- Guangzhou, China
- http://www.acmetech.top/
- Pro
该项目是为全志 F1C100S/F1C200S 所编写的库函数,编写风格模仿 STM32 标准库,使得从 STM32 过来的人更容易上手。项目已经移植了 cherryusb、fatfs、lvgl、rt-thread。
Random instruction generator for RISC-V processor verification
Instruction Set Generator initially contributed by Futurewei
RISC-V Formal Verification Framework
agra-uni-bremen / riscv-vp
Forked from vherdt/riscv-vpRISC-V Virtual Prototype
A low cost small size USB dev board based on WCH CH552.
Awesome machine learning for combinatorial optimization papers.
TinyMaix is a tiny inference library for microcontrollers (TinyML).
ota update with ble in esp32 use Siliconlabs EFR Connect App
Makes Linux applications self-contained by copying in the libraries and plugins that the application uses, and optionally generates an AppImage. Can be used for Qt and other applications
CMSIS-DAP compatible wireless debugger for ESP8266/ESP32/ESP32C3/ESP32S3. Optional 40MHz SPI acceleration, etc. 适配多种ESP芯片的无线调试器
Kiri is a visual tool designed for reviewing schematics and layouts of KiCad projects that are version-controlled with Git.
A little fail-safe filesystem designed for microcontrollers
In application debugger for ARM Cortex microcontrollers.
An ultra-lightweight(ROM<1.6K, RAM<0.3k), high-performance C/C++ log library. | 一款超轻量级(ROM<1.6K, RAM<0.3k)、高性能的 C/C++ 日志库
Advanced fault backtrace library for ARM Cortex-M series MCU | ARM Cortex-M 系列 MCU 错误追踪库
你还在为有刷电机的高噪声、低响应速度和低寿命而烦恼吗?这个项目是一个20块钱就能搞定的FOC无刷电机控制方案!This project is a FOC (Field Oriented Control) BLDC Motor control scheme that can be done for 3$!
M5Pi is an open source Linux embedded development board, using Allwinner F1C200s CPU, and has a beautiful shell.
An FPGA-based lightweight CAN bus controller. 基于FPGA的轻量级CAN总线控制器。
An Open-Source CMSIS-DAP Debug Probe based on DAPLink and USB bus convert and it can realize USB convert to serial interface based in CH552, low-cost of $5 dollars
低成本CMSIS-DAP V2调试器,IO时序SPI优化,速度级别200KB/S至450KB/S
A lightweight, portable pure C99 onnx inference engine for embedded devices with hardware acceleration support.
STM32F103C8T6 无线有线DAP下载器,脱机(离线)烧录器,脱机下载器