Breaking change for Tugboat users only: to continue using BLT Tugboat integration, run composer require acquia/blt-tugboat
. See #3737 for details.
Implemented enhancements
- DT-654: Link to troubleshooting guide for errors. (#3787)
- Replaced tivie/php-os-detector with drupol/phposinfo. (#3781)
- DT-597: Run updates after CDE DB copies. (#3778)
- DT-584: Support custom filesets via BLT plugins (#3782)
- DT-633: blt:dev:link-composer lando support (#3773)
- DT-628: Update default Lightning version to 4.x. (#3770)
- Fixes #3645: Allow EnvironmentDetector to be overridden. (#3737)
- DT-548: Remove patches when dev-linking BLT. (#3771)
Fixed bugs
- Clear cache before sql-sanitise on sync (#3792)
- Fix Issue-3767 Git commit fails due to yaml linting. (#3775)
- DT-577: Ensure after_failure runs during Travis tests. (#3768)