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Added plot_erange_conv method to the VpqRobot (#315)
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* sync with abipy/develop

* some beautification for plot_scf_cycle in vpq

* staged some work on the VPQ robot

* staged some work on the VPQ robot: erange filter convergence
  • Loading branch information
ezhique authored Feb 26, 2025
1 parent f856fd3 commit f498ce1
Showing 1 changed file with 149 additions and 23 deletions.
172 changes: 149 additions & 23 deletions abipy/eph/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -165,18 +165,20 @@ def params(self) -> dict:
ngkpt, shifts = ksampling.mpdivs, ksampling.shifts
nkbz =

avg_g = r.read_variable("vpq_avg_g")[:]
e_frohl = r.read_variable("e_frohl")[:] # in Ha

d = dict(
#("invsc_size", 1.0 / (nkbz * ((abu.Ang_Bohr * self.structure.lattice.volume) ** (1/3)))),
avg_g = bool(avg_g),
e_frohl = e_frohl * abu.Ha_eV,
invsc_linsize = 1. / np.cbrt(nkbz * self.structure.lattice.volume),

#keys = ["e_pol", "e_el", "e_ph", "e_elph", "eps"]
#energies = np.array(scf[nstep - 1], dtype=float) * HA2EV

return d

def __str__(self) -> str:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -246,6 +248,7 @@ class Polaron:
nq: int # Number of q-points in B_qnu (including filtering if any).
bstart: int # First band starts at bstart.
bstop: int # Last band (python convention)
erange: double # Filtering value (in Ha)
varpeq: VpqFile

Expand All @@ -256,6 +259,7 @@ def from_vpq(cls, varpeq: VpqFile, spin: int) -> Polaron:
r = varpeq.r
nstates, nk, nq, nb = r.nstates, r.nk_spin[spin], r.nq_spin[spin], r.nb_spin[spin]
bstart, bstop = r.brange_spin[spin]
erange = r.erange_spin[spin]

data = locals()
return cls(**{k: data[k] for k in [ for field in dataclasses.fields(Polaron)]})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -303,6 +307,7 @@ def scf_df_state(self) -> list[pd.DataFrame]:
# int cvflag_spin(nsppol, nstates) ;
# 0 --> calculation is not converged
# 1 --> calculation is converged

spin = self.spin
r = self.varpeq.r
nstep2cv = r.read_variable("nstep2cv_spin")[spin]
Expand All @@ -326,6 +331,8 @@ def ufact_k(k):
df = pd.DataFrame(dct)
# Add metadata to the attrs dictionary
df.attrs["converged"] = bool(cvflag[pstate])
df.attrs["use_filter"] = bool(abs(self.erange) > 1e-8)
df.attrs["filter_value"] = self.erange * abu.Ha_eV

return df_list
Expand All @@ -338,9 +345,14 @@ def get_final_results_df(self, with_params: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame:
row_list = []
for pstate in range(self.nstates):
df = self.scf_df_state[pstate]
row = {"pstate": pstate, "spin": self.spin}
row = {"formula": self.structure.reduced_formula,
"spgroup": self.structure.get_space_group_info()[1],
"polaron": self.varpeq.r.vpq_pkind,
"pstate": pstate, "spin": self.spin}
row["converged"] = df.attrs["converged"]
row["use_filter"] = df.attrs["use_filter"]
row["filter_value"] = df.attrs["filter_value"]
if with_params:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -539,15 +551,23 @@ def plot_scf_cycle(self, ax_mat=None, fontsize=8, **kwargs) -> Figure:
ax.plot(xs, ys, label=entry.latex, c='k')
if == "E_pol":
# Solid line for the *variational* quantity, also put it on top
ls, zord = '-', 10
# Dashed lines for non-variational, put them below
ls, zord = '--', 0

if iax == 1:
energy_like =True
# Plot values linear scale.
ax.plot(xs, ys, label=entry.latex)
ax.plot(xs, ys, label=entry.latex, linestyle=ls, zorder=zord)
elif iax == 2:
energy_like = True
# Plot deltas in logscale.
# (remove the last point for pretty-plotting)
ax.plot(xs[:-1], np.abs(ys - ys[-1])[:-1], label=entry.latex)
ax.plot(xs[:-1], np.abs(ys - ys[-1])[:-1], label=entry.latex,
linestyle=ls, zorder=zord)

ax.set_xlim(1, niter)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1085,7 +1105,7 @@ def __init__(self, filepath: PathLike):
self.vpq_pkind = self.read_string("vpq_pkind")
#self.vpq_aseed = self.read_string("vpq_aseed")
self.ngqpt = self.read_value("gstore_ngqpt")
self.frohl_ntheta = self.read_value("frohl_ntheta")
#self.frohl_ntheta = self.read_value("frohl_ntheta")

# Read important variables.
#self.completed = self.read_value("gstore_completed")
Expand All @@ -1101,8 +1121,7 @@ def __init__(self, filepath: PathLike):
self.brange_spin = self.read_value("brange_spin")
self.brange_spin[:,0] -= 1
self.nb_spin = self.brange_spin[:,1] - self.brange_spin[:,0]

#self.erange_spin = self.read_value("gstore_erange_spin")
self.erange_spin = self.read_value("erange_spin")
# Total number of k/q points for each spin after filtering (if any)
#self.glob_spin_nq = self.read_value("gstore_glob_nq_spin")
#self.glob_nk_spin = self.read_value("gstore_glob_nk_spin")
Expand All @@ -1128,7 +1147,7 @@ class VpqRobot(Robot, RobotWithEbands):
.. inheritance-diagram:: VpqRobot


def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.to_string()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1167,14 +1186,121 @@ def get_final_results_df(self, spin: int = None, sortby: str = None, with_params
return df

#def plot_erange_conv(self, fontsize=12, **kwargs) -> Figure:
# """
# Plot the convergence of the results wrt to the value of erange.
def plot_erange_conv(self, ax_mat=None, spin: int = 0, pstate: int = 0,
**kwargs) -> List(Figure):
Plot the convergence of the results wrt to the value of erange.
fontsize: fontsize for legends and titles

df = self.get_final_results_df(spin)

# check if dataframe contains entries with efilter
df = df[df["use_filter"] & (df["pstate"] == pstate)]
if df.empty:
raise RuntimeError("No entries with energy filtering.")

# Check if df contains information about multuple systems, polarons, etc
systems = set(df["formula"])
spgroups = set(df["spgroup"])
polarons = set(df["polaron"])

# For each system, spgroup and polaron type, we will plot convergence at a fixed ngkpt
# Entries with single filtering value for a fixed ngkpt are skipped

# count number of plots
entries = {}
for sys in systems:
for spg in spgroups:
for pol in polarons:
filtered_df = df[(df["formula"] == sys) &
(df["spgroup"] == spg) &
(df["polaron"] == pol)]
entry_keys = (sys, spg, pol)

for scell in set(filtered_df["ngkpt"]):

count = (df["ngkpt"] == scell).sum()
# only if we ecnounter multiple entries for single scell (for convergence)
if count > 1:
if entry_keys in entries:
entries[entry_keys] = [scell]

if not entries:
raise RuntimeError("Not enough data for convergence with energy filteing.")

# For each entry, plot convergence wrt erange for each ngkpt
fig_list = []
for system_keys, scell_list in entries.items():

formula, spg, pol = system_keys

entry_df = df[(df["formula"] == formula) &
(df["spgroup"] == spg) &
(df["polaron"] == pol)]

nrows, ncols = len(scell_list), 2
ax_mat, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(None, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols,
sharex=True, sharey=False, squeeze=False)

for iax, scell in enumerate(scell_list):
scell_df = entry_df[entry_df["ngkpt"] == scell]

frohich_correction = [True, False]

for avg_g in frohich_correction:
_df = scell_df[scell_df["avg_g"] == avg_g].sort_values("filter_value")

if _df.empty:

epol = _df["E_pol"].to_numpy()
eps = _df["epsilon"].to_numpy()
filter = _df["filter_value"].to_numpy()

frohlich_label = " + LR correction" if avg_g else ""

# Convergence
ax_mat[iax,0].plot(filter, epol, 's-', **kwargs)
ax_mat[iax,0].plot(filter, eps, 's-', **kwargs)

# Relative error
ax_mat[iax,1].plot(filter[:-1], np.abs((epol - epol[-1])/epol[-1])[:-1]*100, 's-',
label=r'$E_{pol}$' + frohlich_label, **kwargs)
ax_mat[iax,1].plot(filter[:-1], np.abs((eps - eps[-1])/eps[-1])[:-1]*100, 's-',
label=r"$\varepsilon$" + frohlich_label, **kwargs)

ax_mat[iax,0].set_ylabel("Energy (eV)")
ax_mat[iax,1].set_ylabel("Relative error (%)")

ax_mat[iax,1].legend(title=f"k-mesh = {scell}")

for icol in range(ncols):

ax_mat[0,0].set_title("Energy convergence")
ax_mat[0,1].set_title("Relative error")
for icol in range(ncols):
ax_mat[nrows-1,icol].set_xlabel("Filter value (eV)")

title = f"{formula}, space group {spg}, {pol} polaron"


return fig_list

# Args:
# colormap: Color map. Have a look at the colormaps here and decide which one you like:
# fontsize: fontsize for legends and titles
# """
# fig = self.plot_convergence(self, item: Union[str, Callable],
# sortby=None, hue=None, abs_conv=None,
# ax=None, fontsize=8, **kwargs)
Expand Down

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