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Musical Face is an app which lets you play songs from Spotify based on your facial expression.

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Musical Face is an app which lets you play songs from Spotify based on your facial expression.

Your Expression Neural Networks Spotify songs based on expression

Musical Face brings a blend of images and audio to the end user of this application. Not everytime is it convinient for one to use voice/manual input to play songs based on mood. Musical Face uses sophisticated CNN and RNN models to play songs based on the expression of the user. A happy face unlocks 10 happy songs on Spotify for the user looking in his/her webcam.

Workflow of Musical Face


*The data source for images comes from a very common challenge from Kaggle for Facial Expression Recognition of B&W images.

*The song dataset comes from MoodyLyrics: A Sentiment Annotated Lyrics Dataset. This serves as data for training the RNN model.

CNN Architecture for Facial Expression Recognition

The architectue consists of a CNN model, which is trained on 28,709 examples and validated on 3,589 examples, predicts the emotion of person as following:

Face Expression Code
Angry 0
Disgust 1
Fear 2
Happy 3
Sad 4
Surprise 5
Neutral 6

The architecture of the CNN is as follows:

Conv2D layers: 64, (3,3) Dropout : 0.25 128, (5,5) Dropout : 0.25 512, (3,3) Dropout : 0.5 512, (3,3) Dropout : 0.1 Activation for all Conv2D : tanh Fully Connected Layers: 256, ReLU, Dropout(0.5) 512, ReLU, Dropout(0.5) 7, Softmax BatchNormalization at all layers

CNN Architecture

RNN Architecture for Songs' mood classification based on lyrics

Since the labelled dataset of songs had 4 emotions, angry, happy, sad and relaxed, the above 7 emotions were clubbed as follows:

Face Expression Clubbed Emotion for song
Angry, Disgust Angry
Fear, Sad Sad
Happy Happy
Surprise, Neutral Relaxed

The architecture of RNN is as follows:

Embedding layer - in (600) out(600,50) LSTM- in (600,50) out(32) Dense- in(32) Activation(ReLU) out(256) Dropout(0.2) Dense- in(256) Activation(Softmax) out(4)

RNN Architecture

The RNN model was trained on 1648 songs' lyrics and validated on 413 songs' lyrics. The model is then used for classification of 56000 songs' lyrics into the aforementioned 4 emotions.

The accuracy of CNN model reaches 61.49% and that of RNN is 84.5%.

Files and usage:

* : training of CNN model for facial expression classification. * : training of RNN model for songs' emotion classification based on lyrics. * file to be run from command prompt with usage as:

python --choice <your choice> --modelpath <path to saved cnn model>


0: for webcam

1: for local saved image

modelpath: path to saved cnn model or exp_detector6149.h5 can be used for default.

client_id and client_secret should be provided from oneself and can be accessed by Spotify Developer Dashboard. Details can be found here.

Attached is a screenshot of the expected output after running on the terminal:


*Convolutional Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recognition


Musical Face is an app which lets you play songs from Spotify based on your facial expression.







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