This program calculates the genotype-calling error rate for both homozygotes and heterozygotes as a function of read depth (n) and base-calling error rate (epsilon). Genotype is inferred using ML based on reads for one sample (one individual), and the true single-read error rate epsilon is assumed to be known and given. Error rates are assumed to be the same among reads, independent of the true nucleotides.
The model is one of simple binomial sampling. See equations (4.12), (4.13) and (4.14) in the mathematical notes of Li (2011), for a more complex model. Note that a homozygote has genotype 11: with 1 to be the true base, and 0 the error. Data is k, the number of 1's on p.20.
To compile the program, using something like the following
cl -Ox genotypecall.c tools.c
gcc -o genotypecall -O3 genotypecall.c tools.c -lm
icc -o genotypecall -O3 genotypecall.c tools.c -lm
Li, H., 2011 A statistical framework for SNP calling, mutation discovery, association mapping and population genetical parameter estimation from sequencing data. Bioinformatics 27: 2987-2993.