelliJ IDEA's IdeaVim (good to use, some keymap doesn't work)
  • Qt Creator's FakeVim (able to use, some keymap doesn't work)
  • VisualStudio's VsVim (able to use, some keymap doesn't work, require let g:zf_fakevim=1)
  • XCode's XVim (not recommended, some action have unexpected behavior)

if you like my work, check here for a list of my vim plugins, or buy me a coffee

Directory Structure

        bundle/                 // all plugins placed here
        ZFVimModule/            // (optional) you may supply all your custom setting here
                                // *.vim under this dir would be sourced automatically
                                // files are ensured to be sourced by name order
            vimrc.local.vim     // (optional) local setting for current machine
                ZFInit/         //     sourced during init
                ZFPlugPrev/     //     sourced just after `vim-plug`'s `plug#begin()`
                ZFPlugPost/     //     sourced just before `vim-plug`'s `plug#end()`
                ZFFinish/       //     sourced after all other source
    .vim_cache/                 // cache files of this repo
    .vimrc                      // vim's default config file
    zf_vimrc.vim                // this repo's main config file

the location of files installed by this config, can be configured by:

let g:zf_vim_data_path=$HOME . '/.vim'
let g:zf_vim_cache_path=$HOME . '/.vim_cache'

Directory Structure (Portable Mode)

you may even use this repo completely portable (see Portable Mode below), with this directory structure:

    zf_vimrc.vim/                   // this repo's root
        .zfvim/                     // all config files generated here
                bundle/             // all plugins
                ZFVimModule/        // optional modules
            .vim_cache/             // cache files
        zfvim/                      // entry script to start with
        zf_vimrc.vim                // this repo's main config file


Quick Install

if you have curl, git, vim installed, here's a very simple command to install everything:

curl | sh

# or, copy the `` to anywhere and then simply run it

once installed, you may press z? to view a quick tutorial for this config

Portable Mode

if you just want to quickly test this repo, or prefer run from portable disks:

  • use the Quick Install script curl | sh

    the script would prompt for some install options, when you get this:

    [ZFVim] install locally? [n/y/path_to_install]:

    input y or any path (such as ./zf_vimrc.local) would make it install to the specified local dir, and you may use the util script to launch:

  • install manually

    # clone this repo
    git clone
    # ensure it's executable
    chmod +x ./zf_vimrc.vim/zfvim/zfvim
    # simply run from util script

Windows gVimPortable

for lazy ones, here's a packaged portable version of gVim for Windows: Download

it's not ensured keep update with this repo, but you may use <leader>vimru to update

Install Settings

you may use export ZFVim_xxx=yyy before curl | sh to make it active, or, by default, the quick install script would prompt for these options

  • ZFVim_githost : git host

    default: empty for

    useful mirrors:

  • ZFVim_local : [n/y/path_to_install] whether install locally

    default: n

    • when ZFVim_local=y, try to install to ./zf_vimrc.local
    • otherwise, when not empty, try to install to ./$ZFVim_local

    when installed locally, all files are placed under the specified dir (see Directory Structure above), it's convenient to test this repo without messed up your own, or use as portable config on server or USB devices

    to use the local version, use path/to/zf_vimrc.local/zfvim/zfvim, or export PATH=$PATH:path_to_zfvim for convenient

    by default, the portable zfvim would work as "full" version, which would disable huge plugins such as LSPs, and here's all the versions:

    • zfvim : same as zfvim --full
    • zfvim --full : full version
    • zfvim --mini : mini version with LSPs disabled
    • zfvim --tiny : tiny version with all plugins disabled
  • ZFVim_force : [n/y] remove all contents and perform clean install

    default: n

    these items would be removed before install

  • ZFVim_modules : [n/y] whether try to install external command line tools

    default: n

  • ZFVim_neovim : [y/n] also install to neovim, which would add source ~/zf_vimrc.vim to ~/.config/nvim/init.vim

    default: y if nvim exist in your shell

Manual Install

  1. ensure git are available in your PATH

  2. download or clone the zf_vimrc.vim file to anywhere

  3. have these in your .vimrc (under linux) or _vimrc (under Windows):

    source path/zf_vimrc.vim
  4. open your vim, plugins should be installed automatically

for a list of plugins and configs, please refer to the zf_vimrc.vim itself, which is self described


non-Portable Mode

to uninstall, remove these lines in your .vimrc and .config/nvim/init.vim

source path/zf_vimrc.vim

and remove these dirs/files if exists


Portable Mode

to uninstall, simply remove the generated dir, which is ./zf_vimrc.local by default

Additional Requirement

  • cygwin

    not necessary, but strongly recommended for Windows users

  • GNU grep (greater than 2.5.3)

    for vim-easygrep if you want to use Perl style regexp

    note the FreeBSD version won't work due to the lack of -P option of grep

  • external command line tools

    you may use :ZFModuleInstall to install other additional external command line tools, this may take a long time


this config is fully modularized, it's recommended to supply your own setting in ~/.vim/ZFVimModule:

            vimrc.local.vim     // recommended to supply platform-dependent settings for local machine
            YourGitRepo1/       // you may supply extra config as git repo,
                                //   with specified directory structure
                ZFInit/         // sourced during init,
                                //   config for `zf_vimrc.vim` itself can be placed here,
                                //   for example `let g:ZF_Plugin_agit = 0` to disable builtin plugin
                    a.vim       // all *.vim files would be sourced,
                    b.vim       //   and are ensured ordered by file name
                ZFPlugPrev/     // sourced just after `plug#begin()`,
                                //   you may add your own plugin here,
                                //   for example: `ZFPlug 'UserName/PlugName'`
                ZFPlugPost/     // sourced just before `plug#end()`
                ZFFinish/       // sourced after all other source,
                                //   can be used to override some config of `zf_vimrc.vim`
            YourGitRepo2/       // you may supply any number of extra config

see zf_vimrc.ext for example

Platform Spec

Complete Engines and LSPs

usually, complete engines have heavy dependencies and hard to config, so we separate these configs to zf_vimrc.ext to make this repo simple and clean, the zf_vimrc.ext would also be installed by default, but you should go zf_vimrc.ext/ for how to properly setup LSPs

MacOS ssh

when used under ssh of some new version of MacOS, you may get some weird error message, that's because the default shell was changed to zsh and it does not properly set $LANG, to solve this, add this line to your ~/.zprofile or ~/.zshrc

export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"


when used under different version of cygwin, you should concern these settings if weird problem occurred:

set shell=cmd.exe
set shellcmdflag=/c


set shell=bash
set shellcmdflag=-c

set it directly to .vimrc, choose the right one for you


DroidVim (recommended)

  • the vim config is placed under /data/data/com.droidvim/files/home/.vimrc

  • you should manually copy all settings from other platform to DroidVim's folder, the result folder tree should looks like:



  • VimTouch Full Runtime is also required

  • the vim config is placed under /data/data/

  • you should manually copy all settings from other platform to VimTouch's folder, the result folder tree should looks like:


Note: VimTouch's vimrc may or may not be sourced under Android 5 or above, reason unknown, this is VimTouch's problem, not this repo's problem

For simulation plugins of IDE

let g:zf_fakevim=1
  • not fully tested
  • some vim simulation plugins doesn't support source command, so you may need to paste directly to proper vimrc files (e.g. .xvimrc)
  • some vim simulation plugins doesn't support if-statement and plugins, so you may need to manually delete all lines under the if g:zf_no_plugin!=1 section


recommended to:

  • (for MacOS only) defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled 0

  • install IdeaVim-EasyMotion and AceJump plugin (within your IDE's plugin manager)

  • add these configs to your ~/.ideavimrc

    let mapleader="'"
    let g:zf_fakevim=1
    source ~/zf_vimrc.vim
    nnoremap <esc> <esc>:action HideActiveWindow<cr>
    nmap <c-o> :action SearchEverywhere<cr>
    nmap zu :action GoToErrorGroup<cr>
    nmap zi :action ShowIntentionActions<cr>
    nmap zo :action OverrideMethods<cr>
    nmap X :action CloseAllEditorsButActive<cr>
    nmap H :action PreviousTab<cr>
    nmap L :action NextTab<cr>
    nmap CC :action CommentByLineComment<cr><up>
    xmap CC :action CommentByLineComment<cr><esc>
    nmap t :action EditorSelectWord<cr>
    xmap t :action EditorSelectWord<cr>
    nmap T :action EditorUnSelectWord<cr>
    xmap T :action EditorUnSelectWord<cr>
    nmap DB :action ToggleLineBreakpoint<cr>
    nmap DV :action ViewBreakpoints<cr>
    nmap DC :action ViewBreakpoints<cr>
    nmap DF :action ShowHoverInfo<cr>
    nmap <f4> :action Stop<cr>
    nmap <f5> :action Debug<cr>
    nmap DS :action Resume<cr>
    nmap Ds :action Pause<cr>
    nmap DU :action StepOut<cr>
    nmap <f9> :action StepOut<cr>
    nmap DO :action StepOver<cr>
    nmap <f10> :action StepOver<cr>
    nmap DI :action StepInto<cr>
    nmap <f11> :action StepInto<cr>
    set NERDTree
    nmap <leader>ve :NERDTreeToggle<cr>
    nmap <leader>ze :NERDTreeFind<cr>
    set easymotion
    nmap s <plug>(easymotion-s)
    xmap s <plug>(easymotion-s)
    nmap S <plug>(easymotion-bd-jk)
    xmap S <plug>(easymotion-bd-jk)
    let g:EasyMotion_startofline = 1
    set surround
    let g:surround_no_mappings = 1
    nmap rd <plug>DSurround
    nmap RD <plug>DSurround
    nmap rc <plug>CSurround
    nmap RC <plug>CSurround
    xmap r <plug>VSurround
    xmap R <plug>VSurround


light yet powerful vim config for general usage, tested under multi platforms







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