qtools is a toolset comprised of a Python library Qpyl and a set of command-line tools, for use with the molecular dynamics simulation package Q. This open-source project was created by Miha Purg (currently at Uppsala University) in order to provide Q-users with a set of well-tested tools for automating repetitive and/or tedious tasks, debugging simulations, and analysing results. The author strives to achieve a good balance between the level of user-control over Q (i.e., relatively low abstraction level) and the ease-of-use provided by qtools.
Disclaimer: qtools is not affiliated with Q nor should it be considered an official toolset for Q.
- Python wrapper for Q
- Parameter conversions (FFLD OPLS, Amber/GAFF)
- Input generation for molecular dynamics/free energy perturbation/umbrella sampling (MD/FEP/US) simulations
- FEP-file generation for empirical valence bond (EVB) simulations
- EVB mapping and automatic fitting of off-diagonal and gas-shift parameters
- Linear response approximation (LRA) calculations (including group contributions)
- Output parsing and analysis of MD, FEP, and EVB
- Support for Q6 (quantum classical path and group exclusion calculations)
- Graphical tool for visualizing results and debugging simulations:
- Free-energy profiles & sampling distributions
- LRA and reorganization free-energy breakdown
- LRA group contributions
- Energy breakdown (vdW, electrostatics, ...)
- Python 3.4+
- Q (see the Q6 github page).
- matplotlib is required for q_plot.py, a non-essential utility used mostly for troubleshooting simulations.
Clone the repository:
mkdir -p ~/bin && cd ~/bin
git clone https://github.com/mpurg/qtools
If using Bash, add this line to your ~/.bashrc
source $HOME/bin/qtools/qtools_init.sh
Reload .bashrc and run the CLI config script:
source ~/.bashrc
This script looks for Q executables in your PATH
and creates a default settings-file $QTOOLS_HOME/qscripts.cfg
If the executables are not found the settings file should be modified manually.
The starting point should be the docs/tutorials
It contains working examples of how you can use the command line tools to prepare, simulate and analyse a simple SN2 reaction with EVB. Additionally, a recently published chapter in the serial Methods in Enzymology provides step-by-step instructions for performing EVB simulations on a real enzymatic system with qtools
. Manuscript available here (paywalled).
For those inclined on using the Python API directly, jupyter-notebook examples calling the Qpyl API can be found in docs/examples
. The API reference can be found in docs/api/html
. Additionally, the tests, and the command-line interface (qscripts-cli) can be useful to explore the API.
Automated Testing is performed on Travis-CI,
with pytest for Qpyl
(code coverage).
and simple regression tests for CLI tools.
To run the tests locally make sure you have pytest
and pytest-cov
installed, then type:
export QBIN_DIR=$HOME/apps/Q6/bin # absolute path to your local Q-binary folder (optional)
cd tests
is not set, pre-compiled Q binaries will be downloaded from Github.
To acknowledge the use of qtools in scientific publications, please specify the version and the
DOI of the latest release:
...analysis was performed with qtools v0.7.0 (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.842003).
Submit issues and feature requests to Github (https://github.com/mpurg/qtools/issues).
To contribute create a pull request.
Miha Purg ([email protected])
Paul Bauer Florian van der Ent