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Technical Minutes 2020 09 11

Andrew Cooke edited this page Sep 25, 2020 · 1 revision

ICAR Animal Data Exchange Working Group – Technical meeting 11 September 2020

  • In attendance: Andrew C, Anton H, Bert VL, Craig V, Erwin S, Kor O, Marvin R, Thomas D, Thomas P.


  1. Health Status - to include in ADE 1.1 or not?
  2. Completing v 1.1 release
  3. Role of the Technical group and the ADE working group
  4. URL changes for 1.2

1. Add animal health status to Animal Core resource (#148)

There is a reasonable amount of discussion to happen on this, suggest it is included in v 1.2. This is a change to add a healthStatus field to icarAnimalCoreResource but the set of values is not clear. Outcome: Agreed to move this to v 1.2 and for everyone to review and discuss with their experts.

2. Completing v 1.1 release

To merge PR #151 Then just need the change log to be upgraded, and labels and releases to be completed.

2. Role of the technical group and the ADE working group

Bert asked whether there was still a role for the wide ADE working group, as most of the work is now happening in the technical sub-group. The team noted that there are more decision-makers in the wider group, and they are better placed to promote adoption. The ADE WG had a sub-group for adoption, and they felt the work might be done, but we considered there is more to do over time. This group has IT technical specialists but not necessarily breeding, milking, and feed specialists. There may be a role for liaising with other ICAR working groups and other standards organisations (e.g. pigs). There may be other scope areas that the technical group does not know about. Outcome: Our recommendation was that the ADE working group should still provide oversight, but may wish to meet less frequently, either every few months, or after each release, or a a combined group occassionally. Bert to write a memo and we will share it with the ADE WG

3. Roadmap for ADE 1.2

  • #93 There is a reasonable amount of discussion to happen on this, suggest it is included in v 1.2. Feeding (as noted last meeting). There would be benefit in others with more knowledge collaborating on this. Kor, Erwin, and Thomas D to start collaboration.
  • #147 Put and Post
  • #98 Change of ownership of animals
  • #148 Health status and perhaps withdrawals for milk and meat
  • Carcase data (Andrew is doing some work with an Australian entity, Erwin notes that CRV is doing some work in this area). ** Outcome: ** log issues and label as "enhancement". After 1.1 is released, change the labels to "this-release".


  • POST to insert a new entity seems straightforward (PUT and PATCH need thinking).
  • To insert, you would POST to the collection URL - either a single object or a collection of new objects.
  • Consider result codes - e.g. success 200, created 201, accepted 202
  • Need to return the ID of the inserted record (or records?). Do we need a more complex response to deal with errors or rejected data. If multiple items are posted, you require a result for each.
  • Do we need to address identification of events (ID) as multiple systems may need to synchronise data?
  • Some systems have internal identifiers that are compound keys. A URL can sometimes be used to represent these.
  • Local instances on PCs or IOT device might not be an issuer of keys.
  • Is there a requirement to link IDs between different systems? Internal IDs and cross-references. A combination of source system and ID? ** Outcome: ** we should investigate how others, particularly in the IOT space, are handling this. Andrew and Anton will look into this (as Arjan too).

Next meeting scheduled for 25 September 2020 at 9am CET

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