๐ HacktoberFest is your gateway to the vibrant world of open source. This year marks the 10th anniversary of Hacktoberfest, and weโre calling on your support! Join us on this epic journey and earn yourself an exclusive digital reward kit from DigitalOcean and our sponsors and partners..
๐ข Sign up for Hacktoberfest 2023, and contribute four pull requests (PRs) between October 1st-31st to claim your stash of cool SWAGS ๐ฅ.
Welcome to our Hacktoberfest 2023 contributing website! We're excited to have you on board. Follow the steps below to contribute and add your name, picture, LinkedIn profile, and GitHub profile to our contributors' list.
Fork this Repository using the button at the top on right corner.
Clone your forked repository to your pc
git clone https://github.com/Ananyasingh2002/Hacktoberfest2023.git
Carve your own path with a new branch for your modifications (ie.
git branch new-user
and check it outgit checkout new-user
or simply dogit checkout -b new-user
) -
Leave your mark by adding your profile image to
(drag and drop or upload with commands or by your name). -
Chronicle your legend by crafting your profile data in
(add your information here) -
Blaze your trail with these commands:
git add -A
orgit add .
,git commit -m "added myself"
, andgit push origin new-explorer
Create a pull request
Star this repository
Add a profile picture of your choice in images/
. Accepted files are png and jpg, Ex.
Create a markdown file in your folder following the convention participant/<YOUR-USERNAME>.md
. Ex.
Copy the next template into your file, delete the boilerplate data and fill the information with yours.
institution/company: INSTITUTION_NAME
4. Here is a quick reference guide for GitHub: GitHub Guide
- Aim to make more than 4 pull requests.
- Imagine you've only made 4 pull requests to different projects, but one of those projects isn't part of the Hacktoberfest event.
- In that case, your pull request won't be counted, leaving you with just 3 valid ones if those projects aren't excluded either.
- To ensure your success, I recommend making a pull request to your own repo, as long as it has the Hacktoberfest topic.
Welcome to our Hacktoberfest 2023 contributing website! We're excited to have you on board. Follow the steps below to contribute and add your name, picture, LinkedIn profile, and GitHub profile to our contributors' list.
Here is the link to the website: https://ananyasingh2002.github.io/Hacktoberfest2023/
Fork this repository to your GitHub account by clicking the "Fork" button at the top right of this page.
Clone your forked repository to your local machine. Replace
with your GitHub username:git clone https://github.com/Ananyasingh2002/Hacktoberfest2023.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd Hacktoberfest2023
Create a new branch for your changes. Replace with a descriptive branch name:
git checkout -b <branch-name>
Leave your mark by adding your profile image to
(drag and drop or upload with commands or by your name). -
Chronicle your legend by crafting your profile data in
index.html and CSS(add your image address)
(add your information here) -
Blaze your trail with these commands:
git add -A
orgit add .
,git commit -m "added myself"
, andgit push origin new-explorer
Create a pull request
Star this repository
Add a picture picture of your choice in assets/images/<YOUR-USERNAME>.png
. Accepted files are png and jpg, Ex.
2. Now, please navigate to the index.html
file, open it, read the instructions in the code, copy down the line and add your information.
Enter your details here:
<div class="card_img card1">
<div class="plus"></div>
So, essentially, you are instructing the reader to change the class name of the first
<div class="card_img card2">
<div class="plus"></div>
4. Now, please navigate to the style.css
file, read the instructions, and add the class .card(as your number is)
along with the image path.
To expedite approval of your pull request, (Follow Me

Ananya singh