A database-backed eventually consistent Last-Write-Wins cache for Python functions inside a Django application.
pip install dj-cache
Example: As a plain decorator on arbitrary functions.
from dj_cache.decorators import cached
def my_expensive_function():
# The expensive function is only called and waited on once.
# Subsequent calls will be cached and in case the cached value
# is expired/stale, an update will be triggered in the background
# without blocking the function call, which will return the last stored value.
# This ensures a Last-Write-Wins cache that is eventually consistent.
# Note: Concurrent calls to update the cache while an update is underway are
# ignored.
Example: Caching an expensive function used inside a Django view.
# urls.py
import time
from django.urls import path
from django.http import HttpResponse
from dj_cache.decorators import cached
def expensive_function():
return 42
def home(request):
value = expensive_function()
return HttpResponse(f"Expensive function returned: {value}")
urlpatterns = [
path("/", home),