Longer-term goals:
- Adopt the prpl pattern
- App-shell
- Dynamically extending/rebuilding reduxers/actions/data services along with web components
- Full-fledged PWA
- Ability to serve as intermediary for intelligent data sync
- In the vein of ducks, adopting an approach modified for polymer 3:
- component
- data service
- reducers
- actions
- action creators
- redux behavior/mixin
- utils
However, shorter-term, I don't know what my domain structure will really be. I'd like to see what emerges before deciding.
Shorter-term directory structure approach:
- Pages: pages one can navigate to. These will form the basis of the app-shell strategy later
- Mixins: generally this is what will be reworked into the ducks-approach later.
- data-service
- specific domain element mixins (ex: temperature-mixin)
- Components: elements that the pages pull in