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Media Player

This project is a media management system built using C# and .NET, following Clean Architecture principles. It separates the application into three layers: Core, Service, and Infrastructure, promoting scalability, maintainability, and modularity.

Getting Started


Before you can run the project, ensure you have the following installed:


  1. Clone the Repository:
    Clone the project from the GitHub repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory:

    cd MediaPlayer.Infrastructure
  3. Install Dependencies: Run the following command to restore the necessary packages:

dotnet restore
  1. Build the Project: Use the following command to build the project:
dotnet build
  1. Run the Application: Once the project is built, use the following command to run the application:
dotnet run

Running Tests

To run the unit tests for the project, navigate to the test folder and use the following command:

dotnet test


  • Authentication: Role-based authentication for users and admins.
  • Media Management: Manage audio and video files, supporting multiple media types.
  • Playlists: Create, manage, and control playlists (play, pause, stop functionality).
  • Notification System: Separate notification entities for users and admins.

Design Principles

Clean Architecture

The application adheres to Clean Architecture principles, separating responsibilities into three main layers:

1. Core Layer

This layer contains the domain entities, interfaces, and enums.


  • INofity interface defines the shape of global notification.
  • IMediaPlayerMonitor interface defines the shape of the media player status observer.
  • IAudioble and IVideoable interfaces define the shape of the audio and video media files.


These abstractions define the shape of the repositories that manage the user, media and playlists in the application.

They are implemented in the Infrastructure layer.


  • A base User class that contains the common properties of all users.
  • User class has a virtual property UserType that can be overridden by derived classes.
  • Admin class inherits from User class and overrides the UserType property.
  • An abstract Media class that contains the common properties of all media files. this class should not be directly instantiated.
  • Video and Audio classes inherit from the Media class. Each class implements the MediaType property.
  • Video and Audio classes implement the IVideoable and IAudioble interface respectly.
  • A PlayList class that contains the common properties of all playtracks.
  • UserNotification Entity and AdminNotification Entity


All Enums are kept in this layer.


Helper classes such as validator.

2.Service Layer

This layer contains the business logic of the application.

  • DTO => defines the shape of Data transfer among different layers.
  • Service => deals with business logic, all the validation, and transformation should be done here.
  • Utils => Helper classes such as factory functions.

More on Service

  • MediaService and UserService are only accessable by Admins. This is achieved through mandotary Admin injection.
  • Media repository and user repository are also injected as dependencies of each service.
  • Data validation and business logic are handled in the service layer, but CRUD operations are communicated in the repository layer.
  • PlayListService deals the CRUD operations of playlists.
  • PlaylistControlService deals with the play, pause, stop operations of the playtracks.

3. Infrastructure Layer

This is the outermost layer of the application.

  • It contains the entry point to the application - Program.cs.
  • Data from external sources such as databases is accessed in this layer.
  • The implementation of the repositories is in this layer.

SOLID Principles

  • Single Responsibility Principle: each class is responsible for a single task.
  • Open/Closed Principle: the classes are open for extension but closed for modification. For instance, the User class is open for extension by derived classes but closed for modification.
  • Liskov Substitution Principle: derived classes can be substituted for their base classes. For instance, the Audio class can be substituted for the Media class.
  • Interface Segregation Principle: the interfaces are specific to the classes that use them. For instance, the IVideoable and IAudioble interfaces are specific to the Video and Audio classes.
  • Dependency Inversion Principle: the high-level modules depend on abstractions, not on concrete implementations. For instance, the MediaService class depends on the IMediaRepository interface, not on the MediaRepository class.


A backend Media Player application built with C#.






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