Following are the dependencies -
1. Numpy
2. Scikit-Learn - For testing, cross-validation and metric calculation
3. Matplotlib - Visualising Cost and Accuracy over time
Install the python3 dependencies by running -
pip3 install -r requirements
There are three python files -
- loads the best performing model I made, plots its Cost vs Epochs and Accuracy vs Epochs graphs, and makes prediction on the whole Iris dataset. Below is the config I used -
Architecture -
layer_nodes = [4, 15, 20, 10, 3]
activation = sigmoid
output_activation = sigmoid
loss = crossentropy
Training -
epochs = 1000
alpha = 1e-3
regularisation parameter = 0.05
batch size = 30
dropout = 0.0
I used the following specs for sklearn's train/test split -
test_size = 0.33
random_state = 42
This model achieved a training accuracy of ~0.97, test accuracy of 1.0, and a mean cross validation accuracy of ~0.99. It gave slightly better training accuracies till 2000 epochs but turned stagnant after that. is the Neural Network library I was tasked to make. A list is passed during object creation which builds the architecture of the network. A pre-trained model can also be loaded. The class has four methods - train, predict, evaluate, and dump which do as they read. One can chose among softmax and sigmoid for output activation, tanh and sigmoid for hidden layer activation, and MSE and Cross Entropy for loss calculation. L1 Regularisation of weights and biases, and dropout to reduce overfitting are also options. The file itself is well documented, so I will be leaving out a detailed explanation. shows NeuralNet's API usage. I have also included helper functions from scikit-learn - train_test_split, classification_report, and KFold - which help in selecting the best model.