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GoBooDo is a python3 program for downloading previewable books on Google books. It downloads high resolution images (1500dpi) of pages and combines them to save the file as a PDF.
For downloading a book GoBooDo requires the book id which can be fetched from the url of the book. For instance consider the example below:
in this url the id=XXX is the part we are interested in.
To start downloading:
python GoBooDo.py --id=XUwOtdcIWdkC
The configuration can be done in the settings.json and the description is as follows:
"country":"co.in", //The TLD for the service that is being used for example books.google.co.in or books.google.de
"proxy_links":0, //0 for disabling proxy when fetching page links upon reaching the limit.
"proxy_images":0, //0 for disabling proxy when fetching page images upon reaching the limit.
"max_retry_links":1, // max retries for fetching a link using proxies.
"max_retry_images":1 // max retries for a fetching a image using proxies.
The output will be saved as a folder named the 'id' of the book which was given as input. The final PDF will be in the output folder inside it along with a folder containing the images. Proxies may be added in proxies.txt (a sample proxy has been added already).
Use pip install requirements.txt for installing all the packages at once.
- Stateful : GoBooDo keeps a track of the books which are downloaded. In each subsequent iterations of operation only those those links and images are fetched which were not downloaded earlier.
- Proxy support : Since Google limits the amount of pages accessible to each individual majorly on the basis of IP address, GoBooDo uses proxies for circumventing that limit and maximizing the number of pages that can be accessed in the preview.
- Add proxy integration with a checker.
- Make the system more robust from being detected by google.