A responsive copy of the Patagonia website created to practice HTML, CSS, and SASS.
- Fully responsive design using Flexbox and Grid, with Grid applied for layout and overlay effects.
- Features CSS animations with gradient, hover, and line-up effects.
- Built with SASS, using variables, mixins, and conditions in a modular SCSS structure.
- Follows BEM methodology for clean, maintainable CSS class naming.
- Prioritizes accessibility with semantic HTML and ARIA attributes.
Note: This is the week 1 project of the Integridy Oy's Full Stack program.Thanks go to the instructors(@anhNguyenNgoc),staff at Integrigy and collegates for their help and support.
Note: This project is not for commercial use. It is only for practicing purpose. All the images and contents are from Patagonia and unsplash.