Support Multi Account
- Register here :
- Regist with Google
- Submit Code
- Deposit $1 to ETH BASE, just not too much.
- Make 5,000 transactions to earn 300/hour (to unlock cards and get points).
- Make 10,000 transactions to earn 643 Garden Rewards boxes (to unlock collection cards).
If you have unlock collection cards end script
git clone
cd hanafuda
install the packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Edit pvkey.txt and input Private Key
nano pvkey.txt
run the script
choose 1 to do transactions
First You Need To Get Your Refresh Token
- Open Hana Dashboard :
- Click F12 to open console
- Find Application and choose session storage
- Select hana and copy your refreshToken
- Edit token.txt paste your refresh token
run the script
python3 -a 2
You can use pm2 to run your script in the background, allowing it to continue running even after you close your terminal.
If you haven't installed pm2, you can do so globally with npm:
npm install -g pm2
To run the script to execute 1000 transactions:
pm2 start --name "hana-tx" --interpreter python3 -- -a 1 -tx 1000
To run the grow and garden actions:
pm2 start --name "hana-grow" --interpreter python3 -- -a 2
You can manage your pm2 processes with the following commands:
- List running processes:
pm2 list
- Restart a process:
pm2 restart hana-tx
- Stop a process:
pm2 stop hana-tx
- View logs:
pm2 logs hana-tx