This project is a comprehensive solution for call center automation, leveraging the powerful Twilio communication platform for handling calls. The frontend is built using Next.js, a React framework, providing a seamless and responsive user interface. The backend, powered by Node.js, manages the logic, data flow, and communication with the Twilio APIs.
Twilio Integration: Utilizes Twilio's programmable voice capabilities for making and receiving calls, enabling features like IVR (Interactive Voice Response) systems and call routing.
Next.js Frontend: Offers a dynamic and user-friendly interface with features such as real-time call monitoring, agent dashboards, and customizable call scripts.
Node.js Backend: Manages business logic, handles API requests from the frontend, and integrates with databases or external services for additional functionality.
Node.js: Make sure you have Node.js installed on your system.
Twilio Account: Sign up for a Twilio account and obtain your Account SID, Auth Token, and phone numbers for integration.
- Clone the repository
2.npm create-next-app
3.npm i packages