An interactive unix shell focused on speed and building everything from scratch.
- Autocompletions as you type: autocompletions based on history and weight.
- Tab autocompletions: view all available options by pressing tab and cycle through them with up/down keys and select with enter.
- History: command history tracked and can be cycled through using up/down keys.
- Manipulate input: home, end, CTRL+W to delete a word, CTRL+U to delete a line, etc.
none, asides from the C standard library and POSIX extensions.
For more details on compilation, see
# or can use cmake
cmake build -S ./ -B ./bin
cd bin
sudo make install
# or can use cmake
cd bin
sudo make install
- sudo make install ONLY calls the install command to add the ELF executable to /usr/local.
- Install directory is by default /usr/local.
- Pass in DESTDIR if you want to install it somewhere else.
- History file .ncsh_history tries to use XDG_CONFIG_HOME if available, or else HOME.
- rc file and more configurations
- more compile-time configurations
- aliasing
- frecency-based autocomplete
- support removing entries from history and autocompletions (use sqlite??)
- move built-in commands like export, kill, setting environment variables, etc.
- aliasing for user-defined commands, user configuration
- better prompt line and configurable prompt line
- support scripts through a non-iteractive mode
- build for and test on mac (I don't have one)
- build for and test on windows with msys2
- math