This is a repository for applying as a Software developer to OTP bank, the task was the following:
General task description: The main goal of this task is to create two screens, which are described below:
- Should contain an Input field
- Should contain a Button
- A feedback Text
- The Button should store each new unique word from the input field.
- Restrict the input to only allow letters from the english alphabet
- The feedback Text should display the latest submitted words and highlight previously used ones.
- Should contain a Text which displays a score
- Should contain a List with all the accepted words and they corresponding points shown
- The Score text should show the accumulated points
- Each character represents 1 point
- You must use flutter_bloc
- You must have at least 100% test coverage (Note: widget tests are optional, but unit tests are mandatory)
- Make sure that your code is valid and linted correctly
- Making sure that the words are actual real world word's are optional and nice to have, therefor words like "abcd" are considered valid
- Rejecting words that are longer than “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis” is a nice to have