Releases: Ziwi01/proveasio
Releases · Ziwi01/proveasio
✨ New Features
🐛 Bug Fixes
- RVM: Overwrite gpg_key_servers to avoid skipping gpg install task (commit by @Ziwi01)4a943c1
- neovim: Update Neovim release asset name as it changed (commit by @Ziwi01)6ec9892
- Update unsported upload-pages-artifact action (commit by @Ziwi01)2becbdb
- Update deploy-pages action (commit by @Ziwi01)
✨ New Features
🐛 Bug Fixes
- RVM: Overwrite gpg_key_servers to avoid skipping gpg install task (commit by @Ziwi01)4abff0f
- neovim: Update Neovim release asset name as it changed (commit by @Ziwi01)a38bc82
- Update unsported upload-pages-artifact action (commit by @Ziwi01)f3344bf
- Update deploy-pages action (commit by @Ziwi01)
- due to
- Replace LunarVim with AstroNvim custom config - due to
- Update python to 3.12.5 (commit by @Ziwi01) - due to
- Drop support for thefuck until it supports Python 3.12.x (commit by @Ziwi01) - due to
- Update runner image to Ubuntu 24.04 (commit by @Ziwi01)
✨ New Features
- software: Update Ruby default version to 3.3.0 (commit by @Ziwi01)17ece4d
- software: Update Puppet to 8.4.0 and puppet-lint gem to 4.2.3 (commit by @Ziwi01)ff69e16
- software: Use Node lts/iron (20.x) by default (commit by @Ziwi01)c9417a9
- software: Replace Java 11.x with 21.x. Upgrade Gradle (8.5), update Groovy and Maven fix versions (commit by @Ziwi01)1832ac8
- software: Update Go version, fix GVM source in terminal (commit by @Ziwi01)d48c484
- software: Use latest Tmuxp version by default (commit by @Ziwi01)d14a24f
- Add jq ZSH plugin1185d4e
- Support Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (commit by @Ziwi01)73d2e72
- thefuck: Drop support for thefuck until it supports Python 3.12.x (commit by @Ziwi01)0fbfe48
- docusaurus: Update Docusaurus and docs search engine (commit by @Ziwi01)f31bcc2
- Support Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (commit by @Ziwi01)3e25db4
- docusaurus: Update Docusaurus and docs search engine (commit by @Ziwi01)1d03f9e
- apt: Add lua and luarocks installation (commit by @Ziwi01)d13b6dd
- ruby: Update Ruby to 3.3.4 (commit by @Ziwi01)335f705
- zshrc: Add kubectl plugin for autocompletion (commit by @Ziwi01)7f0e506
- Refactor AstroNvim implicit to more general Neovim configc28f984
- Support also ubuntu 22 for backward compatibility (commit by @Ziwi01)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- neovim: Update version query for better tag discovery (commit by @Ziwi01)e0a3363
- git: Wrong .gitconfig target filename (commit by @Ziwi01)16c7bc5
- apt: Allow dowgrades for azure-cli and docker APT packages (commit by @Ziwi01)17d36e7
- tmuxp: Add default session file for TMUXP (commit by @Ziwi01)89197cd
- lunarvim: Prevent double dash on enter in lists for Markdown filesa411ced
- versions: FZF and bottom packages release naming changeab00ba0
- fzf: Save Fzf version properly29e4747
- Add gh-cli installation, migrate mlocate to plocate (commit by @Ziwi01)1f43bd0
- Migrate bat installation from Github to APT (commit by @Ziwi01)888b49e
- nvm: Fix NVM git submodule clone error (commit by @Ziwi01)5d83c11
- zshrc: Ensure proper PATH is propagated in zshrc in case installation fails before config part (commit by @Ziwi01)f490638
- Add gh-cli installation, migrate mlocate to plocate (commit by @Ziwi01)80bd1b6
- Migrate bat installation from Github to APT (commit by @Ziwi01)8ee0929
- nvm: Fix NVM git submodule clone error (commit by @Ziwi01)8a684a8
- zshrc: Ensure proper PATH is propagated in zshrc in case installation fails before config part (commit by @Ziwi01)3ee621d
- nvm: Fix home path for NVM_DIR (commit by @Ziwi01)593f614
- nvm: Run installation through bash (commit by @Ziwi01)ac1bc53
- neovim: Update neovim ruby gem to 0.10.0 (commit by @Ziwi01)a5c3b1f
- neovim: Fix playbook path and variable name63b3599
- Typo in command, minor docs fixes (commit by @Ziwi01)f718108
- Ubuntu 24 command typo (commit by @Ziwi01)0d17537
- Ansible facts pull for specific Ubuntu version (commit by @Ziwi01)
🔧 Chores
- docs: Add TODO, update README898eb85
- Skip var naming rule in ansible-lint (commit by @Ziwi01)6276b4b
- docs: Align documentation with the code. Prepare for Astronvim docs (commit by @Ziwi01)9f22ceb
- Skip var naming rule in ansible-lint (commit by @Ziwi01)fdf84a8
- docs: Align documentation with the code. Prepare for Astronvim docs (commit by @Ziwi01)99f9444
- lint: Disable ansible-lint no-role-prefix naming lint (commit by @Ziwi01)e41bc4f
- docs: Update docs for new Neovim config0c366c7
- docs: Update docs (commit by @Ziwi01)1608ef4
- docs: Add note about version overrides. Fix wrong md link (commit by @Ziwi01)c6e8b49
- Rebase instead of merge during publish (commit by @Ziwi01)
✨ New Features
- software: Update Node to latest LTS, bump neovim ruby gem (commit by @Ziwi01)1af116d
- docs: Migrate documentation to Github Pages (commit by @Ziwi01)562c22a
- releases: Refactor Github Actions for releases. Add CHANGELOG generation. (commit by @Ziwi01)f4aea99
- New Github Actions release workflow (commit by @Ziwi01)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- docker: Remove explicit installation to not fail after package upgrade (commit by @Ziwi01)22961bc
- docker: docker-cli should use latest in develop (commit by @Ziwi01)c5a2ef7
- docs: Fix Github actions for building Pages website (commit by @Ziwi01)77db3c6
- docs: Update script to update stable docs directory (commit by @Ziwi01)97f269b
- release: Exclude latest tag from last tag search. Remove pre-release on release. (commit by @Ziwi01)
- nvim: Add support to open files in new tab from inside LazyGit plugin (Eryk Kozakiewicz)
- neovim: Add support for Azure Pipelines LSP (Eryk Kozakiewicz)
Bug Fixes
- software: Update Ripgrep package name, force PES cloning (Eryk Kozakiewicz)
Bug Fixes
- fonts: Update fonts to NerdFonts v3 (Eryk K)
- packages: Remove implicit docker-ce-cli installation, update azurecli to latest by default (Eryk Kozakiewicz)
- compilation: Remove implicit docker-compose-plugin installation (Eryk Kozakiewicz)
- azurecli: Install latest version of azurecli (Eryk Kozakiewicz)
- lunarvim: Refactor config.lua into separate files for clearance (Eryk K)
- tmux: Add tmuxp session manager (Eryk K)
- Add Go installation support using GVM (Eryk K)
- Add AWS CLI installation (Eryk K)
Bug Fixes
- zsh: Actually load fzf-tab functionality (Eryk Kozakiewicz)
- gvm: Proper first time install (Eryk K)
- nvim: Do not skip automatic LSP installation for servers, just launch them (Eryk K)
- Ensure common packages are installed before yq installation (Eryk K)
- nvim: Move LSP config after plugin installation, add note for first-time open (Eryk K)
- Add Terraform and Terragrunt support (Eryk K)
- Add Azure CLI installation (Eryk K)
- neovim: Add support for Neovim nightly installation (Eryk Kozakiewicz)
- tmux: Open new panes in current directory, add vi-style copy mode (Eryk Kozakiewicz)
- lvim: Add leap plugin for awesome motions (Eryk Kozakiewicz)
Bug Fixes
- build badge path changed (Eryk Kozakiewicz)
- Set Lunarvim to latest instead of master by default (Eryk Kozakiewicz)
- sdkman: Bump maven version because of corrupted zip file (Eryk Kozakiewicz)
- sdkman: Actually bump maven version (Eryk Kozakiewicz)
- neovim: Installation fail when no neovim is there (Eryk Kozakiewicz)
- font: Migrate to FiraCode Nerd Font instead of DejaVu (Eryk K)
- Prepare release workflow (Eryk Kozakiewicz)
Bug Fixes
- vim: Fix markdown LSP, add new plugin, describe usages (Eryk K)
- latest versions file got overwritten (Eryk Kozakiewicz)
- update terminal preview with new font (Eryk K)
- docs: Update (Eryk Kozakiewicz)