Dockerized Cryptopayments application
Programming Language: C#
Unit tests: NUnit
Entity Framework
SQL Server
docker build -t cryptopayments .
It takes some time to pull from microsoft/dotnet-framework and from microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer(~4G)
Path to the transactions files can be changed from ENTRYPOINT, found in Dockerfile If the files are not found, the strings are read from Application.cs
docker run cryptopayments
docker-compose up
SQL Server needs to be started first and the service for the app needs to wait until init is done
Starting SQL server: docker-compose up sqldocker
Application: docker-compose up appcrypto
For building separately db
cd db; docker build -t db .;
Running outside the container
using the SQL server started above:
Find available network
docker network ls docker inspect cryptopaymentsdocker_dockermysql-net > network_inpect
Ex IPv4-> netstat -an should show this IP
telnet 1433 -> should connect
Needs to be added in App.config-> ConnectionString tag or in TransactionContext.cs private string scmConnectionString -> Data Source=,1433 or DataSource=efmysqldocker\SQLSERVER,1433
Run in Container
docker ps -> get container ID/NAME
Data Source=CONTAINERID,1433 or CONTAINERNAME=efmysqldocker,1433
Check SQL Server connection inside the container
docker exec -it efsqldocker sqlcmd
1> print Suser_Sname() 2> GO User Manager\ContainerAdministrator
Using App.config
Logger DB is in Logger.txt
The unit rests are in Transaction.Test.cs tests_playlist represents the list that can be run from Visual Studio