A scrollyteller component for React
The scrollyteller takes a series of panels of content nodes and turns them into a series of elements which scroll over the <Scrollyteller>
component's children.
The panels
prop is in the format of:
data: {
info: 'Some kind of config that is given when this marker is active'
nodes: [<DOM elements for this panel>]
data: {
thing: 'This will be given when the second marker is hit'
nodes: [<DOM elements for this panel>]
When a new box comes into view onMarker
will be called with the data
of the incoming panel.
import * as React from 'react';
import Scrollyteller from '@abcnews/scrollyteller';
// Some kind of dockable visualisation that goes with the scrolling text
import GraphicOfSomeKind from './GraphicOfSomeKind';
export default () => {
const [something, setSomething] = React.useState('');
const [progressPct, setProgresPct] = React.useState('');
// Content is loaded somehow into an array of { data: {...}, nodes: [...DOMNodes] }
const panels = ...?
return (
onMarker={({thing}) => setSomething(data.thing)}
onProgress={({pctAboveFold}) => setProgress(pctAboveFold)}>
<GraphicOfSomeKind property={something} />
For a more complete example using Typescript see the vanilla example app.
The Scrollyteller
can take a panelClassName
prop which it will pass to each panel component for customising the look.
It can also take firstPanelClassName
and lastPanelClassName
props which it will pass to the respective panel components, for customising their specific looks.
To completely customise how panels are rendered you can pass in panelComponent
. The main requirement for this component is that it calls props.reference
with a ref to its outermost wrapper.
import * as React from 'react';
interface Props {
nodes: HTMLElement[];
reference: (el: HTMLElement) => void;
export default (({nodes, reference}): Props) => {
const base = React.useRef(null);
const innerBase = React.useRef(null);
React.useEffect(() => {
nodes.forEach((node: HTMLElement) => {
}, [reference]);
return (
<div ref={base} style={{ zIndex: 1, height: '80vh', fontSize: '40px' }}>
<strong>THIS IS A PANEL:</strong>
<div ref={innerBase} />
And then specify <Scrollyteller panelComponent={CustomPanel}>
When developing ABC News stories with Odyssey you can use the loadScrollyteller
function to gather panels
within a CoreMedia article.
See a more complete usage example with Odyssey in the example project.
CoreMedia text:
This is the opening paragraph panel
This is a second panel
This is another paragraph
JS Code:
import Scrollyteller, { loadScrollyteller } from '@abcnews/scrollyteller';
const scrollyData = loadScrollyteller(
"", // If set to eg. "one" use #scrollytellerNAMEone in CoreMedia
"u-full", // Class to apply to mount point u-full makes it full width in Odyssey
"mark" // Name of marker in CoreMedia eg. for "point" use #point default: #mark
// Then pass them to the Scrollyteller component
<Scrollyteller panels={scrollyData.panels} {...scrollyData.config} />,
// You could also use React Portals to mount on the mount node
<Scrollyteller ... />,
This project uses tsdx for build/dev tooling and np for release management.
The recommended workflow is to run TSDX in one terminal:
npm start
This builds to /dist
and runs the project in watch mode so any edits you save inside src
causes a rebuild to /dist
Then run the example inside another:
cd example
npm i
aunty serve
The example imports and live reloads whatever is in /dist
, so if you are seeing an out of date component, make sure TSDX is running in watch mode as recommended above.
To do a one-off build, use npm run build
To run tests, use npm test
or yarn test
Mostly to aid development and demonstrate usage, there is an example project in /example
. It uses aunty as the build tool to match the usual ABC News interactive development work flow.
Jest tests are set up to run with npm test
or yarn test
Calculates the real cost of your library using size-limit with npm run size
and visulize it with npm run analyse
To release a new version to NPM run npm run release
and follow the prompts.
Jest tests are set up to run with npm test
or yarn test
Calculates the real cost of your library using size-limit with npm run size
and visulize it with npm run analyze
Please see the main tsdx
optimizations docs. In particular, know that you can take advantage of development-only optimizations:
// ./types/index.d.ts
declare var __DEV__: boolean;
// inside your code...
if (__DEV__) {
- Nathan Hoad ([email protected])
- Simon Elvery ([email protected])
- Joshua Byrd ([email protected])
- Colin Gourlay ([email protected])
See the full list of contributors.