Tiny multipurpose USB-to-UART board. See web page for further details.
- Open Source
- USB to UART bridge for development and debugging
- Data transfer rates up to 3M baud
- Small footprint 0.6" x 0.6"
- Four programmable GPIOs
- 5V output from USB port
- 3.3V output from integrated regulated proving 100mA
- Programmable clock output (93.75KHz to 24MHz)
- Flexible GPIO voltages (1.8V to 5.0V)
- Low operating current : 9.5mA
- Remote wakeup for waking a suspended host
- 16 Standard 0.1" headers to access all CP2102N pins
- Easy solder-jumper configuration similar to MicroFTX
- Cross platform support by SiLabs
- No firmware development required, royalty-free Virtual COM port drivers, and Simple GUI-based configurator by SiLabs
- See CP2102N datasheet
MicroFTX is a nifty little gadget using FTDI chips to create a USB to serial interface. This work is based on MicroFTX, however, it uses SiLabs' CP2102N chip.