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This repo hosts a colection of server softwares intended for use with

What's here:

  • RplaceServer (Library with base rplace server functionality that can be implemented by a server software (not for use independently))
  • TKOfficial (Official CLI server software implementation, for spinning up single canvas/instance servers)
  • AuthOfficial (Central auth server software for, which manages the game's global posts and accounts system (not for use independently))


A modular, moddable and scalable server software designed to host canvases. Can be used standalone, GUI, or embedded inside of a client in order to allow for easy, no code self hosted game. Modular server library allows for setting up servers, and modifying game mechanics easily.


TKOfficial has been created as a terminal-based rplace server software implementation intended for user use. TKOfficial terminal interface

Running from binary:

TKOfficial binaries have been provided on the releases page, download the appropriate one for your system.

Then, open a terminal, (use Powershell on windows), enter the rplace server directory with cd Path/To/TKOfficial

Then run the binary with ./EXECUTABLE NAME

The first time you run the server, it should create a configuration, edit this in a text editor, and run the server again to apply and start the rplace game server.

Running from source:

To run from source, you need the latest dotnet version and git installed on your system.

Clone the repository with git lfs clone --recursive to include all submodules.

Once cloned, enter the root RplaceServer directory, with cd RplaceServer and ensure all submodules are updated with git submodule update --remote

Enter the TKOfficial directory with cd TKOfficial.

Note: In order to pre-prepare migrations for the database, such as when publishing a release, use the following: dotnet ef database migrations add $(git rev-parse HEAD) --project ../RplaceServer --startup-project .

Run dotnet run to start the server. When running with SSL/on an admin restricted port, you may need to run this command with administrator privileges.

Project Aims:

  • Open, contributable and easy to use
  • Faster than JS server
  • Moddable and easily extendable
  • Daemonisable
  • Linux shell scripts such as used in board shrinking made cross platform and built in
  • Library makes use of events and abstract methods to allow customisation of server functions
  • Compatible with both GUI, and CLI
  • Decoupled unlike JS server, abstracted and simplified
  • Scalable



  • Events are distributed after an action is accepted, but before the server processes it. For example, when a pixel is placed, server will send out PixelPlacementReceived event, only after it has confirmed that pixel placement has been done after the cooldown period, or the IP has passed the banned checks, etc. If a packet is rejected before the server has handled it, no event will be called.
  • As events such as PixelPlacementReceived are called before the server has handled it (such as before the server has sent out the pixel and applied it to the canvas), by inhibiting the event from continuing in an event handler, the (for example) pixel placement will never go through.
  • Events with past tense names, such as CanvasBackupCreated, PlayerConnected and PlayerDisonnected are handled beforehand, and are uninhibitable alert-only events.