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Raster Foundry

Getting Started

A virtual machine is used to encapsulate Docker dependencies. docker-compose is used within the VM to manage running the application and developing against it.


  • Vagrant 1.8+
  • VirtualBox 5.0+
  • Ansible 1.8+ (on host)
  • AWS CLI 1.10+
  • AWS Account (to store artifacts, secrets)
  • Auth0 Account (user management)
  • Rollbar Account (error reporting -- optional)
  • Scalafmt (formatting scala code -- optional, but builds CI will fail if you introduce formatting that's not compliant with its results)

Setting Up AWS Account

There are a set of tasks necessary before starting development in order to provision Raster Foundry. Raster Foundry depends heavily on AWS resources and using AWS resources to manage secrets/containers/artifacts in development. If only local development is being done, the primary resource that will be used are S3 buckets to store secrets.

In the AWS account you need to create a few buckets for the following:

  • A bucket to house raw data (e.g. geotiffs, JPEG2000, ingest definitions, etc.)
  • A config bucket that will store secrets for development and or other environments, an exported database for development data
  • A bucket to house processed data (e.g. thumbnails, processed raster RDDs)

The names of the buckets are not important, but they should be memorable and easy to parse for your own sake. On your host machine you need to set up an AWS profile for the account with the S3 buckets. For instance, to set up an AWS profile called raster-foundry with the AWS cli the following command would be used:

$ aws configure --profile raster-foundry

You will be prompted for an access key and secret key.

Setting Development Environment Variables

The .env.template file is a template file with environment variables that get injected into running containers during development. This file should be copied into the AWS config bucket created after filling in sensitive information (replacing all PLACEHOLDER values with appropriate values for your AWS setup). When provisioning this file is copied to the development environment and injected into containers with docker-compose.

In addition to setting up an AWS account, you must register for an Auth0 account to produce secrets to use in the .env file. You need to go through setting up an application and copying over the client IDs, domain, and secret.

Additionally, if you want to exercise token management in the application, you need to generate a management API app to handle managing the generation of refresh tokens for users via the management API. This is not necessary for most functionality in the application and can be deferred until later if you desire.

The last thing to set up with Auth0 are the allowed callback URLs and logout URLs. These need to be edited to allow interaction for local development from localhost:9091 and localhost:9100.


Vagrant is used to manage VirtualBox provisioning and configuration. Raster Foundry follows the approach outlined here ("Scripts to Rule Them All") to have as consistent a development experience as possible. Almost all interaction with consoles and servers can be managed via calls to a script located in ./scripts. Default values for the S3 config and data buckets in addition to AWS profile will be used if they are not set with an environment variable. Before running vagrant, these should be injected into your shell environment:

export RF_AWS_PROFILE=raster-foundry
export RF_SETTINGS_BUCKET=rasterfoundry-development-config-us-east-1
export RF_ARTIFACTS_BUCKET=rasterfoundry-global-artifacts-us-east-1

After exporting your environment settings, you are ready to get started:

$ ./scripts/setup
$ vagrant ssh
$ ./scripts/server

Use ./scripts/setup to provision a virtual machine. During provisioning docker and docker-compose will be installed on the guest machine. Additionally, docker images will be downloaded for the database and created for the akka-http application server.

The guest machine shares folders with the host using rsync. In order to sync files from the host to the guest, run vagrant rsync-auto in another tab. If you have generated files in the guest that you'd like to copy back into the host machine, run scripts/rsync-back from the host.

Once the machine is provisioned you can start services or development by ssh-ing into the machine (vagrant ssh) and using the helper scripts in the /opt/raster-foundry/scripts directory.

If you do not have a development database to seed your database with, you will need to initialize the database with mg init inside an sbt console ./scripts/console api-server ./sbt

Development workflow varies by developer, but a typical development experience might include the following:

  • Create a new feature branch
  • Start up the vagrant machine with ./scripts/setup
  • Sync watched files by running vagrant rsync-auto in another tab.
  • Get an sbt console open using ./scripts/console api-server ./sbt
  • Make changes to Scala code
  • Try compiling (~compile) or running the service to inspect it (~api/run)
  • Extract files generated in the VM with ./scripts/rsync-back


Database migrations are managed using scala-forklift. The scala-forklift example project provides a good overview and walkthrough of how the various components fit together, and how to manage migrations.

To initialize migrations on a database for the first time, run mg init within an sbt console. This creates a __migrations__ table in the database to track which migrations have been applied. After the database has been initialized, all unapplied migrations may be applied by running mg update and then mg apply. Please note: the mg migrate command should be avoided because it invokes the code generation feature of forklift. This feature is not used in the raster-foundry project.

The workflow for creating a new migration is:

  • Open an sbt console using ./scripts/console api-server ./sbt
  • Run mg new s for a SQL migration
    • The migration file is output to migrations/src_migrations/main/scala/{VERSION_NUM}.scala
  • Edit this file to perform the desired migration logic
  • Run mg update followed by mg apply
    • This executes the migration
    • Press ENTER once the migration command has completed
  • mg update will create a symlink with an absolute path to the migration. This path won't work in all environments, so you should run ./scripts/fix-migration migration_number from the vm to update the symlink to a relative path.

Frontend Development

To do frontend development you will want to install nvm and use at least version 6.9+ (lts/boron). Once using nvm, install yarn with npm install -g yarn. After following the directions above for starting the VM, start the API server and other backend services by running ./scripts/server.

Then outside the VM, while the server is still running, run yarn run start while inside the app-frontend/ directory. This will start a webpack-dev-server on port 9091 that will auto-reload after javascript and styling changes.

The two options to rebuild the static assets served by Nginx:

  • Run yarn run build outside the VM
  • Run ./scripts/console app-frontend "yarn run build"
  • Run ./scripts/setup (will also rebuild application server)

To run tests you can do one of the following (in order of speed):

  • Run yarn run test outside the VM (or yarn run test-watch)
  • Run ./scripts/test inside the VM (will also run additional project tests)

Frontend Theming

Frontend theming should only be used if you intend on forking and white labeling the application. Theming of the frontend application can be done easily with a few tweaks to the scss. To get theming working correctly, follow these instructions:

  • Edit app-frontend/src/assets/styles/sass/app.scss and uncomment the two blocks of code which reference theme files. This will turn the theme files on.
  • All theme overrides will then be written inside of app-frontend/src/assets/styles/sass/theme
    • app-wide variables for changing fonts, colors, etc. are located in app-frontend/src/assets/styles/sass/theme/settings.
    • app-wide variables for changing build options, basemaps, and app name are located in app-frontend/config/webpack/overrides.js. To start, copy the template file located in the same directory. Variables currently available for configuration are pre-populated at the top of the file.
    • _core.scss should contain the bulk of style overrides which /settings/ does not cover.
    • Tip: You can mimic the main application scss structure inside of /theme/ and @import the files into _core.scss
  • WIP: we are still working out the kinks for icon fonts and branding assets.

Due to active development to Raster Foundry, some aspects of theming might break and will need active maintenance.


The Vagrant configuration maps the following host ports to services running in the virtual machines. Ports can be overridden for individual developers using environment variables

Service Port Environment Variable
Application Frontend 9091 RF_PORT_9091
Nginx (api) 9100 RF_PORT_9100
Nginx (tiler) 9101 RF_PORT_8081
Application Server (akka) 9000 RF_PORT_9000
Tile Server (http4s) 9900 RF_PORT_8080
Application Server (JMX) 9010 RF_PORT_9010
Tile Server (JMX) 9030 RF_PORT_9030


Helper and development scripts are located in the ./scripts directory at the root of this project. These scripts are designed to encapsulate and perform commonly used actions such as starting a development server, accessing a development console, or running tests.

Script Name Purpose
bootstrap Pulls/builds necessary containers
setup Provision development VM
update Runs migrations, installs dependencies, etc.
server Starts a development server
console Gives access to a running container via docker-compose run
psql Drops you into a psql console.
test Runs tests and linters for project
cibuild Invoked by CI server and makes use of test.
cipublish Publish container images to container image repositories.
load_development_data Load data for development purposes from S3
rsync-back Perform a one-way rsync from the VM to the host.


Run all the tests:

$ ./scripts/test


The Raster Foundry web application.







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  • CSS 29.5%
  • Scala 28.6%
  • JavaScript 24.3%
  • HTML 11.1%
  • TSQL 2.8%
  • Python 2.6%
  • Other 1.1%