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Add preliminary version of plot examples and tests for vqp and orgmag
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gmatteo committed Feb 19, 2025
1 parent f3cbc40 commit 36026fa
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Showing 12 changed files with 390 additions and 216 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion abipy/
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from abipy.eph.gpath import GpathFile
from abipy.wannier90 import WoutFile, AbiwanFile, AbiwanRobot
from abipy.electrons.lobster import CoxpFile, ICoxpFile, LobsterDoscarFile, LobsterInput, LobsterAnalyzer

from abipy.dynamics.cpx import EvpFile
# from import AseMdLog
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132 changes: 103 additions & 29 deletions abipy/electrons/
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# coding: utf-8
"""Classes for the analysis of electronic fatbands and projected DOSes."""
"""Post-processing tools to analyze orbital magnetism."""
from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np
Expand All @@ -12,12 +12,10 @@
from abipy.core.structure import Structure
from import BzRegularGridInterpolator
from abipy.electrons.ebands import ElectronBands, ElectronsReader
from abipy.core.kpoints import kpoints_indices, kmesh_from_mpdivs, map_grid2ibz #, IrredZone
from abipy.core.kpoints import kpoints_indices, kmesh_from_mpdivs, map_grid2ibz
#from import gaussian
from import Figure
from import set_axlims, get_ax_fig_plt, get_axarray_fig_plt, add_fig_kwargs, Marker
#from import (set_axlims, add_fig_kwargs, get_ax_fig_plt
# rotate_ticklabels, set_visible, plot_unit_cell, set_ax_xylabels)

def print_options_decorator(**kwargs):
Expand All @@ -39,10 +37,9 @@ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs_inner):
return decorator

class OrbmagAnalyzer:
This object gather three files, post-process the data and
This object gathers three files, post-processes the data and
provides tools to analyze/plot the results.
Usage example:
Expand All @@ -51,7 +48,6 @@ class OrbmagAnalyzer:
from abipy.electrons.orbmag import OrbmagAnalyzer
orban = OrbmagAnalyzer(["", "", ""])
Expand All @@ -64,12 +60,14 @@ def __init__(self, filepaths: list):
if not isinstance(filepaths, (list, tuple)):
raise TypeError(f"Expecting list or tuple with paths but got {type(filepaths)=}")

if len(filepaths) != 3:
raise ValueError(f"{len(filepaths)=} != 3")

# TODO: One should store the direction in the netcdf file
# @JOE TODO: One should store the direction in the netcdf file
# so that we can check that the files are given in the right order.
self.orb_files = [OrbmagFile(path) for path in filepaths]
self.verbose = 0

# This piece of code is taken from merge_orbmag_mesh. The main difference
# is that here ncroots[0] is replaced by the reader instance of the first OrbmagFile.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,6 +131,18 @@ def __init__(self, filepaths: list):
# lines = []; app = lines.append
# return "\n".join(lines)

def __enter__(self):
return self

def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None:
"""Activated at the end of the with statement. It automatically closes all the files."""

def close(self):
"""Close all the files."""
for orb in self.orb_files:

def structure(self):
"""Structure object."""
Expand All @@ -142,11 +152,18 @@ def structure(self):
raise RuntimeError(" files have different structures")
return structure

#@print_options_decorator(precision=2, suppress=True)
def has_timrev(self):
"""True if time-reversal symmetry is used in the BZ sampling."""
has_timrev = self.orb_files[0].ebands.has_timrev
if any(orb_file.ebands.has_timrev != has_timrev for orb_file in self.orb_files[1:]):
raise RuntimeError(" files have different values of timrev")

@print_options_decorator(precision=2, suppress=True)
def report_eigvals(self, report_type):

terms = ['CC ','VV1 ','VV2 ','NL ','LR ','A0An ']
# Shape: (orbmag_nterms, nsppol, nkpt, mband, ndir, ndir)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -199,6 +216,7 @@ def ngkpt_and_shifts(self) -> tuple:

if ngkpt is None:
raise ValueError("Non diagonal k-meshes are not supported!")

if len(shifts) > 1:
raise ValueError("Multiple shifts are not supported!")

Expand All @@ -211,6 +229,21 @@ def ngkpt_and_shifts(self) -> tuple:

return ngkpt, shifts

def get_value(self, what: str, spin: int, ikpt: int, band: int) -> float:
Postprocess orbmag_merge_sigij_mesh to compute the quantity associated
to `what` for the given (spin, ikpt, band).
if what == "isotropic":
vals = self.orbmag_merge_sigij_mesh[:, spin, ikpt, band].sum(axis=0)
eigenvalues = -1.0E6 * vals
return eigenvalues.sum() / 3.0
#span = eigenvalues.max() - eigenvalues.min()
#skew = 3.0 * (eigenvalues.sum() - eigenvalues.max() - eigenvalues.min() - isotropic) / span
#elif what == "foobar":

raise ValueError(f"Invalid {what=}")

def insert_inbox(self, what: str, spin: int) -> tuple:
Return data, ngkpt, shifts where data is a (mband, nkx, nky, nkz)) array
Expand All @@ -233,35 +266,79 @@ def insert_inbox(self, what: str, spin: int) -> tuple:
data = np.empty(shape, dtype=float)

for iband in range(self.mband):
for ikpt, k_inds in zip(range(self.nkpt), k_indices, strict=True):
for ikpt, k_inds in zip(range(self.nkpt), k_indices, strict=True):
ix, iy, iz = k_inds
vals = self.orbmag_merge_sigij_mesh[:, spin, ikpt, iband].sum(axis=0)

if what == "isotropic":
eigenvalues = -1.0E6 * vals
value = eigenvalues.sum() / 3.0
#span = eigenvalues.max() - eigenvalues.min()
#skew = 3.0 * (eigenvalues.sum() - eigenvalues.max() - eigenvalues.min() - isotropic) / span
raise ValueError(f"Invalid {what=}")

value = self.get_value(what, spin, ikpt, iband)
data[iband, ix, iy, iz] = value

return data, ngkpt, shifts

def get_skw_interpolator(self, what: str, lpratio: int, filter_params: None):
orb = self.orb_files[0]
ebands = orb.ebands.kpoints
kpoints = orb.ebands.kpoints

# Get symmetries from abinit spacegroup (read from file).
if (abispg := self.structure.abi_spacegroup) is None:
abispg = self.structure.spgset_abi_spacegroup(has_timerev=self.has_timrev)
fm_symrel = [s for (s, afm) in zip(abispg.symrel, abispg.symafm, strict=True) if afm == 1]

from abipy.core.skw import SkwInterpolator
cell = (self.structure.lattice.matrix, self.structure.frac_coords, self.structure.atomic_numbers)

interp_spin = [None for _ in range(self.nsppol)]

for spin in range(self.nsppol):
values_kb = np.empty((self.nkpt, self.mband))
for ikpt in range(self.nkpt):
for iband in range(self.mband):
values_kb[ikpt, iband] = self.get_value(what, spin, ikpt, band)

skw = SkwInterpolator(lpratio, kpoints.frac_coords, self.eigens[:,:,bstart:bstop], ebands.fermie, ebands.nelect,
cell, fm_symrel, self.has_timrev,
filter_params=filter_params, verbose=self.verbose)
interp_spin[spin] = skw
#skw.eval_sk(spin, kpt, der1=None, der2=None) -> np.ndarray:

return interp_spin

def has_full_bz(self) -> bool:
"""True if k-points cover the full BZ."""
ngkpt, shifts = self.ngkpt_and_shifts
return np.product(ngkpt) * len(shifts) == self.nkpt

def get_bz_interpolator_spin(self, what: str, interp_method: str) -> list[BzRegularGridInterpolator]:
Build and return an interpolator for
Build and return a list with nsppol interpolators.
what: Strings defining the quantity to insert in the box.
interp_method: The method of interpolation. Supported are “linear”, “nearest”,
“slinear”, “cubic”, “quintic” and “pchip”.
# This part is tricky as we have to handle different cases:
# 1) k-mesh defined in terms of ngkpt and one shift.
# In this case we can interpolate easily although we have to take into account
# if the k-points have been reduced by symmetry or not.
# If we have the full BZ, we can use BzRegularGridInterpolator
# else we have to resort to StarFunction interpolation
# 2) k-mesh defined in terms of ngkpt and multiple shifts.
# If we have the IBZ, we have to resort to StarFunction interpolation
# Handling the full BZ is not yet possible due to an internal limitation of BzRegularGridInterpolator

interp_spin = [None for _ in range(self.nsppol)]
for spin in range(self.nsppol):
data, ngkpt, shifts = self.insert_inbox(what, spin)
interp_spin[spin] = BzRegularGridInterpolator(self.structure, shifts, data, method=interp_method)

if self.has_full_bz:
for spin in range(self.nsppol):
data, ngkpt, shifts = self.insert_inbox(what, spin)
interp_spin[spin] = BzRegularGridInterpolator(self.structure, shifts, data, method=interp_method)
raise NotImplementedError("k-points must cover the full BZ.")

return interp_spin

Expand All @@ -272,7 +349,7 @@ def plot_fatbands(self, ebands_kpath,
marker_alpha=0.5, fontsize=12, interp_method="linear",
ax_mat=None, **kwargs) -> Figure:
Plot fatbands.
Plot fatbands ...
ebands_kpath: ElectronBands instance with energies along a k-path
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -359,9 +436,6 @@ def __init__(self, filepath: str):
self.r = ElectronsReader(filepath)

# Initialize the electron bands from file
self.natom = len(self.structure)

def ebands(self) -> ElectronBands:
"""|ElectronBands| object."""
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7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion abipy/eph/tests/
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@@ -1,15 +1,20 @@
"""Tests for varpeq module."""
import pytest
import os
import as abidata

from abipy.core.testing import AbipyTest
from abipy.eph.vpq import VpqFile

filepath = "/Users/giantomassi/git_repos/abinit/_build/tests/POLARON/varpeq6/"

class VarpeqTest(AbipyTest):

@pytest.mark.xfail(condition=not os.path.exists(filepath), reason=f"{filepath=} does not exist")
def test_varpeq_file(self):
"""Testing VpqFile."""
filepath = "/Users/giantomassi/git_repos/abinit/_build/tests/POLARON/varpeq6/"

with VpqFile(filepath) as vpq:
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14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions abipy/eph/
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Expand Up @@ -117,10 +117,10 @@ class VpqFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter):
.. code-block:: python
from abipy.eph.varpeq import VpqFile
with VpqFile("") as varpeq:
for polaron in varpeq.polaron_spin:
from abipy.eph.vpq import VpqFile
with VpqFile("") as vpq:
for polaron in vpq.polaron_spin:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ def close(self) -> None:
def polaron_spin(self) -> list[Polaron]:
"""List of Polaron objects, one for each spin (if any)."""
return [Polaron.from_varpeq(self, spin) for spin in range(self.r.nsppol)]
return [Polaron.from_vpq(self, spin) for spin in range(self.r.nsppol)]

def params(self) -> dict:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -236,14 +236,14 @@ class Polaron:
spin: int # Spin index.
nstates: int # Number of polaronic states for this spin.
nb: int # Number of bands in A_kn.
nk: int # Number of k-points in A_kn, (including filtering if any).
nk: int # Number of k-points in A_kn (including filtering if any).
nq: int # Number of q-points in B_qnu (including filtering if any).
bstart: int # First band starts at bstart.
bstop: int # Last band (python convention)
varpeq: VpqFile

def from_varpeq(cls, varpeq: VpqFile, spin: int) -> Polaron:
def from_vpq(cls, varpeq: VpqFile, spin: int) -> Polaron:
Build an istance from a VpqFile and the spin index.
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29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions abipy/examples/plot/
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
Orbital magnetism
This example shows how to plot ...
See ...
from abipy.electrons.orbmag import OrbmagAnalyzer
#import as abidata

# We start by defining a list with the paths to the files
# In this case, for simplicity, we use the same file but we must
# use different labels when adding them to the plotter with the add_phdos method.

import os
root = "/Users/giantomassi/git_repos/ABIPY_WORKS/JOE_ORBMAG"
filepaths = [os.path.join(root, s) for s in ["", "", ""]]

orban = OrbmagAnalyzer(filepaths)

choices = ['S','T','B','TB']

# Plot the phonon frequencies. Note that the labels for the q-points
orban.plot_fatbands(os.path.join(root, ""))
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions abipy/examples/plot/
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
e-ph matrix along a path in the BZ
This example shows how to use the file produced by ABINIT
to plot e-ph matrix elements along a path in the BZ.
import os
import as abidata

from abipy.eph.vpq import VpqFile

filepath = "/Users/giantomassi/git_repos/abinit/_build/tests/POLARON/varpeq6/"

# Here we use one of the GPATH files shipped with abipy
# with the e-ph matrix g(k,q) with q along a path and k fixed.
# Replace the call to abidata.ref_file("") with the path to your

varpeq = VpqFile(abidata.ref_file(filepath))

# To plot the e-ph matrix elements as a function of q.
for polaron in varpeq.polaron_spin:
df = polaron.get_final_results_df(with_params=True)
#polaron.plot_ank_with_ebands(ebands_kpath, ebands_kmesh=None)
#polaron.plot_bqnu_with_ddb("in_DDB", with_phdos=True)

# For the meaning of the different arguments, see the docstring

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